Is 1250e enough for living in Bratislava? I've got job offer and thinking about moving there
Any slovak user here?
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You can survive with 500. Depends what kind of living you imagine. 1250 is relatively good, but I'd rather work abroad the same job for twice the pay.
It’s enough. Nice country too
boris said the food cheap af/ skis cheap/ 100% white.
You'll have to speak slovak/russian though
Yeah, maybe if you enjoy hanging out around the senior population. Bratislava should be easy enough to navigate using English, as long as you don't to talk to the older folk.
you're the slovak, whatever you say
slovakia? why would you ever want to move to slovenia?
why is europe so unnavigable
Because you're too poor to fly.
This but also the Carpathian Mountains are in the way.
1250 after taxes is okay but not too much considering you can make almost 2 times more in Vienna which is only 50km.
Im from Slovakia and i am considering moving... its nice country but our politics is basically mafia... ruling for 12 years and created ENORMOUS corruption on every burreau... They are corrupted assholes that killed investigative journalist last year, who found their dirty business (Kuciak). Every ministry is broken, schools, health, environment, every fucking state infrastructure is corrupted by fucking pricatisations and manipulative private tenders to steal our euro fundings... Fucking SMER with Fico ruined this country and stolen everything they could and stupid people are voting for them again and again. This country is full of stupid and politically uneducated individuals, its a disease of every ex-soviet block country. I would gladly recommend Slovakia to you but i cant, sorry. If you are coming from Ukraine or so you will be better but i would go more west.
> muh kuciak
> muh fico
you are brainwashed dumbo fellow slovakbro
state is broken but as Ficovolic I wish for Sulik to scome and scalp back all those social benefits from zoomers, essentially making us the new boomer class.
Paid education, trimming the free healthcare, cutting the maternal leave. Can't wait for you librulfags to suffer.
OP, 1250 in Bratislava is lower middle class.
If you plan to living it up it's kind of doable, at the cost of all your savings.
With proper money management you can save up 300 eurobucks per month.
Well, you'll live a low middle class life. If the job is not killing you from the inside, you'll do ok.
Fuck Slovakia. I moved to Prague because of that. Next step is Switzerland. Just gotta save up 1mil€ to live the peasant life there.
The only positive thing about east counties is that you only need 3k LINK to make it.
If you are okay with low living standard and if you like wagecucking for 1/5 of German wage you should be better in Budapest/Warsaw.
You sound very underage. Why the fuck should he care about the shitty politics, you retard? Bratislava is a nice, cheap and safe city. There are reasons why west is a better place to live under most circumstances (as well as reasons why not), but they're not the populist drivel you wrote.
t. someone who left Slovakia years ago
Because if i live somewhere i want to live in a developed country with a bright future, cant tell that about Slovakia no matter how cheap/safe it is, as i told, you can be better in Warsaw/Budapest with higher living standard you fuck, our groceries and real estate is more expensive that in Austria where they make 3 times more. Idiot.
I bet you moved to India because muh its cheaper.
>being better in future than slovakia
You know how I can tell you are a retard?
You can live very comfortably on that bratisbro
t.Nitra where 500e is enough
Austrian here. Live in Bratislava, work in Vienna if you can.
Eastern Europe is not really Europe.
>bright future
What, like Western Europe crumbling under the weight of niggerdom & SJW faggotry? The US and its imminent civil war 2.0 (and again niggers)? Canukistan (niggers again, seeing a theme here)? Straya, and the knowledge that at some point the Chinks will do a smash and grab on the whole place? The whole world is fucked, least in Eastern Europe if I have to grease Boris palms a little from time to time he leaves me the fuck alone as opposed to the just as corrupt but massively invasive and over taxed (to support niggers) West. Nowhere has a "bright future" retard. Choose the dystopia you can live with. Learn that lesson right now.
absolutely this. there are only 2 genders here, no lgbt brainwashed retards, no refugees, 99% white population....Not Europe enough
yeah but at what price: economical disaster. Hence why 90% of all whores in Western Europe come from the East and why people emigrate en masse to find jobs.
Why in the fuck would you accept a job offer? You should focus first on getting the hell out of that third world country and into a country with an actual future like Britian.