
>he doesnt trade


Attached: wyckoffdistribution2.png (975x585, 251K)

you can't just apply this chart at any random ass arbitrary zoom level though you absolute goofballs

i know what you mean homie, but this isn't distribution

whatever fren, get back to your youtube tutorials on BB and StochRSI

you may be right, still wont touch this until some kind of confirmation

>I read muh wyckoff manual look how smart and enlightened I am

Attached: bitcoin crypto exponential growth animated.gif (728x372, 504K)

>i watched 20 minutes worth of a 16 year old youtuber teaching me how to trade, heed my pedantic ramblings

you asked what distribution volume was, i just showed you what i meant. please buy or hold your eth at this point, it is a zero sum game after all

>that resistance volume on distribution
kek, see ya at quadruple digits