Is anyone here smart like 140 IQ. Will there will be another 2017 style bullmarket and we got a chance to make it? Or do we give up and go home.
Is anyone here smart like 140 IQ. Will there will be another 2017 style bullmarket and we got a chance to make it...
'Fraid not
Bitcoin is going to go through hell, but yeah there's going to be a couple more chances to make even more money than 2017. It should bottom out around $200 and will almost touch its previous high by Summer 2020, something like $15k. Then it'll die again and it'll peak around January 2022, like $38k.
Download yourself some prediction signals
Show chart with squiggly lines
You’d need normies to get back into crypto for it to moon like it did in 2017, and I don’t think they are too interested after the bearish year we just had.
If BTC starts to pick up pace and gets above 10k it may attract them back in, but I don’t think they’ll be as frivolent with their money this time around
If anyone tries to argue with TA, you know they don't really know what they're doing. Any cunt could Google how to do that shit. If it worked, then everyone would be rich. It's literally the first thing newfags look up how to do when they enter a market for the first time.
why would they tell you?
200 IQ here, Look,
Its over
Will be a total bloodbath.
Once BTC has some serious gains and is close to previous ATH (or has some impressive consistent gains) media will start reporting again. It will be worse than 2017. Floods of Normies will buy this time. BTC will go to 100.000,- or higher before it crashes down to like 20.000,-
How'd you figure this one out?
I think IQ doesn't measure long term future prediction as well as problem solving. Plenty of my extremely smart tech friends missed bitcoin, for instance. Even though we all talked about it.
I think it's probably a large multiplayer game reaching a nash equilibrium. All currency and divisible assets play a part. Crypto will enable more players in that game and the existing players will continue to make new moves. There will be shakeups still, thats for sure.
185 genocidal IQ here
unironically the golden bull run will be only the beginning
eventually BTC will float between 1mil and 2mil as a collectors item reserved for the uber rich
fiat will still exist as currency and debt instrument but people will use the so called alts as money
you have guarantied 100x on everything that has hashrate and is trying to be money
Well over 140 here. Yes there will be a 100- 1000x 2017 bullmarket, if global adaption. Meaning all the following conditions must be fulfilled:
1. Fiat gateways to crypto must not be banned or heavily restricted
2. Banking must not come up with technical solutions that give a quantitative and qualitative better experience for users
3. Central banks must not come up with a better, yet decentralized, cryptocurrency
Vox is great.
Yes 162 here. I don't have a crystal ball, make your bets on the knowledge you have.
I'm interested in what the smart guys have to say about the most polarizing cryptos on Jow Forums.
If we need normies, why not just flood the web with promising insights to get them to buy into it?
Make very easy to follow guides to buy and trade, make bitcoin memes, "10% of you paycheck", etc.
Just make it widely believed that bitcoin will have another run and if normies don't get in, they're going to be sorry they didn't. Meanwhile we cash in.
>Just make it widely believed that bitcoin will have another run and if normies don't get in, they're going to be sorry they didn't.
Can't people smell the desperate shilling? Wouldn't a more honest and organic approach be better?
Just sell BTCs strong points.
As long as you have your private keys it's money that you own and insurance against government excess. Having 3-5% of your net worth in it is reasonable.
If you give sensible advice and get a billion people to follow it you've got a big boom.
There will never be another 2017, but the market will recover and grow at a slower pace over the next decade. The fact that BTC has “only” crashed 85% from ATH instead of 95%+ shows this has some staying power, which shows a recovery is going to happen. However, when the crypto market recovers all the shitcoins that pumped overnight in 2017 are going to be left behind. The only project I’m sold on going parabolic in the foreseeable future is Holo. This is a meme market where everyone wants to bet on the shiny, new, revolutionary thing in distributed computing tech.
Yes there will be
My IQ is divisible by 2 from 140. So if i tyep my answer in twice then ti should equal 140+ give or take a point.
> Yes the Bull will return
> Yes the Bull will return
Based. This explains all the shitty TA that people throw around all over the Internet. They just use a bunch of buzzwords to sound smart (lol at Fibonacci sequence) but they overlook the fundamental fact that TA is meaningless in a market that is this manipulated.
I'm unironically tested 137 IQ. No one knows. Fwiw I have 30k in crypto.
There will be no bull run before we hit $2800.
both do not have hash rates, both are not aiming to be money, both are shit
I am not a tech guy, so my comment regarding LINK and XRP would be nothing more than gypsy fortune telling. I can only do macro and probability. Sorry.
160 IQ here.
Yes but you'll have to wait a bit. 2020-2022 will be fun.
Of course if you learn to trade there's always money to be made.
we asked for 140 brainlet
literal dumb faggot
triggered me though so well done.
this is more accurate, the media sentiment will change from 'bubble' to the 'adoption cycle' for new tech, alongside a crushed world economy, people will pour money in.
Not a genius, but I have money that I earned, which probably makes me the authority on Jow Forums. 2017 was fucking child's play. That run up was based on techies throwing their lunch money at it. When 1% of pensions put 1% of their portfolios into BTC, it will represent 10 times more than what was put in in 2017. Everyone talking about "oh normies need to come back", are like generals fighting the last war. The next bull will be fund managers who are seeing that crypto isn't going anywhere and having some in their portfolio will make their impossible discount rates look less impossible,.
In order for there to be another bull run there needs to be more than just speculation, there needs to be use. Look into crypto lending, that is what is going to bring this shit to the next level.
>mostly centralised shitcoin with no functioning software
>a useless token which was tacked on
>thinking any big business would build on this platform rather than layer 2/3 bitcoin solutions to smart contracts which will have the highest security due to the ridiculous hashrate
>"Technical analysis is bad because anyone could learn how to do that shit."
>(That's why just claiming shit without evidence is better)
>"Modern medicine is bad because anyone could go on google, find out the required classes, and download textbooks on libgen. If it worked, then everyone would be rich."
This is the magic of nigger IQ.
>In order for there to be another bull run there needs to be more than just speculation, there needs to be use. Look into crypto lending, that is what is going to bring this shit to the next level.
> You mean the crypto Jew? Fuck there's no escape
Latin America will trigger the next run, G7 countries will not have a real impact in crypto futures.
South Africans are too dumb to adopt crypto, the Arab World actually use petrol and gold as currency, most of India is just like South Africa and China is China.
Meanwhile, you have an educated population in Latin America suffering under terrible wannabe-Chávez governments and policies.
Venezuela already saw some real adaption, everyone who knows what is what uses BTC to avoid taxes when going overseas and people in Argentina already hoard it as they expect the economy to fully collapse.
Also, a libertarian movement is going stronger from Mexico to Patagonia, and everyone who likes that shit eventually own at least some crypto.
That was 2017, in a nutshell. Those who jumped in above $10k got absolutely JUSTed.
Regardless of how we sell the idea to normies, the point that I'm seeing is that we have the ability to control the market and play the role of the common jew. We have 2017 as evidence to dispel any non-believers. It is us, those who come to the table with trust and investments in bitcoin, who hold the power to shill the shit out bitcoins to normies and reap the rewards.
I hate to sound like a newfag right out of 2012, but Jow Forums should rally together like Jow Forums did in the old days and make that shit happen and laugh all the way to the bank.
It has a working alpha and has been demonstrated to deliver on its promises with a legit and very active github, but whatever. You can stay poor. This thread isn’t about Holo, but it checks all the boxes to create hype and FOMO even though the devs have avoided pushing for any of that directly so they don’t get in trouble with the SEC.
yes there will. crypto is about to create a s-style adoption curve and we are at the start of it. there will be much crazier bull runs,
he is unironically an insecure brainlet
This entire conversation was had in 2011 and again in 2015.
136 here.
You have to accept that because Bitcoin's parabolic advance cycles are lengthening, this pushes out the likelihood of another massive bull run way out into the future. The fractal I pulled from says we might not even bottom till 2030 and the the next ATH might be as far out as 2040. I hope that this is just an extreme scenario and that there are other factors involved, but this is the scale we are dealing with here.
I also believe that as Bitcoin becomes more widely adopted out of *necessity* in the third world, it will develop more fundamentally-driven price action (as opposed to hype and news cycle driven), and I think the logarithmic chart is essentially predicting this. Look up the logarithmic Bitcoin chart and you'll see what I mean.
I think the fundamental factors it will track will boil down to geopolitics, global movements of dissent against Statism (anti-EU, anti-Zionist, anti-US hegemony, etc), and obviously the rest of the global markets...
You give them too much credit
They probably already forgot about it
you must've typed in 1 too many digits for your IQ
more syllables than sense
Yeah me. My IQ has been tested. I have a master degree.
>Will there will be another 2017 style bullmarket and we got a chance to make it? Or do we give up and go home.
I have no idea. During the bullmarket I got a bit nervous because the entire world was ready to invest in blockchain products and were ready to adopt them. But these multimillion dollar companies weren't able to produce tangible results and release commercially viable products that make use of the technology. So they peaked too early and couldn't deliver. If the entire world was focussed on you and invests in you and then you continue to produce nothing, then it will be hard to convince the people another time that investing in your buttcoins in a good idea. Especially when you consider that in 2017 even your hairdresser invested in it I find it hard to imagine such a hype could be recreated in the near future.
But the technology is still as viable now as it was then. And we're still in it before the products have been released, so you could still consider yourself an early adopter. That's why I think it's a good idea to hold a bunch of buttcoins.
Although I do wonder which coins will survive. As surely most coins that are out there will be replaced eventually. I personally wouldn't invest anything in tokens, coins meant for a single product that are somehow worth many millions and such things. But general purpose and privacy coins with a large community or corporate backing are still interesting. I'd suggest to always follow the money and check out the partnerships the coins have.
If you see that people accept monero payments for example, or trade their ethereum for ripple to quickly get their money on a different exchange, then that's also quite telling.
>has bad reading comprehension
>blames the author
Yeah but this time it'll take awhile to go back to 20k, but once it gets to 20k it's gonna balloon to 100k cause normies will fall for it again and the 20k barrier mindset is gone.
130+ Ph.D. in physics.
IMO the current btc system cannot secure more than 50k USD per btc. For much larger prices like 10^6$ per btc the network would need much more energy consumption, which is not sustainable today. So the world has to change for much higher btc values. But give it time and it will eventually happen.
I went to some gifted program and I'm not sure if there's a correlation but I strongly suspect high intelligence means more and more people fuck with you.
Or maybe it's just that you're smart enough to recognize people are fucking with you? And worse yet, you're smart enough to be fucked with in new and innovative ways.
Bull runs are caused 100% by human stupidity, and human stupidity is always in a bull run. You just have to wait.
I'm 146 and there won't be one just like that. Next bullrun will be driven by usage and adoption.
Shit will go up but most of useless shit shilled here will die off. When you buy a project, always ask yourself if this is something anyone at all needs/would use. Most of the shit I see on biz is outright scamfest
Vox Day is a joke.
>150 IQ
>fell for the QAnon hoax, like any idiot Boomer
No. The last one was the masses thinking they were getting to play venture capitalist and going manic stepping over themselves to skirt accredited investor rules.
The next revelation in blockchain is automation via oracles. Owning parts of ethereal robots isn't as relatable as crowdfunding and owning a piece of the ground floor of the next Google or Facebook.
What may be the next bull run is investing in centralized companies that are automating the world and some of this will trickle down to crypto because those companies will need crypto to operate but it will be hard to create a speculative bubble that is one degree of separation from the thing that is making norman jizz his pants.