Does your cryptocurrency send you free stuff?
Ha, I didn't think so. Feels good to be an AMBro.
AMB free merchandise
Back side of T-shirts. Absolutely gorgeous.
fuck off scamsetti I not buying your alibaba sensors
The notepad is high quality too.
How did you get these?
They had a giveaway for people that hold enough AMB for nodes.
If they spent as much time doing work and developing actual partnerships as they did getting info and sending out free items worth $4usd in total maybe they wouldn’t be such a fucking failure
Can’t wait to see you amb fags
>I paid 4K usd for a node when amb was 40 cents, and all I have to show for it is this gay ass fucking t shirt and a notepad.
>imagine going outside with this t-shirt
The saddest part was all the poorfags highly concerned asking where their gifts are in the tg. They should be much more concerned asking where mainnet and partnerships are. Mainnet has been out for 7 months and still nothing has been seen. What a fucking scam.
The tg is full of nothing but versetti ball sack lickers. It’s discusting, the worst is baeshoor.
They bought that with part of the proceeds they got for dumping their bags on you. It will probably net then even more profit if you continue to contribute exit volume for these gypsy scammers.
>Alibaba chink shit censors
The shirts were made in China just like their cutting edge sensor tech. Everybody getting chinked.
Yea that cunt is a bootlicker
I cant wait til those faggots baeshoor and kevin neck themselves for white-knighting a shitcoin run by people they barely know
They’ll keep holding while mainnet keeps getting delayed just like all the other dumb fucks holding this shit.
>muh security audit
>muh bugs
Been released since August and still
>muh issues
It might be dangerous to wear this outside. When AMB is worth billions, people might remember me wearing the shirt and then they would know I'm rich as fuck now and would rob me.
Better to keep it secret and only wear the shirt inside.
No it’s dangerous because you might see a former Amb investor and they will assume you are part of the scam heiarchy and you will die a virgin
you are fucking gay and dumb
This isn't the real back of the t-shirt. More daily fud. Earn those wages! We've seen your chats hahah.
>look at the crease and folds
People will decide for themselves.
It's not gonna work.
Jesus Christ. If that really is the back of the shirt, I would see if amb hired that faggot cream for marketing. This whole project is cringe as fuck
It really is the back of the shirt.
Hahahaha you fuckign deluded amblet moron. God it’s always a pleasure proving you AMBlets wrong
But I thought AMB was a scam
Nice testnet pic faggot.
>Bundle cost 10amb
1 bundle cost 12 usd you absolute idiot
>”main net” release in August
>shows test net bullshit numbers
Hahahahaha that AMBlet even shooped his shill main net pic wrong hahahahahahah
Checked and checked
Amblets obsessed and seething. Faggot who posted that gay ass testnet pic needs to neck him self right now, or drink some anti freeze.