>work for big company, haven't been there that long >old boss leaves a few months ago >stuck in limbo with not much work to do >new boss arrives >still doesn't give me much >get bored and start looking for new jobs >new boss finds out and asks how he can make me stay because he wants me to and hiring is expensive >tell him I'll think >raise the issue that I'm underutilised, progression was never mentioned to me and that I'm behind where I should be due to months stuck in limbo >time passes, start getting used more, a bit happier now >get offered a job at a much, much smaller company (less than 20 employees) for 30% more cash + bonuses >tell new boss I'd be happy to stay for more money - he says he considers me an asset and wants me to stay and to travel to his office to discuss progression face to face and create a plan on how to get promoted and goals to achieve and this that and the other >knows I want more money and says he will give me it, but hasn't been in the job long enough to know how raises work in line with company policy, immediately gets off the phone and goes and asks HR >comes back and says company policy is that no raises before one year >starts talking like a mentor, advises me to take the other job because 30% pay rise is big, but also says if I want to stay we can properly sort out progression
How to proceed here?
I enjoy where I'm at now, and I think there's more safety working for a big company and maybe I'll be supported and given enough work to progress. Then again, maybe it's all smoke and mirrors and nothing would change, but I'm not sure as paying for employees to travel and do stuff like they are offering is very expensive relative to my salary, so they'd want results.
Alternatively, I could just jump and take the money, but working for a small company could be shit.
Your current boss seems like a nice guy but not like a particularly good leader lol
Jose Phillips
Impossible to judge the situation without having been there. If he's not bullshitting you it might be smart to stay for the long term gains. Perhaps you could ask him straight up how realistic it is that you will get a 20-30% raise after 1 year?
Ryan Wright
>but not like a particularly good leader lol In what sense? In suggesting I take the other job?
I think it's because it's he hasn't been with the company long enough to actually care about their success, plus he's very, very career oriented and is extremely young relative to the position he's in. However he's below director level so doesn't really care about the money side of losing me.
>Impossible to judge the situation without having been there. Fair. If it helps at all this is the kind of discussions we obviously didn't have sat at our desks, we were both out the office talking over our personal phones quite openly.
>If he's not bullshitting you it might be smart to stay for the long term gains. This is my major concern, making the jump and it being a poor choice from a long term perspective.
>Perhaps you could ask him straight up how realistic it is that you will get a 20-30% raise after 1 year? I probably should do this as it would only be six months away.
Parker Lewis
I would stay in the same job because your new boss seems like the type of guy who lets you fuck his wife after a few months of knowing him
Caleb Howard
Take the new job, but make sure you leave on good terms and stay in touch with your boss. When in the new job focus on making it widen the list of skills on your CV. In 2 years if you hate it then start talking to your old boss, see if there's a job going, try to get back in but for an even higher salary again. Or find another job somewhere else for more.
Ryan Sanchez
>HR >company policy says no raises before one year
Gavin Rodriguez
How can i fuck this kinda girls? Im 5'6" and chinlet.
Also 9 out of 10 times fake news to ensure people don't keep asking for promotions
Tell them your about to switch, you need the extra money cause you want to save for a house/car/children whatever.
Joshua Brooks
It's really interesting. I'm in the exact same situation: big corp, old boss left, minus the having looked for a new job.
I'm waiting a bit, but honestly man if I had an opportunity to move for a 30% increase I'd do it. It's all smoke and mirrors.
It seems like getting a significant raise in big corp requires shuffling, management is retarded. They would rather get new blood that would take 6 months to train and give him a higher salary, than increasing yours.
Jason Wilson
Sound like your boss is a bro. You should take the new job since you were looking at leaving anyway. You're probably also doing him a favor because now he has ammo when he says HR is fucking him over on trying to retain talent.
William Barnes
It's 2019, leave. That's the only guarantee for a decent raise these days. Stay in touch and on good terms, but it's just business.
Noah Ortiz
>dude be a job hopper
Andrew Diaz
imagine the smell of that pusy
Jaxson Butler
Do you need the extra 30% op? Are you living well within your means currently? If money is not a big issue but you are bored in your current job, you could always start a side hustle, Your boss seems like a nice guy and your current working position seems comfy, waiting for 6 month for a future promotion doesnt seem too bad either the small company would need ajustment and unknow prospects, perhaps you can do more research on the company and see its future worth. and ask your self if you want to work for what tgey want to achieve.Just my thoughts. Also, fun picture op
>you could always start a side hustle My contract stipulates I can't work another job or own stock or crypto, it's a compliance thing.
Dominic White
I left a 65k secure job for an 80k job at a startup. The startup job was much more enjoyable, but the company dissolved in a year like many startups do. In the long run I probably would have been better off staying at my first job
Isaiah Cox
>I can't own stock or crypto because Mr. Noseberg said so Jesus christ.
Josiah Wilson
>can't own stock wtf dude that's unreasonable
Jose Wilson
I will never fuck a woman like that whats even the point Bros?
Caleb Ortiz
read the filename
Ryan Johnson
I'm sure it just means individual stocks. There's no problems with owning index funds which is what everyone owns now anyways.
I wouldn't leave. Maybe if it was to a larger company I would go but small companies are fucked up in my experiences. Normally a total shit show where you are overworked and the people in charge have no idea what the fuck they're doing or what's going on with the business. Also it won't hold as much weight on a resume when eventually trying to jump jobs again.
Stay here and try to land a position at another large company.
Ethan Richardson
>or own stock What company?
Or if your a little bitch, what industry?
Evan Morris
>be loyal. fuck you. thats the last thing you should do for big corps in the current year if you want to make any kind of progression
if you are young, go to the company that will invest the most in you. give you the most resources, the most responsibility, the best chance of making you succeed.
if you are mid-career, just take the fucking money.
Alexander Allen
Highly doubt you will get a 30% raise. You will make more on average making a lateral movement to another company, but you should find out exactly what you can get at your current situation so you have no regrets.
Caleb Morgan
You're getting cucked, my man
Josiah Foster
Take the new job, put the 30% increase in Chainlink and retire in 2020.
>starts talking like a mentor, advises me to take the other job because 30% pay rise is big, but also says if I want to stay we can properly sort out progression Wow nice moves, he's a seasoned player unironically.
>Wow nice moves, he's a seasoned player unironically. What do you mean?
Jace Morris
There's no disloyalty If you deliver enough things that the onboarding/ramp up effort they spent was worth it, then literally no one will be upset about you leaving
Ethan Young
yes so job hopping is good
Josiah Gonzalez
And you can do it without sperging out and burning bridges
Thomas Sanchez
Where do you live that that happens? I live in the UK, the bosses always praise my work, but they never offer for me to stay or raise my salary. I suppose they always know that if one person leaves, there are 40 other people wanting the job.
Parker Morgan
He is playing the caring mentor card trying to make him sensitive. The part telling him to take the offer is showing how much confidence boomer has in keeping OP cucked.
Cooper Gray
You're in a good position user, I reccomend > Taking the job > 6 months later contact old boss > Tell him you'll come back for +30% of your new salary
Juan Johnson
OP, stay
I’ve had this experience, except 60 percent more pay.
1 month in I discover I’m the only person running things, owner completely checks out, stress gets to him easily.
8 months later, no job.
Could have stayed with the larger company that literally has no chance to be gone within 15 years barring some kind of insane Enron event.
Cameron Reyes
I'm imagining it and it smells amazing
Camden Cox
Job hopping bad
Easton Gonzalez
Also in the UK, law firm (not a lawyer tho).
Supposedly the cost of replacing me would be almost as much as my salary (which isn't surprising as the pay is shit), so I guess that's their incentive to ask how to keep me. I hadn't really thought about it that way but between training, travelling for interviews, lost productivity during training, recruitment fees etc. I guess getting a new person is costly.