Daily volume is now at approximatly 40k and rising. Get in on XCM while it is a fifth of ICO price
Daily volume is now at approximatly 40k and rising. Get in on XCM while it is a fifth of ICO price
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not buying your doomed bags, fuckhead
>40k volume
That’s around 40 people trading
do they require KYC?
Whatever. Look at the order books. Over 1 Million XCM buy orders above 0.019 and the sell orders are thin.
Yes. Strictest KYC of any exchange since they are trying to lead the forefront of regulatory compliant exchanges.
Was pretty easy for me
Imagine a life where you have never had money, never felt the urge to DYOR, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was good at making money, and wanted to imitate and ultimately make it like him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space, pass the time, and lose money. You're an Indian.
You're bored, as usual, in telegram chatting about your fucking shitcoin bags and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be poor and stupid and petty. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, disgusting, and boring. You spent the last six hours watching youtube videos about cryptoniggers who lost their ass buying shitcoins or some stupid bullshit that you don't really understand since you can barely comprehend english. You're just sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a pain in your gut that guarantees you'll have to run out and take a shit in the street very soon.
And then you see it. White men, over in some corner of the internet, making money. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of bagholding and complaining to the "developers" of a scam shitcoin, they are imbuing their conscious energy into making memes and discussing the qualities of legitimate projects. All the bitterness and stupidity you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who bought high and sold low. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found gains.
And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid fucking Indian with shitcoin bags on some obscure low volume exchange.
So you get up, you walk over there, and you shill your shitcoin to them. Just shitpost and beg all over their whole fucking image board. The .2% bump your tiny bags get will be worth destroying it. Because you're an Indian.
How long did it take? I'm tempted to try swingtrading this crap.
How many forehead tokens to make it?
340,000 is 0.1% of the total supply before the token burn.
desu just tripled my bags. 20k xcm should be $20k some day right?
Bug with the order book scrolling to the top has been fixed making it a perfectly funcional exchange. Very thin orderbooks and volume rising.
Think about this one Jow Forums people are only now getting verified and volume is rising. Volume leads to liquidity leading to more volume and a higher price. Buy while liquidity is low.
With no token burn that would require a market cap of slightly less than half what COSS had during the last bullrum, one eighteenth of what KCS had during the last bullrun or one fifteenth of BNBs current market cap.
Off topic but why does my balls smell so good? Anyone else feel the same? It's like tasting your own blood, for some reason it's delicious
The chemical imbalances in your brain which most of the people around here call autism
Volume and price slowly but surely rising as more people get on board.
Forgot pic
Kevin just confirmed in Telegram that margin trading will be available for ALL tokens and coins
Soon you'll be able to short Link lmao
haha, remember the guys who dumped at 1,5 cents?
Imagine sending your actual real life passport to literal North Korean scammers. Weeeeeeeeeew
I just came here to start a XCM thread.
Thanks user.
Here we go
75k now.
I have a feeling Jow Forums will fomo in around 5c
Volume is up to 66k now. Its not too late Jow Forums
sold 200k at 0.02 and never looking back
You got REKT son. We are going to 4cents tonight.
Already there
No way we are hitting 5 cents tonight. I'll put a pen in my anus and post it.
Did you use your real info for the kyc?
They make 0.1% on trading fees. So they earned $40 on that 40k volume.
They need to 100x their trading volume but have no money left for marketing. It is over.
Sell and get out as long as the lights are still on.
this is the biggest moon shot of the year when exchange is fully funtional
just bought 60k worth