Press S to spit on a dying website.
Get fucked you faggots. Everything think your bottom of the barrel dog shit
Press S to spit on a dying website.
Get fucked you faggots. Everything think your bottom of the barrel dog shit
you get paid big bucks to shill on 4ch, we have massive influence and anons are also smarter than most online communities. when we shill something to you, most of you call it a scam right off the bat
This is just a list of which users are most susceptible to ads.
Has anybody actually used pleddit? Its a fucking cluster fuck.
>Comment that seeks social validation for being a good person
>"social validation" but with a forced twist
>link that links to a link that links to a link that links to a link that links to a link that links to a link [finally see the picture]
>A fucking essay discribing the unseen effects of racism
>pun of the pun
>edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Jow Forums is actually in negative
Yeah forgot about that and the mod shit
>[Deleted by Mod] remember being a racist is being the most beta thing on earth and it literally makes you worse than Hitler. No matter what your accomplishments or how smart you are if you are racist it is impossible for you to be right about anything. Posting anything racist will result in a 1 year ban until you learn to group think like us.
>>pun of the pun
This is the worst They think it's hilarious. Reddit is cancer.
Only because ad don't like supporting a site with free speech. If BAT ADex or any of the other Crypto alternative to the traditional advertizing model become mainstream. Hiro is gonna be swimming in crypto for NEETS like us.
The right wing actually has alot of markatable value it's just being heavily supressed by the jew controlled advertising industry.
how much is Jow Forums actually worth anyway ?
that number is tied to the price of linkies
That's because Reddit is like 90% teens
This. The right wing is much older and therefore has a lot more money. Just look at all the stuff Alex Jones sells.
This, the pun spam is fucking abominable
I bet you thought that greentext is funny.
You should go to reddit rather than stay here.
Jow Forums $1,000,000 EOY
it's highly undervalued even at this price
since it is the true source of pure memes
ITT: newfags
>having any value to advertisers
no im sure you are just being persecuted for muh free speech muh conservative values
>this video about a scam is also deceptive because it uses background music to manipulate our emotions
>implying neets aren't susceptible to ads and buy lots of shit with their mom's credit card.
Shows how much you know. Less than the advertisers, apparently.
This. It's a piece of shit and I literally can't believe it ever caught on
4channel should sell lootboxes. Zoomers would go broke buying them.
Your value to advertisers is directly inverse to your intelligence
>Claims Reddit is cancer
>Uses Ledditspacing
4ch is retards acting like retards stop thinking you are above average cuz you are not
>being this retarded
The value of the individual user is the data collected about them to serve them highly specified ads. Reddit obviously collects way less data than fagbook and other platforms.
Reddit is still cancer but op is a brainlet
Only true for pre-2016 Jow Forums.
Reddit is primarily a tool for social control and shilling. Would not be surprised if the US State department tried to buy it or something in the coming years.
The Jow Forums part was true up until a few years ago. Now this place is filled with normalfags that are no different than your average redditor.
What a shit thread.
That's because they aren't dumb enough to click on ads retard.
-Posted via
Obviously a fraction of Reddit but let's not mention that.
Also there's the issue it harbours pedos and racists.
Jow Forums is only marginally more racist than r/T_D. The pedo thing is pretty legit though.
who said selling out user data is a good thing?
pretty sure the chans user value is below a penny.
I was making a statement and bad satire. Fuck off with your hurt feelings and go defend nikes somewhere else.
Jow Forums was never smart and whoever created this must be an absolute tard
They confuse autistic super powers with being smart. Forgive normies for they know not what they do.
How much is an active 4channel user worth?
More than a Jow Forums user but less than a mainstream social media user
somewhere between dogshit and a pile of rubbish
Reddits culture aside, it's impossible to read discussion there. You have to scroll or hide comments for ten minutes and it's upvote based so there's no progression of conversation.. literally zero value
Jow Forums is smart because this place is like peer reviewing. Go see for yourself. Any pasta of information or topic consensus was collected from hundreds of threads of people arguing and debunking, scouring for information, and is updated frequently when a shitposter comes prove something wrong. People enjoy being right here and calling others retards, so any time something is incorrect they upload their proof just to bask in the glory of calling someone a faggot
Taking issue with double spacing lines at logical breaks because you see other people doing it isn't really that cool.
So one eth then
Yes user, even you are a valuable member to us. Sometimes you need actual 70 Iq retards to be the devil's advocate of an idea that was overlooked.
>Pinterest: ~$2.80
how is that shit even alive, let alone having a 40% higher valuation than snap
BAT doesn’t solve the problem because the type of money was never an issue. It’s the fact that legit advertisers that pay the most don’t want to advertise on a racist Laotian bean swapping enthusiast website.
Reddit wants me to download an app for mobile. Good sign that reddit is finally dying
We're smart enough for MI on behalf of the POTUS to recruit our autism to bring down cabal of satanic pedophiles. Individually most of us are fucking sperglords but our collective autism is enough to outsmart Billion dollar corporations.
They already brought r/politics and all the important subs
Hi, Im from Reddit. Do you think its a good time to buy QNT?
TLDR - When moon?
Jow Forums Is where all the redditniggers from R/T_D go when they finally swallow the redpill. Pedo thing I really don't give a shit about mainly because I'm a free speech maximalist. if racists antisemites deserve a platform so do pedophiles doesn't mean I don't wanna see them all crucified on a burning cross in front of the town square.
Yeah, I mean everyone pretends they don't, but they do - to fud good projects and shill pajeet shitcoins to the retards. That's a pretty good description of it.
That's the point though, individual users donate a small percentage of their BAT each month to content creators they like, which would in theory benefit controversial sites like Jow Forums and 8ddit tremendously.
Trips confirm redditors are pedos.
>how do I turn $10k into $5 mill
>buy [random pajeet shitcoin] sirs!
>chainlink spam
>useful advice that gets 1-2 replies because nobody actually cares about business here
>”okay biz, I’m a complete loser and I have no money, what can I do to earn $100k in a couple months?”
>random price prediction threads
>depressed anons blog post
>favela anons daily updates
And that’s only for the shithole that is Jow Forums. Sure there’s /sci/, but that’s one “smart” board out of many brainless boards. In fact, the most popular boards like Jow Forums are redditlite and filled with tards.
Being a pedo has nothing to do with free speech. Ovens for the lot of them.
you forget how few people even use crypto we haven't even hit mass adoption phase yet.
look at how much content creators are making on and think of how small that site is. Right wing e celebs like Mike Enoch Richard Spencer and Andrew Anglin are gonna be rich as fuck when these kikes can no longer censor their ability to make money
There is never any useful advice.
least valuable to exploitative big-data/advertising? that's a badge of honor, user.
You mean pre-2012, right?
Reddit is Alphabet controlled propaganda machine. No one with a brain cell uses it for anything of value.
A chinese censorship firm bought part of reddit.
Right. But what about here?
>interesting topic
>good op
>someone posts either a jew, a black, a muslim
>finally a good brapper
That's a list of topics, not the actual comments / discussion
But thats unironically a good thing mr shekelstein
good reBUTTal
There’s no actual discussion here anymore, it’s just crypto shill arguing amongst themselves
wow nice
That's just shit posting when there's nothing going on. You know autists go stir crazy without stimulation and resort to larping. Idiots still fall for it. I can have two completely contrary opinions in the same thread and still get 3 people (you)in me to call me an idiot.
As opposed to the green wojak spamming?
>Jow Forums is only marginally more racist than r/thedonald
le sniff picture
take this platinum star friend
The internet in general was higher IQ pre 2008 before normies took over.
Reddit was too threatening and organic of an idea so they had to lock it down and censor it to hell, making it nothing but astroturf and therefore useless to advertisers