fucking hell why does eating healthy have to be so expensive?
Fucking hell why does eating healthy have to be so expensive?
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meat is not healthy you animal killing piece of shit
I hope you at least steam or boil it.
>implying eating more than a kg of meat per month is a necessity to being healthy
Because your a weak dog
>boiling steak
>not eating it raw
meat is not healthy you animal killing piece of shit
You dont have to eat beef though you can get pork ALOT cheaper.
found the retards.
It is, you vegan retard.
meat is not healthy you animal killing piece of shit
It's not at all expensive. Just eat chicken, fish and veggies and your diet will literally be healthier than 95%+ of Americans. Some red meat is fine, but most Americans eat way too much of it.
This. And boil it or better yet steam it. Steamed veggies taste surprisingly good and fresh plus no oil is used.
>but most Americans eat way too much of it.
there's no such thing as "eating to much meat"
most americans have a plant based diet, then they blame their problems on the 20% meat they eat, while its all the sugar, the grains/bread that's fucking them up.
get your fucking head out of your ass.
Enjoy your clogged arteries
veggies carry no nutrition.
veggies aren't needed at all.
Veganism is cheap, healthy, and ethical. Would recommend.
t. broke but healthy vegan
>veggies carry no nutrition.
Supplement them with poultry, fish and some red meat once in a while.
>t. broke but healthy vegan
imagine being so deluded you think you are healthy, hows that depression? vegtard?
I remember when steak was 1/5th of the price it is today
oh wait, that was not even 10 years ago.
anyone know what the fuck happened?
Into the trash it goes. Give me peer-reviewed papers instead, you pleb.
Not for me. I'm covering my protein needs with this. All other things are cheap anyway.
> spoonfeed me
fuck off.
I am healthy and happy my brother. Where is this animosity coming from?
>eating meat
Fuck i do agree though, I am mainly eating salad, fruit, nuts, seeds throw an egg in every so often...I have spent nearly £150/week at times! I don't shop @ whole paycheck either.
Go ahead & bash, show your ignorance, i don't like to eat food that makes me lethargic, food should give you energy!
lol and here i thought it was going to get cheaper
fuck me
and you have only been vegan for a year, two or less.
cause no one can maintain the vegan life style. it destroys you.
You keep attacking me for things you've made up lol. Why are you doing that?
cause you spread your death cult diet to poor souls and if they decide to "try veganism" they will lose 3 to 5 years of their life to depression and ill feelings.
> random non-scientific youtube videos
Yikes. I didn't tell you to go vegan. As I said, some red meat is fine. My main point was that eating chicken/turkey is at least as healthy as eating expensive red meats like those in OP's pic. The biggest problem in most westerners' diets is eating WAY too many shitty carbs, i.e. soda, bread, dairy, pasta, candy etc.
>Vegan bad, pollute earth good.
>being this retarded
These guys are just like vegans.
>makes claim
>gets angry when asked for evidence
Hahah typical brainlet
genetics you mentally ill waste of air pencil neck, a couple of vegans being strong and healthy compared to the rest of yous skinny pasty pale transparent nigger lovers doesn't make the vegan diet the go to.
Sv3rige/Cringe retard spotted
The secret to eating raw carnivore is that you should eat 80% fat. Animal fat is cheap as fuck, oftwn thrown to trash at the butchers I frequent. Organ meats are the healthiest and usually cheapest.
are you claiming that you actually eat raw trimmings?
If you believe the diet is bad and truly think it should not be spread, dont you think it would be more effective to present an argument backed my reasoning and evidence? I dont think your approach to persuasion is as good as it could be brother.
Get about 8 chicken thighs, it costs about 3 euro. Then line a pyrex glass with foil. Put in onions sauce, pepper, garlic, w/e you want, and throw it in the oven for about an hr on med high. It will braise it in the liquid, get crispy on top, and you have food for a few days. Then add some rice and veggies and you're grand.
Priced out each meal is like 1.50 euro. I buy lamb on days when it is the last day, as it can be half price. You gotta cook it that night or freeze it, but it is a deal.
I don't care about the plebs that want to argue. either accept the info that is presented and do the research yourself, or stay a fucking pleb at the bottom eating grass with the sheep.
you don't even need no science to understand european people grew up on meat and animals.
now I'm going, fuck off plebs, go eat grass, i'll sell that expensive crap to yall losers while you eat your way to depression, i'll be feasting on the best meat cuts.
fucking plebs. I regret trying to help yall.
>cause you spread your death cult diet to poor souls and if they decide to "try veganism" they will lose 3 to 5 years of their life to depression and ill feelings.
Look at he angry replace-religion-with-way-of-eating carnivore. Pathetic.
yes I am agressive can't handle my T levels? fucking bitch ass go eat some grass
The deciding argument for being carnivore is that ALL current plants that people eat aren't natural. There are no edible carrots in nature. There are no sugar globes known as 'apples' anywhere in the non-human infested agriculture. Bananas are just a Frankenstein of a plant.
Can't handle your stupidity more than T-levels. Fucking cretin.
I still eat about 20% fruits and plants / nuts, but usually only in season. I also don't like entirely raw I sear my steak anyday.
Just buy pork instead if you're poor. Pigs are fed less hormones/antibiotics, and it's also tastier.
I can afford to only eat prime beef but I still eat pork because it's that much tastier. The occasional rib eye is only for variety.
I sense rheumatoid arthritis in your future!
I sense science paper vegan brainwashing in your knowledge base!
I am not vegan...
So many vegan cucks in this thread.
Must explain bitcoin core maximalism by 2017 newfags with 0.2 btc.
you should go vegan man its so healthy. the best pleb food for the bottom dwellers! grains and plants! that's all you need to be a happy pleb!
Pigs don't sweat, therefore they keep their toxins in their fat more readily. Would be cautious.
The 'seared' steak, and anything prepared thermically like that is the most unhealthy foodstuff out there - directly contributing to cancer. Look at Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGE) and oxidation of unsaturated fat.
Oddly enough raw animal fat seems to be the healthiest foodstuff of all.
stop eating meats you are fucking killing my children's future
>The 'seared' steak, and anything prepared thermically like that is the most unhealthy foodstuff out there
i don't sear it black man, I put it a pan to kill contamination from food handling, thats all.
> Pigs don't sweat, therefore they keep their toxins in their fat more readily. Would be cautious.
stay away from omnivorous animals, if you want to avoid nasty trichinosis, ( worm that lays eggs in your muscles ) no boar, bear or anything that is a scavenger, plant and gras eating animals are completely safe.
I've been on a low meat diet for a year and it was the most depressive time of my life. I had meat 2 days a week.
I now eat mostly animal products ( gras fed )
my T levels went up 40% by just switching to meat and supplementing vitamin D during winter.
A 200g t-bone steak is 4USD, with 6/8 USD and 20 minutes you got yourself a meal.
Good for you man
I think it's because there is high demand from poor people for factory farmed cheap meat. Which then causes organic supplies to be less in demand so the prices have to be raised because they're selling less.
Its fucked.
well yeah when someone goes around and starts saying "veganism is the best" it just sickens me cause it isn't, I used to be deluded too, I thought meat was bad. I felt like absolute shit but I never thought it was because I wasn't eating meats. so I get extremely aggressive when I see a vegan shill. being plant based took a year of my life where I accomplished nothing and was depressed all the time. I eat a raw steak and get high now lmao,.....
anyway I need to go... laterino, don't join the vegan death cult if you want to be happy.
animals are food, plants are medicine.
here you go
I was skinny as a meat eater, too
Appalachian north east Alabama born and raised
i love my plants now, son
anti meat shilling is funded by glows
>eat pork or something else instead of beef
That's what I do too. Some beef liver three or four times per month to make sure I get all the important vitamins and minerals and the rest of the month going on pork, chicken, eggs and dairy and the occasional frozen hake. I spend less than 150$ per month on food and I'm making some good gains in the gym.
Based and meatpilled.
>hurr durr muh peer-review
Science has become a joke. A self-congratulatory sub-culture filled with intellectual retards due to the technocratic and burocratic nature of post-modern society. They've become just as close-minded as the average religious zealot. The "file drawer problem", or "publication bias" is becomming a real problem. If not properly dealth with, 90% of all scientific avenues will relegate themselves into the trashbin of history soon.
t. butt hurt he will never be a scientist
Peer review is a circlejerk. Literally anything passes as peer reviewed these days.
Basically veganism is being pushed because it can be sold for higher profits since meat has become so cheap to produce.
Don't fall for the green meme lands, stay red meat pilled
I'm studying chemistry at one of the largest universities in Holland. You are a prime example of what i ment; either black or white, not being able to entertain other possibilities and ignoring everything that doesn't fit your own cherished beliefs. Scientists are people to, and as such, are subjected to the same psychological processes and factors as everyone else. The fact that you would deny this and place yourself on a pedestal of incorruptibility and moral righteousness speaks volumes.
Science is, very rapidly, becomming a religion. And it's because of people like you.
>Science is, very rapidly, becomming a religion. And it's because of people like you.
When it's shutting the door to people like Watson who prove blacks have a lower average iq than whites, its certainly not.
all humans use some variation of the scientific method. Everyones a 'scientist' ya cuck, just with varying levels of aptitude and areas of expertise
we grow too much grain, if those farmers were grazing animals instead, it would be so much cheaper.
>taxes on red meat are one of the many options
what a wanker, the guy who came up with that said he grew up eating red meat 3 times a day, so it obviously wasn't detrimental to him seen as he works at Harvard.
another study
more people on keto would be a benefit on the NHS as well, currently overburdened with obese fatties with diabetes and all these other chronic illnesses.
the magic pill on jewtube or netflix is a good documentary
compares the abbos before they started eating western diets.
Watson's assessment is an interesting one that deservers further investigation. Him being ostracized by the academic community just goes to show the veracity of what i wrote here. Again, the academic world is becomming a joke.
you're one needing help, assisted suicide that is. Yet you have audacity to attept to "help" others
meat is not healthy you animal killing piece of shit
this is healthy
Bread. Sugar. Salt. Gluten. Refined carbs. No nutrients.
Imagine poisoning yourself with bread.
Brown bread has good carbs faggot
Replace the bread with a pork neck steak and we talkin
I do think SOME veggies are ok, but the current GMO crops we have are complete shit for nutrition. I usually try to stick with stuff that makes me feel good, not in a bad way though. If I feel good while eating then feel like shit 30 minutes later it's bad. But stuff like chicken soup with bone broth makes me feel better and I don't even need much of it to get energy. Meanwhile if I eat fast food it tends to give me gas and headaches relatively quickly so I've just eliminated it completely. Same thing with fruit, I only eat it about 2 times a week for some vitamins but the current crops we have make them way too high in sugar for humans.
>good carbs
no such thing, they all turn into glucose and your body has to produce insulin to counter it
>meat is not healthy
>clogged arteries
>veganism is healthy
Brown bread has good carbs
You fell for propaganda.
>healthy vegan
No such thing.
This, carbs are only "healthy" if you're poor, the health benefit being that they can save you money which can reduce your stress levels.
>american "bread"
Meat eater here but you dont know shit about carbs educate yourself about glycamic index and such also some carbs(not pure) come with more additional nutrients more than others
Going vegan us bullshit but so is keto
Except even the best carbs in terms of glycemic index put you in a state of diabetes. And make you sleepy.
In fact, at least pure sugar results in a high and crash that fades off quickly. Brown makes you lethargic for the rest of the day.
And all fiber does is prevent your body from getting minerals and vitamins from meat, it's probably good for a periodic cleansing but it's extremely unhealthy as a day-to-day food.
So yeah, all carbs are shit unless you're a bodybuilder who likes the bloated look.
Fiber isn't even necessary. It's only memed as such because Americans refuse to install bidets.
My grandparents live in a village. And they mostly eat their own naturally homegrown food. Obviously veggies, but plenty of dairy products and meat like chicken and pork. And plenty of pork fat, too. We call it salo in my country.
And they've lived a long life and don't have any serious health problems, capable of doing physical labor well in their 70s and 80s.
The problem is not meat, but mass produced shitty food and sitting on your ass all day in polluted cities.
I never mentioned fibres i was talking actual nutrients which a lot of natural carb sources have and you are completely missing the point like any keto retard. Its not about eating all carbs its about eating a balanced diet close to your ancestors one and no i dont mean 10k years i mean your actual ethnic ancestors which arent that far away and they definitly ate carbs you can keep your poisonos keto state all you want but its far from healthy or how we evolved the last thousands of years. We evolved with eating carbs fats and proteins all of them in balanced ratios not your anti something bullshit. We didnt evolve eating only carbs or only fat or only protein and if you dont get that you are a retard
Also retards like you probably dont even eat your ancestors probiotics so why are you worrying about carbs if your digestion is fucked anyway cunt? Thwre are more important thinga retarda like you should be working on. Im german/polish so ill eat sauerkraut/kefir for example because it makes sense
My post maybe sounds harsh but i dont like you keto fags thinking you are any better than vegans or other bullshit fads. Evolution decides what you eat and what is healthy for you deal with it.
just buy pork
It is you brittle spaghetti armed vegan
riddle me this: why are there essential fatty acids and essential proteins but no essential carbs? DYOR.
also, you need to eat a little bit of everything for general health/vitality. we're omnivores of course vegetables are good for you. you should aim to as many vegetables as you can tolerate and add in meat, fish, sometimes nuts, sometimes fruits. just eat anything thats made in nature that you're not allergic to.
Because they were essential for keeping enough energy in industrial human societies when people where much more active. Tell them to get their energy through meat or whatever. There is a reason humans always added carbs to their diets when they were available because they provided a energy boost which is kind of early doping and it gets you an advantage over rivals. We need less of them nowadays yes but we shouldnt i think we instead should be more active and competetive like the greeks were. I think drop the carb load just a little and up your athletic game. Compete with your people and take pride in your athleticism.
fpwp you retarded fucking plantnigger