if you didn't take acid yet, you are no man. if you didn't drop LSD yet, you are sleeping. your dreams comfort you, but you swim in delusion. inb4 >druggie, never gonna make it. kek. your feelings, what you think it's love, and dear to you, it all vanishes. LSD is a training field for death. do not arrive unprepared and proud to the unavoidable fate of men, because you are gonna get rekt. and also reminder that fucking is easy if you are not a deluded narcissist who, being ugly, even has beauty standards for the opposite sex and is thus unable to to the dirty job of fucking the pussy. man you are gonna suffer even more, guaranteed, and get cancer too, while you gargle about your IQ. I hope one day a spankhead will squeeze a tablespoon of lsd in your face, biz.
If you didn't take acid yet, you are no man. if you didn't drop LSD yet, you are sleeping. your dreams comfort you...
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if you are virgin and LSDvirgin but still bragging about anything in your futile existence, you will be roasted by the gods and lose all your gains too.
been eating LSD since I was 13 years old. AMA.
if you think that's something...you should try ayahuasca.
only tried changa, and 4g shrooms, and 3 tabs of shiva. based user.
>not buying 99% pure 4-aco-DMT fumarate online and dosing 20-30mg every 2 weeks
These fucking biz plebs I swear
I'm going back to /sci/ fuck this pajeet shithole
Nice. just bought 100k LSD
LSD is a CIA Mind Control drug, changes your mind forever, makes you hypersuggestible, bad for being a man, rational cold and logical. IT turns you into a liberal hippie faggot, a true faggot, back to the JRE with you Shlomo
I tried magic mushrooms for the first time this month. It was good.