>that first hit of Cannabis after you get home from work
does anything feel better? I haven’t found it yet
>that first hit of Cannabis after you get home from work
does anything feel better? I haven’t found it yet
>waking up whenever you want becauae you don't wageslave
feels better desu
>He's not hitting the opiates
Not gonna make it.
not having to work in the first place
>does anything feel better?
Yeah, being 3 years free of all substance abuse and having the mind fog finally clear.
Quitting your job with cash reserves for 1 year
The first time you self sufficiently make enough to live on and you realize you’ll be free for life
yep, can't believe im writing this but the weed is too damn strong and cheap
being high at work feels better
Struggling too, smoke hasj on a daily basis, but i don't get my shit done
Sex feels better
That and going out to drink with friends after a longass day at work.
He's not smoking crack
Call me a pussy idgaf weed caused a panic attack so severe that I felt like my heart was beating a millions mile per minute and I felt like I was going to die. Never again.
That first hit of pussy after not being able to fuck your girlfriend for a couple days because the both of you are tired from work
Waking up and smoking a Marlboro with my coffee.
Smoked so much for about 10 years but in 2016 they busted me and took my drivers licence... took me 1 year to get it back and roughly 4K investment.... that somehow took the fun out of smoking... got a child now, so its kinda good I guess, but here and then I feel like I just want to puff that shit and play vidia..... good ol times
Damn. Work is literally designed to keep intelligent hard working people from breeding. Meanwhile, those who just collect welfare are never too tired to breed.
I unironically think that as daily evening activity sex is, on paper, less enjoyable than smoking a joint in front of a movie/listening to music/whatever because it involves effort, it's not simply a reward. Unless pump and dump is your style. Then again, having weed as your main activity will destroy your will to do things in your free time(exactly because it's just a reward, a reward without some previous effort, like a day at work or cleaning the house thoroughly, will leave you unsatisfied) and the tolerance buildup will inevitably turn it into a costly habit unless you give yourself time to clean your system.
Weed could ideally be a one day at week activity, where you use it to explore what you want from your life, what are the issues if any and, why not, to just relax and let your mind make new connections through art or nature.
If you feel panic, for example, just let it flow and try to grasp what is the issue that is causing it, most of the time you'll find it's just because you've been procrastinating something important to you or you feel you've wronged someone you care about. Or simply you are in a situation that you aren't really enjoying(peer pressure). Use this emotion enhancer to your advantage if you must.
I've taken this position after abusing it for a long time, so expect to become an addicted faggot until you understand. I don't condemn daily use, but it's a routine that will deprive you of a lot of alternatives and expose you to spend a lot, both because you are smoking more and more to get high and because you'll be blind to valuable hobbies.
Making love to a girl you care for
Raising hell and having fun with friends you'd die for
Seeing your kids grow up and make you proud
Prefer my tobacco pipe and straight Latakia but whatevers
pot is overrated and you are probably >20
probably posting this in a dead thread that OP has abandon but i just want to say that there is some people that gets extremely addicted to weed. i am one of those, you wont realize it the first couple of years but when your coming close to 30 and it hits you that you have no friends outside of weed and that its ur only hobby, makes it a real bitch too quit. this is coming from some one who dabbled in all kinds of drugs, pot is actually the hardest to refrain from due to social pressure etc. so yeah dont over due pot thats all
>that first hit of cannabis, along with your morning coffee, while pathetic wagies race to work in order to pay you rent.
That's my dream
But as a third worlder if I don't work, I starve
Yeah, the first hit after a workout