We need small blocks so everyone can run a raspberry pi node
Also corecucks, not everyone will be running a lightning node, stop spreading fud reeee
We need small blocks so everyone can run a raspberry pi node
Also corecucks, not everyone will be running a lightning node, stop spreading fud reeee
Other urls found in this thread:
>We need small blocks so everyone can run a node
>But Bitcoin isn't for poor people lol fuck u african dirt farmer, bitcoin is DIGITAL GOLD
The retardation grows
Meanwhile there is 6560 LN, 29823 channels with 2.8 million usd in capacity.
And lightning payments are normie friendly.
Bitcoin is literal white surpemacy. Low IQ Niggers will never be able to own any.
2.8 million of a 60 billion plus valued network wew
The LN will allow the US to fully compromise Tor, will it not?
Pierre Rochard is not the pope of bitcoin. More like the finrekt of LN
>Let's ignore a major market compromising of billions of customers
Literally retard thinking. Don't own a business retard
Worse, it allows the US to literally steal the jizz out of your balls. Very dangerous.
i love it when late adopters try to make fun of early adopters. like, you think crying about multi-millionaires that support the bitcoin that made them once-in-a-lifetime rich is going to make them support some worthless chinese altcoin instead?
Smart Investors have no loyalty, moron. They'll go wherever the money will be. Do you think some stock holders has emotional investment in McDonald's Hamburgers? No retard, They'd switch to burger king in a nanosecond if he had information implying McDonalds was going to go under.
>network is capped at 2.8 million
Its growing everyday. Just pretend its not and go buy some rlx you pajeet
actually you can run blocks up to a few hundred mb easily with a raspberry pi and if you set the client to pruning you don't need all that storage space either.
the problem is bitcoin can not sync from pruning clients as of yet. this shit still needs work.
Bitcoin maximalists are a fucking cancer
>implying early adopters are dumb enough to fall for LN instead of using it to pump their bags and dump their useless BTC on normalfags.
Bitcoinfags are pathetic. How the fuck does that even matter when mining is centralized anyway. Non-mining raspberry pi nodes? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit already. How delusional do you have to fucking be lol? No one else cares about your bags lol.
Sorry KYC isn't normies friendly
Its not for mining you idiot. Its for validating the network and sending transactions.
> 200 GB of disk space.
Sounds like a raspberry pi to me.
Tell me, when was the last time you ran an Ethereum node? Got that 100 mbit internet connection and 2 TB of disk space ready?
This. Keep buying whatever coin gimmick is in the news this week? Or, the one with a mature ecosystem and great dev team.
>2 TB of disk space ready?
So what, $70? Did you have to spend all your neetbux on that?
>Non-mining raspberry pi nodes
I literally said non-mining nodes. The absolute state of clinically retarded bitcoin maximalists.
On what they created this entire market you parasite
You don't get it but here's an explanation
A decentralized consensus is made up of miners, service providers, developers, and users
Non mining nodes are how users can insure the network if big players act outside consensus
Their ability to validate the network is that insurance if they have to make a drastic change
Study S2X and learn how this works before you make a bigger fool of yourself
they also say there should be a poorfag prohibitive fee market on the main chain through permafull blocks
they're so intellectually dishonest it hurts
and no transactions work past 1 hop, so its strictly less efficient than on chain, and much more centralized.
kek, you think normies will run nodes for "muh network insurance" without monetary incentives to do so? Why would they and what makes you think your average retard would have the know how to do so? Core cucks literally think the fucking world revolves around them and everyone will cater to their shitcoin's stability. Soon enough you'll get rekt faggots, blockstream will fuck you all.
If every poorfag transacted on main chain only a few people would be able to validate
Myspace and friendster created social networks
The ability to insure/maintain the network in a controversial fork is what keeps digital currency group, bitmain, and secret NYA signers away from selfishly influencing the protocol
Keeping them honest is the only way this works
in practice LN is even worse than EOS. shared accounts only works when large parties like banks have a mutual interest in accounts. look at the actual LN network and see there's no capacity in any of these routes, and everyone is connecting to very few central hubs.
anyone who tries to send a payment that requires more than one hop always fails.
Holy shit you're fucking stupid lol. Yeah I get all that drooling fucking retard. YOU don't get what the problem is.
This user here gets it.
>that pic
Switch to TLOS .
bcash manlet cope
thanks, jist bought 100k whoppers
No one have to use LN.
I don't see the issue, growing memblock will result in cencerous centralisation, go fuck yourself chinkike.
Even better, no one has to use bitcoin.
Lightning is a scam
"Which basically means it is kind of centralized, but it has to be this way if we want mass adoption"
Lightning soiboi BTFO.
Corecucks are retarded cucks though
If they'd scaled to 2 fucking megabytes we wouldn't have split into a million bitcoin clones
t. 2011 early adopter
>Lightning is a scam
it's not it's a fucking second layer for routing payments in a trustless but still secure manner off chain with a fallback to on-chain settlement in case of dispute.
You're a retarded faggot
The 2mb s2x replaced who had commit access to the repo and was made behind closed doors in a "New York agreement"
Nobody was going to agree to this bullshit