if you didn't take acid yet, you are no man. if you didn't drop LSD yet, you are sleeping. your dreams comfort you, but you swim in delusion. inb4 >druggie, never gonna make it. kek. your feelings, what you think it's love, and dear to you, it all vanishes. LSD is a training field for death. do not arrive unprepared and proud to the unavoidable fate of men, because you are gonna get rekt. and also reminder that fucking is easy if you are not a deluded narcissist who, being ugly, even has beauty standards for the opposite sex and is thus unable to to the dirty job of fucking the pussy. man you are gonna suffer even more, guaranteed, and get cancer too, while you gargle about your IQ. I hope one day a spankhead will squeeze a tablespoon of lsd in your face, biz.
If you didn't take acid yet, you are no man. if you didn't drop LSD yet, you are sleeping. your dreams comfort you...
Other urls found in this thread:
if you are virgin and LSDvirgin but still bragging about anything in your futile existence, you will be roasted by the gods and lose all your gains too.
been eating LSD since I was 13 years old. AMA.
if you think that's something...you should try ayahuasca.
only tried changa, and 4g shrooms, and 3 tabs of shiva. based user.
>not buying 99% pure 4-aco-DMT fumarate online and dosing 20-30mg every 2 weeks
These fucking biz plebs I swear
I'm going back to /sci/ fuck this pajeet shithole
Nice. just bought 100k LSD
LSD is a CIA Mind Control drug, changes your mind forever, makes you hypersuggestible, bad for being a man, rational cold and logical. IT turns you into a liberal hippie faggot, a true faggot, back to the JRE with you Shlomo
I tried magic mushrooms for the first time this month. It was good.
you don't even remember how many things you forgot, shut up. I say this because I know what I forgot, but you are not going to understand what I mean.
The worst thing about LSD is that it scrambles your ability to communicate in a comprehensible manner.
You probably think that you wrote a meaningful, useful paragraph. But what it reads as is an absolute salad of words that doesn't say anything. The most tragic thing is, you're completely oblivious to it. Just like a drunk drop out rambling on about nothing believes that he's full of overlooked wisdom, you have no frame of reference outside of your jumble of useless, disconnected and illogical ideas to actually judge your own thinking rationally.
Meanwhile we all just look on and see another drug addled brain job that can never walk back through the door to normalcy.
why wouldn't I be suggestible to you then?
>you take LSD
>you listen to scientology and jehova witnesses talking about LSD, or somebody who didn't try it
>you believe him
>you stop
how am I, not quitting, suggestible? you are suggestible.
>The worst thing about narcissim is that it scrambles your ability to communicate in a comprehensible manner.
>You probably think that you wrote a meaningful, useful paragraph. But what it reads as is an absolute salad of words that doesn't say anything. The most tragic thing is, you're completely oblivious to it. Just like a drunk drop out rambling on about nothing believes that he's full of overlooked wisdom, you have no frame of reference outside of your jumble of useless, disconnected and illogical ideas to actually judge your own thinking rationally.
>Meanwhile we all just look on and see another narcissism addled brain job that can never walk back through the door to normalcy.
thanks op. i was meaning to microdose today and almost forgot.
its true what you say about the drug. when i think about my life before trying LSD, i can only describe my actions as an animal reacting to stimuli in my environment, but now i finally feel free
I took LSD and watched the entire first season of Westworld, a few days after I broke myself on DMT. I'm essentially maeve. This is a simulation/matrix of some kind, and it is entirely possible to manipulate the nature of it. I really don't reccomend going down this rabbit hole, and wish I could regain my childlike innocence, but when you peek behind the veil of reality...you really just can't unsee or forget it. It was well over a year ago that this happened, and is still a constant thought, like I said I'm broken. However, broken is a funny word. Since breaking myself, I have increased my salary by 50% and have a positive net worth now. I know the insignificance of earthly possesions better than most, but I will have them anyways.
fuckin druggos
>takes LSD once
Listen, I’m on the board of many large companies. Tbh, psychedelics set me onto this path.
I could reiterate stories of increased success like others here but once you peak in that realm, you move onto the next; which is urine consumption.
Nothing compares to the daily awakening of fresh urine running through you in the morning.
However, after awhile the effects will fade and you will have to move onto child’s blood (ensure it’s the same as yours).
I went from sitting on1 board to 12 individual position on boards in 2 years after I got to the final stage.
Unironically, if you haven't done LSD, MDMA and ketamine youre pretty much the equivalent of dying a virgin.
Oh and salvia took me straight to hell. Just saying. Stay away from that shit lmao it's like your worst nightmare come true
Makes LSD feel like babbys first drug
Dunno man, The Point was a pretty good album.
I'm growing Golden teachers right now and plan to take 10 grams(wet) for the first time as soon as they're grown.
Can you "Bring down the walls" with mushrooms as well?
never done before and have to trip at home in the same home as my parents.
Lmao exactly this
To be honest, I lose myself waay more on mushrooms than LSD. Both are enjoyable, and beneficial, but I find LSD better simple because I can control the direction of my thoughts better, but this varies wildly from person to person.
man, fuck that, salvia is a walk through the park, same with DMT
Used LSD a lot and DMT some. It's nothing more than drugs.
this is true actually. words are hard to get right sometime.
This happens to be true
>never done before and have to trip at home in the same home as my parents
This is most likely going to ruin your trip. You’ll be trying to enjoy the high, but the paranoia will creep into your head and you’ll spend the entire trip worrying about getting caught by your parents.
Make sure that you’re in a place where you can relax and be completely at ease. One time I took shrooms with my friend, and 10 minutes after we took them, my gf came home and got upset that we were going to be tripping all night. The bad vibes that I was getting from her caused me to have a horrible time because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. We left the house and took a walk for a couple hours to get away from her, but I literally could not stop worrying about it