Got a software dev position for $30k. I'm 18yo. is this good lads...

got a software dev position for $30k. I'm 18yo. is this good lads? for reference in the UK entry level software dev is about $30k.

figure after 2 years of this bear market i should be able to get ~600 eth (that's with trading shitcoins for extra income too).

am i finna make it? i dropped out when i was 16 because i unironically had $300k from crypto but have lost nearly all of it now

any advice? clearly i just got lucky... i just dont want to wageslave for 40 years anons. especially without a degree im fucked. unless i start a business i guess. still live with my parents and can live with them w/o paying rent until im 20yo.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-20 at 22.05.23.png (1424x858, 736K)

Entry level in the U.S is 200k. Are Europoors really this fucked?

yeh you americans have no idea how lucky you are. Only reason i'm even able to get this much w/o a degree is because it's a remote job for an American company.

I would immigrate there but getting a green card is hard as shit

Yes, at FAANG

That's not a First World Country salary. You've been lowballed.

yes it is. Here in the Uk it's average starting salary for a junior dev. most people here make £15-30k unless you are v. specialised or have more than 5 years exp.

goddamn americans i swear you guys have no idea how good you have it. I see so many americans that are unironic commies when in fact it's high taxes, high min. wage and all round general more socialist-leaning policies that have caused the low wages in the UK and other parts of Europe alike

how did you get a job without a degree? strong portfolio?

Hehe I legit smiled just now when I heard Honda is shutting its UK plant. I hate this country so much. I hope it fucking implodes, it’s why I voted for BREXIT. Also fuck noggers

i feel sorry for u britbro, uk was a cool place, shit, europe seemed so cool, now i feel kinda sad about how its going over there

Don’t be sad. This shithole needs to be destroyed. DO NOT INVEST IN THE UK OR BUY UK PRODUCTS. By doing so you are merely prolonging our agony. We need this rotten edifice to completely collapse so we can have a purging revolution that is long overdue.

>entry level is 200k
lmao and let me guess, you know this because you're an underwater welder making 500k right?

No more crumpets, got it.

entry level is more like 100k you fucking tard

its actually 50k you fucking tard

its actually 25k you fucking tard

Only at top tech companies in commiefornia retard, 50% of that goes to taxes. Starting in the US is 70k on average and that's with a degree

I don't live in commiefornia and paid 26% tax (including FICA).

>yurocuck salaries
>this is what the socialists want america to be like

jesus fucking christ please dont ever let the democrats win

>50% of that goes to taxes

That's too high, NEET.

yeh my portfolio is not your average devs. its probably better than most college grads unironically. not being cocky.

>custom implementations of various elliptic curve signature algorithms etc.
>virtual machine + basic programming language i created
>some basic webdev shit
and of course meme tier stuff like
>smart contracts
>mongodB, lmdb, mysql etc.

and lots of different languages. ive got rust, c++, go, javascript, solidity on there
its all stuff thats just accumulated on there since i was like a 15yo

based turbozoomer bong
no idea how you blew through $300k from 16 to 18, though
you unironically need to have some discipline and put some of that money in savings you don't touch (make it CAN'T touch, if you can't control yourself). from your writing if not larp you come across as high-performance, high-strung type who is going to burnout inevitably

not good salary

build app and sell it

once you pass 30k hire yourself

now good salary

Try 60 to 80 in most places - and bear in mind that's just while you're a junior. You'll be up into the 6 figures rapidly, 200k is certainly doable. Of course, once you've got a few years start your own business and make even more.

yeh it is. average income is around 30k in most EU nations. you don't have to pay shit for healthcare or education. only rent and food. 30k is fine lad. you are 18. take the job and ask for a raise in 2 years, if not quit.