$30.06 per hour before tax

>$30.06 per hour before tax
>$22.96 per hour after tax

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I made 5 usd per hour at my last job in IT
Fuck you whiny asses

Why are capital gains taxed less than income?

What is cost of living?

Because the rich make the rules.
Also employees are taxed more for services they use.

Because taxation is theft

Because employees are retarded and have zero influence. Ironically, they're the ones out there voting for higher taxes too.
>but I meant only tax the rich!

I live at my dad
Western europe
Honestly i cant even take life serious anymore

I make 22/hr 40-60hrs a week no kids and it's literally just barely keeping me alive

Damn where do you live?

Kansas City

Look on the bright side, you could buy about 50 Chainlink link a day for 1 hour's work. Hold that thought.

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I know that feeling.

So move 20 minutes outside of the city and cut your cost of living in half.

Get paid
>taxed again on gains
Buy something from the store
Buy a home and pay it off
>property tax
Keep money in bank account
>taxed through inflatation
Die and pass on your wealth to your kids
>inheritance tax

Does the JUST never end?

With jews you lose, gotta support (((our greatest ally))) through hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid

Ps: never forget the 6 quintillion

It's why the adoption of crypto is the greatest threat to (((them))). They can't inflate your savings into nothing. They can only tax it once on the way out (assuming your paying in fiat). They can't control who you send it to. It really is like another shoah.

What do you do?

It ends when we stop using centralized banks and (((their))) "legal tender"

It isn't a threat when the US dollar is what gives Bitcoin its monetary value. Why is a Bitcoin worth more now than it was in 2010 when nothing has changed or advanced? It's coins besides Bitcoin that are proving to be more valuable because they do so much more than just be a currency. Sure, more people are buying it and using it. Wait, it's being shorted on Bitmex more too.

Hey a public ledger that shows every transaction ever. Why does anyone need to know what you bought? It shouldn't matter if you bought weed with it or a hooker.

It's the ultimate trap. It's not anonymous now when chainalysis can pinpoint who sent and received the bitcoins. Last thing you want are the corrupted banking systems getting into crypto. Bitcoin is a trial version of what is yet to come. The future isn't as bright as some seem to think it will be.

Google is scary bros. Got a tax ad from opening this thread.

If taxes didn't exist your employer would just pay you $22.96 per hour as a flat rate. The amount a wagie makes will always be around the cost of living in that area that you work in.

Its not theft or slavery ever because you aren't being forced to work that job that pays nothing.

>$22.96 per hour after tax

God I wish that was me.

However if all jobs expect you to work for very little then you are a slave within society.

im tipping its kangaroo bucks which equates to about 5 usd an hour all things considered

Yeah, only increase taxes on the earned income of the workers. The rich need to keep their money they make through financial manipulation.

>Poor person complaining about the little bit of tax he pays on his low income
At that level of income, you're basically being supported by rich people's tax money.
To encourage people to invest their money instead of spending it immediately on stupid garbage.

Thank you for this

>tfw making 27$ an hour before tax
>tfw 8$ of it goes to 401k off the bat
>now making 480$ every week after paying dues/taxes and shit

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That's like 40 link an hour. You basically make 40k usd an hour why are you complaining faggot

Unemployed people need food, clothes, houses, education, healthcare and some pocket money for the cinema or Starbucks.

What are you gonna do? deny people your money, deny them a basic standard of living?

would be nice

>earn money its taxed
>invest said money earns a return its taxed
>buy something with that money its taxed
>die and estate sells my shit it gets taxed
HOW THE FUCK is it acceptable to have the same money taxed 4 separate times

>earn 50k euro salary
>get end of year bonus 3.5k euro
>take home 1.7k, bonuses and overtime taxed 50% in holland because fuck you
It's not like we want to incentivise hard work or anything right?

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I'm a CPA. I get annoyed when people who don't know shot about tax talk about tax.

lol, consider yourself lucky.

63 bucks CAD per hour before tax, 30bucks after tax.

Cryptofags BTFO


This is why we need to get paid in Ethereum.