How do i short interracial marriages?

i think the bubbles about to pop!

Attached: 1550887048814(2).jpg (1106x1552, 1006K)

hahahahahahahahhaahaha dumb bitch

Fuck off to your containment board incel virgin

you have to go back Jow Forumscel. Jow Forums is a serious board for serious biznessmen

You good bro?

shitskins will always be inferior, and they know it, hence the desperation of them all to look and act like whites, while displaying token representations of "their culture".

Dem titties, oh my

good post op, dont let niggers who try to be white push you onto another board. you do your thing warning white women and men about the serious fuckup that coal burners are making and how they are destroying the earth for humans

What percentage of Jow Forums do you think are bitter virgins?

over/under 90%?

damn she finna be a thi bih
if this ho was in my hoo i swa like a mouhfo i wo hi tha bih so hard

>Know a coal burner.
>Hire her part time for something.
>Take out a life insurance policy on her.
>Wait a couple months

> Jow Forums is a serious board for serious biznessmen
Only buys shitcoins

And yet wasn't good enough for him to not beat the shit out of her

Look at the dates on the photos: he beat the shit of her the day after Valentine’s Day. To be fair, she probably fucked his cousin or something but still.

why did she do her makeup like that

the police tried to arrest kunyae on saturday but he took off and has been on the run ever since . he is currently being charged with felony assault , and felony police evasion .
i am beyond heartbroken by this . i truly loved him and had planned to be with him for forever . but there is no excuse for this kind of violence and even tho it was so hard to make this public , i would rather be the one to tell the truth than have to clear up the lies .

They still think the BBC is worth it. Think about it. They place it above everything else, even their own health.

Bitch prob had it coming. Blacks have the guts to pull the trigger.

The thing about hitting a woman is she'll really think hard about mouthing off again.


This. Also women who are beat hesitate to cheat.The ultimate redpill is to beat your woman

Women have a pathological need to ‘feel alive’

Its why they pursue serial killers, drugs, criminals etc

How many women have said ‘i hate you’ then fucked you that night? Same shit

Know them

either jews or dumb roasties