why chainIink pump when btc dumps and dumps when btc pumps? wtf is going on? Every coin pump with btc except link EVERY single time.
I still dont understand
Honestly its not wven dumping its just staying the same price in relation to btc going up and down, what the fuck does this mean? Ive never seen anything like it
it doesn't make a difference to a marine cuz we aren't selling anyway
also 1k is fud
It's independent of BTC i.e it's not a pump and dump chink shitcoin scam.
Because it's relation is to USD not BTC. It's acts independently
what a time to be alive
this makes no sense link doesnt have a usd pair
>he doesn’t know
the fud is getting absolutely desperate at this point.
The ChainLink coin is one of the most well known PnD cryptos op. If you are holding a stack, I suggest you sell immediately there's still time, it'll be back down to 10k by the weekend. Then just buy back at the lower price, & rinse and repeat, it's not rocket science
im aware link has usdt usdc pairs but there is no usd pair, none of you retards can explain, keep retarding im not fudding im all in newfags
shut up dork
Not being pegged to btc is a good thing and a sign of strength
why the fuck does a usd pair matter?
Wow. How do you get through the day without just dying of stupidity?
Retard alert
You must be trolling. You need people to explain why being paired against USD pegged stablecoins means it's price is effectively paired against USD? It's a transitive relationship moronicus. Happy that you're a marine, you're NEVER gonna make it without a big win like that.
>The most shilled crypto in Jow Forums
>Thus the most manipulated one
>Expecting anything else.
then try to cash out usdt. you can't because it's a scam
Chainlink has a USDC pair too, which you can cash out on Coinbase. Now, would you do everyone here a favor and neck yourself
whoa guys the real question is, how do you cash out?
Im not too sure, try asking all the people calling me a retard maybe theyll actually explain something but prob not
cool story bro
Link was behaving this way even before it got paired with any stable coins and good luck cashing out with usdt and usdc, seems like you guys have NO FUCKING CLUE WTF YOU GUYS ARE TALKING ABOUT...you guys are literally exactly like reddit just spewing shit from your mouths that youve heard some other retard say...20 posts and not a single person can explain whats fundamentally going on but yet all 20 posts accomplished calling me a retard lmfao you guys are the biggest dorks lmfao
Let me explain you how LINK works:
>BTC pumps
>Sergey dumps on you to hodl that bitcoin
>Autistic 80 IQ linkies start shitposting about "LINK MARINES HOLD NEVER SELL BUY MORE 1000K EOY JUST BUY BUY BUY"
>Because of autists link's price normalizes
>BTC pumps
>Sergey dumps on you
Honest question when did you get here?
cool bro fuck off clam
Bought my first links at end of december 2017. ive been learning about link ever since basically studying it but i have no time to study markets and why link is behaving opposite of btc. Im on biz everyday but i havent seen a thread about this that goes into detail, always turns into people calling each other retarded of course classic biz.