Primary holdings all up

>primary holdings all up
>coin I’m still accumulating is down
Feeling very, very comfy right now lads

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holy shit, nice ZRX stack

why the heck you dont diversify your portfolio. ive spread my 5000$ in hundreds of different alts. no need to be greedy bastard and think delusionalyl that one of them is the key. it might not be.

i own over 100 different altcoins, 100-100k each.

>all that BAT


You have much to learn
Diversification is important to mitigate risk, but diversify too much and you cut too much into your reward.
On of those hundred coins is more likely to give you a 10x return, but 10x $10 will net you $90, as opposed to the $9000 you’d’ve netted had you invested $1000.

>All those shitcoins
Enjoy loosing all your money

With $5k you should be in 3-5 coins max.

Redpill me on aragon

Dumbass pajeet that makes no sense.


There is no reason to own ZRX
No one is using BAT
ANT is irrelevant, their team doesn't even know who is going to use it or what they are doing

At least I can speak English
Enjoy your exitscam website

Lets meet back here in a year and see who is richer.

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>he fell for it

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Confirmed huge bags 6000 eoy

>risking bitcoin value on shitcoins

Bad idea sir

Your "primary holdings" are all way, way down.

You’re assuming I bought them at the Ath

it goes in both directions. i could make 10x for every one of them. or 1000x for one.

you are only a stupid gambler who puts everything in one number.

>i could make 10x for every one of them
You are far, FAR less likely to make 10x on 200 different coins than on one well researched coin. In fact for all intents and purposes it’s impossible.
>you are only a stupid gambler who puts everything in one number.
Everything is not in one number. I’ve put a lot of thought into my portfolio. You have put no thought into yours and will likely see your net worth trickle steadily downward.

You caught the bitcoin bubble? Or trust fund baby?

>trust fund baby

I can put that much away in like 4 years at $15/hr. Way sooner if I lived with my parents like user might. You could too unless you blow all your money on stupid shit the second you get it like a hedonist normie tard

You think $23k is a lot of money? Cant even buy a new car for that these days.


Oh fuck me I forgot, normies buy stuff on credit. Jesus can you imagine taking a loan out to buy something you want?

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Do you really have $5k spread into over 100 alts? thats like $50 in each one. kek

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That’s a lot of wasted money on shitcoins...

>that SVD and REQ pile of shame tho

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I didn't mean to be rude, but my point is many people waste a lot of money every single year on cigarettes, booze and so on. An acquaintance of mine's dad is a lawyer who makes six figures and he spends $20,000 each year at the bar; the acquaintance himself is addicted to gambling and is in the red like $40,000 himself even though he can't hold a job long because of his anxiety (gets job, gets first paycheck, blows it at casino, quits, story of this retard's life; he'd gone through dozens of jobs since I'd met him five years ago or so).

Granted a lot of normies don't have that kind of money but they'll still spend however much they possibly can get away with on stuff like that with no consideration for the long term economic consequences, you know?

Crypto might be gambling but it's got better odds than a casino and it's not throwing the money away like smoking or drinking (alone) is.

That 100k was probably close to at least 400k at one point. I feel sad for you.

Trash..... all of them.. trash

ATH was about 202k in July last year. I increased my stack by about 100 ETH and those bidcones since then.
Sucks to think about what I could've had but oh well that's greed. I cashed out about 50k so far though so I guess that's ok.

>i own over 100 different altcoins, 100-100k each.
You sound like an idiot. So now what, you gonna wait for 100 different alts to all moon so you can make it? The chances of that happening r non existent.

Your smugness is insufferable.

Imagine thinking LINK is a better project than 0x, BAT, BCH and BTC combined. Fucking Jow Forums pieces of shit pajeet retard fucks.

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If I was you, I'd be soooooo happy

Perfect portfolio to make it.

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It fucking is tho. By leaps and bounds.

This guy gets it.

All in BSV

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U will fail

goodnight sweet prince

Checked and wrecked