What am I in for?
Just hired here
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Oh man. Nothing good, although the exact level of suck will vary based on line of service, region, industry, and client(s).
No one will expect you to know anything in your first year, which is one of the few positives that come to mind
t. Ex PwC Assurance.
Working yourself to a literal death
I know the Ernsts btw. They're p chill.
Depends a lot. Are you in Europe or America? My European capital city office is very nice and no one shits on you for doing remote work when you can. In America the pay is slightly better, days are longer and the job is slightly tougher.
I am in audit, first year was truly hell and you wanna quit, second year was easier even though you have more responsibility, because you have actually built talent and know what to do.
I should be locked in for the senior promotion for next year, I will stay at least 1 more year. The exit opportunities generally are worth it, and whatever you end up doing afterwards might actually feel easier.
Service line also matters, I hear tax can be even nice, even, just lounging at the office. In audit we travel to clients all fucking day which gets exhausting, although is also interesting.
>he went public instead of private
fucking idiot. I work 40 a week and started 25k higher than you out of the gate. why do people do that to themselves?
Get your CPA, learn how to code, and make a beeline straight for Accenture.
fucking white people
i would blow my brains out
i almost went there for consulting but ultimately decided not to since everyone was telling me it sucks.
Accenture here, I'm unironically looking to go to EY this summer, because they pay more
is it really as shit as people are saying in this thread? all memes aside?
what in the... name of fuck
like I said in my above post, you should be already used to budgets and keeping strict track of your time at Accenture, so that should not come as a surprise.
Being European I can't comment on how things are in America, things might be more cut-throat. Having to "eat hours", for example, is not a thing here, but in America they say it can happen.
I've stayed a year and a half and I will probably end up staying 3 or so. After first year you get used to things and you build expertise, it's not so bad! Social skills improve like hell due to the social aspect of the work, too, so that can genuinely help with the ladies for example.
PWC fag here, I write software for all LOS...fml
>is it really as shit as people are saying in this thread? all memes aside?
Yes. I only did 2 years. No clue how people can hang in there longer than that without completely burning out. There were a few stretches where I worked like 50-60 days straight (usually from the office Saturday and from home Sunday).
When I say day I literally mean the whole day, not uncommon to finish up around 1-2 am and be back to work by 9 am. Friday’s and weekends were more relaxed, but if you total it up you’re looking at 80-90 hours on average.
Everyone’s experience will be different becuase no one will have the same client mix though.
. Could be worse, at least you’re 100% internal I’d assume,
Friend's sister works there and is worked to death.
I work in the office next door, we should grab an M&S sandwich some time and blow each other by the fountain.
>calls wagecucks "talent"
>my fuckin sides when the above is said
EY till I die motherfuckers.
Hey, I wouldnt be working here if I had the smarts to do better, Im the first to admit that. But meanwhile it's cool to get some experience, always keeping my eyes open and you can do entrepreneurial things anytime.
Great video, just send this to all my ex collegues from PwC
You aint seen nothing EYt.
Pic related
Nigger all these cabinets suck,
While in there:
Learn processes, learn to code, get friends with your clients, start your own consulting business, get hired by your client friends and profit
T. Ex accenture who left at manager
> white people
No self respecting coloured person would ever be seen doing this retarded cringey shit. This is subtle racism, keeping the ethnic minorities out of the big 4.
Yeah and in 5 years when you have gotten a whole 10k in raises, he will be hired to be your bosses boss due his Big 4 experience. Working Big 4 sucks major ass, but there are some pretty big upsides.
True. For now you got the comfy life. In 5years. He is earning 50% more with the same hours if he ever prefers to change to industry jobs.
Big 4 is selling your soul, but big rewards are coming later.
I worked in a Deloitte office with about 100 people, and 1 black, female auditor. We had a big client that required people from around the world to come and help, an engagement team of about 75 people, and this black first year was on that job. She was angry 100% of the time and would get up and loudly slam her laptop closed, and leave the job site at like 6pm. The rest of the team is staying till midnight, every night. Eventually she got kicked off the team and was unassigned (meaning she sat in the office and watched netflix all day while getting paid 50k), until management got the balls to actually fire her 6 months later.
I just feel like if I were the only black person in an office of 100 people, in an industry notably lacking in my ethnicity, I would feel a huge amount of pressure to not chimp out, and to not be stupid and lazy. She literally tweeted "free at last" when getting fired from her prestigious job at the biggest accounting firm in the world, where she just got paid to do nothing for the past 6 months.
Anyway, you're right, black people don't do this shit.
good goys. get used to being exploited
this. I am a CPA and went straight into industry gaining real valuable skills you can use to run a business. I dont work a second of overtime and make great money.
>Great money
Keep coping, you are not even closely making the same as a CPA coming from big 4. And guess what a CPA from big 4 neither makes overtime in indsutry.
And even if you are selfemployment, the connections from big 4 are the real value.
I'm not arguing, I was totally exploited. With the overtime pay I was never compensated for, I figured out I earned about $18 per hour my first year. My billing rate was $340 an hour, although the company expected to collect somewhere around $200 after (((discounts))).
But this is capitalism, labor gets exploited. The choice to make is what exploitation to subject yourself to.
There is a reason people with 5 years of Big 4 experience make what people with 10 years of industry experience make: you worked with one company seeing one way to do things. I worked at dozens of companies and have seen dozens of ways to do things. Different industries, accounting systems, control difficulties and solutions. Plus you work 25-50% more hours in public as well, meaning that 5 years is more like 7.5, doing much harder, more challenging work.
I can't believe I'm sticking up for Big 4 when I totally hated that shit and left pretty much as soon as I could. But comparing it to going straight to industry out of college... I mean, the retards did that. The kids in school who had like 2.7 GPAs and did't even consider getting their CPA license because "the exam is too hard". I mean, I guess that works out when their future is updating the same spreadsheet the same way for the next 40 years.
I don't know, OP is fucked but he'll probably make a lot of money.
bean counting. i used to work there. it's bullshit. everyone works like a dog and you're just another gear in the machine. fuck that hell
>tfw it's the top performers who are singing
>tfw if you don't participate in this you're going to be blacklisted
Keep justifying getting absolutely fucked through your best years.
> In 5years. He is earning 50% more with the same hours if he ever prefers to change to industry jobs.
Confirmed you have no idea what you are talking about, since that is wrong on so many levels.
My bosses boss works 70+ a week because that's how much middle managers work.
>the connections from big 4 are the real value.
Holy shit lmao
It's literally the ultimate wagecuck hell. You sacrifice most of your youth to get a somewhat comfy job in 5-10 years.
>She was angry 100% of the time and would get up and loudly slam her laptop closed, and leave the job site at like 6pm. The rest of the team is staying till midnight, every night.
She sounds pretty based and you sound like a bunch of dumb cucks. Salary lol?
Never do more than 8h on a salary kid
what about it consulting? any tips or recommendations?
t. business student majoring in information systems
I just started here. What am I in for?