You’re about to miss the next 10x

You’re about to miss the next 10x

3mm holder here, I’m going to be living in Cabo the rest of my life next month. Thank you decentralized internet networking

Attached: 4450CF63-9BA3-4F59-B8AA-AF279489E6E4.jpg (400x400, 17K)

Green ID, lets fucking go

My cock has been he’d fir this coin for about 2 months now and ha given m a good fucking return

>investing everything in a chinked Substratum
Why do you hate your money?



red ID confirms this shit is a scam

Die scum

hey hey hey

Btfo. Now put your life savings in it.

Lmao- the moment you say this my non green is shows up

Not going to make it

Is this really the next 10x tho?

Attached: BD9AF02D-6869-4EA8-AEA0-6F7514CADA61.jpg (750x692, 150K)

Its next 30x

Attached: 1491482250996.jpg (198x199, 8K)

ofc it is. look at the inflation. marketcap grows without even rising in price. CHINKED

Attached: chinked photo_2018-06-05_22-53-12.jpg (800x216, 27K)

Brainlet here. Is this a good or a bad thing?

>that pic

You just ruined my childhood

Thanks bet just bought 100k

B A S E D and mudpilled

Inflation / Increasing circulating supply = bigger mcap at the same price. This is bad, projects are valued by their mcap, not by coin/token price.
Although it's something to consider, developers and advisors tokens vest over 3 years with a 1 year cliff and 30% will be mined over 25years so I wouldn't be too concerned

Point is, nkn is most likely undervalued currently

I will find you if I lose on this one.

Bought 10k

>Point is, nkn is most likely undervalued currently
does not mean it will go up now
1200 sats and then quick dump as the most optimistic scenario .

Of course, but buying now is still relatively safe if you're ok holding until around this summer (expecting price to increase around mainnet and more exchanges)

however op post is a typical nkn shill

this is being chilled since before the crash
its been shilled from minute one none stop, like chainlink but with no actual tech or anything remotely interesting but some bought high profile names of some faggots who invented an algo 50 years ago

fucking kill yourself already you are shlling this trash longer than a year and its still garbage

Shill or no shill. Get in or get poor.

>Get in or get poor.
Is this the IQ of pajeets these days

Even if you don't like the project it should be obvious to anyone 70 IQ+ that this is going to pump insanely hard. The project also happens to be god tier but if regardless if you're not in this you're just a faggot

This. Don't miss it.