HODLers & people euphoric are about to get wrecked. The vast majority of crypto people do not understand that price doesn't just go up bc of your assessment of fundamentals. Investing/trading is a 0-sum game. The majority must lose for you to win. Many won in yrs prior because cryptos were penny stocks w the world, not a country, as its potential buyers. The majority of people who bought $BTC are underwater now--that is going to increase significantly. Markets are akin to a more complex version of poker--most people don't even realize they're in a game. It's not the asset you're looking at that matters, but what other people are likely to do next, in anticipation of what they think you're going to do. The bounce from the lows collapsed shorts to lows commensurate w all major tops in 2018. Greed/euphoria is at levels not seen since $10k BTC. Meaning shorts are as low as they can get, & longs are high. Prices don't change in a vacuum--price goes up because a short was covered or someone went long. When all who can cover or go long have, no one is left to continue it.
Daily reminder you are all retards and need to read and take this in once again
Other urls found in this thread:
The longs start closing causing price to drop, fueling more long liquidations & then FOMO chasing short. The euphoria & all of CT in a bull craze does not make me question the next collapse to $2k--it makes me is now LONG, which means the market order sells & PANIC liquidations that cause prices to move far more than they would in a calm market, which is required for a crash to the $2ks, is now fully set up. The speed at which people went from fear to this euphoria goes BOTH WAYS.MORE confident bc this jump bull-trapped basically everyone is now LONG, which means the market order sells & PANIC liquidations that cause prices to move far more than they would in a calm market, which is required for a crash to the $2ks, is now fully set up. The speed at which people went from fear to this euphoria goes BOTH WAYS.NE--everyone who feared $BTC $1ks
If your bias is in line w the majority of CT's, understand you are trading w the HERD. Everyone "knows" they shouldn't do it but everyone does bc it's easier to join the bandwagon than to do your own analysis. If the majority must lose for the few to win in markets, WTH do you think being euphoric long w all of CT means for what's about to happen to you? Ultimately it is not even that the herd is always an unthinking mass (it is), but that they will always lose by the very fact that they are the majority--their positioning moves the entire market toone side. It thus CANNOT GO MUCH FURTHER--it MUST go back the other way. This is also a major reason why it is important to be contrarian--not just bc the majority don't think things thru, but bc by being positioned w the majority, by market structure alone you can never win
To sum it all up, you guys need to realise this isnt pre 2018 anymore.The bubble popped after a 9 year bullrun, the fundamentals got exposed in a big way, and it became the bitmex market.Can you make money on the hot alt of the month to 3 month period?sure, but hodling alts and btc will ruin you from this point on.
So you are perma bear? Or bear only until BTC = $2k? Cause the same fundamental tech that drove the 9 year bull market has not disappeared. Either you believe in bitcoin or you only see it as one big PnD.
People had 8 years from 2009 to early 2017 to show up. There's a point at which no party's there to show up to anymore.
Bitcoin is stuck in quicksand, and the quicksand will win. Because while a name-brand drug can retain value in a market flooded with generics, Bitcoin is not intended to be a drug or a stock, but a store of value. And no store of value has any value if it can lose 5 percent or more per year of market share to competitors, because eventually, new money stops coming in to mask this dynamic.
The recognition that it cannot store value amid perpetual competitive debasement will eventually induce people to rush out in the way they have in every fiat money collapse, a process that is now well under way.
Nakamoto created Bitcoin to be free market money, without protection from free market com- petition. No store of value can survive unless it withstands devaluation of any kind, government- based or otherwise, and only precious metals like gold have done this.
While it’s less convenient than Bitcoin, conve- nience cannot replace value, no more than the rel- ative convenience of paper fiat to gold did before.
As the market takes the price of Bitcoin and others masquerading as money down to their in- trinsic worth, this reality should become clearer to even ardent HODLers.
>holding alts will ruin you
Let me introduce you to a little stablecoin called BAT
And to btfo of your answer I wrote this
>Stock to flow. Bitcoins issuance rate will drop below golds at
So you don't believe it bitcoin at all. Good. More for me. (And Fidelity, BAKKT, Goldman Sachs customers, etc...)
Demand for Bitcoin is therefore unlike demand for gold. Bitcoin has no intrinsic value—no one wants it for itself. The value of Bitcoin is entirely socially-predicated, so there is no price floor, as no one will buy if he thinks no one else will.
Thus, any form of devaluation has the potential to create a rush for the exits as fear takes over that a decline will not bottom-out, a process that can collapse price to the point that any confidence it can be counted on to store value is lost completely.
The supply properties of Bitcoin are also very different. The supply of digital tallies with the Bitcoin name is fixed at 21 million. But the supply of Blockchains is unlimited, so the supply of digital tallies is, too. While gold cannot be recreated under a different name, Bitcoin can, which allows for the creation of direct competitors, a condition that gold does not have and that governments historically protected their fiat money from by outlawing them.
Thus, while Nakamoto protected Bitcoin against government-based devaluation, he did not protect Bitcoin against private free market competitors in the way governments protect their own fiat paper. And a money with no price floor, devalued through competition, is as much at risk of collapse as one devalued through inflation, as the prospect of any decline feared irrecoverable spurs people to sell in anticipation that others will.
If something with little to no intrinsic value is created in a free market, is marketed as money, and is priced beyond the value of producing it, the excess profit margin attracts competitors that drive it down.
Because the profit margin from creating Bitcoin is extravagant, incentives outside of HODLing have been twofold: creating competitors – alternative distributed ledgers with their own tallies (altcoins), and investing in them. By providing potentially higher risk-adjusted returns, competitors incentivize divestment and redirection of capital out of and away from Bitcoin, decreasing its price.
The result is devaluation. And while the process is not inflation, it’s inflationary in effect because it produces the same result that actual inflation would.
Competitive devaluation is already occurring but the effects have been masked because money has moved into and out of the sector largely together, hiding that much of the capital invested in altcoins would otherwise be in Bitcoin. That Bitcoin now only has 50 percent of cryptocurrency market share attests to this, along with the sheer number of altcoins, 2,000-plus, that exist.
Ultimately, the profit motive driving people to HODL is also driving them to divest out of Bitcoin and into competitors, for no network is secure if loyalty is predicated on the promise of riches.
The greater the price of Bitcoin, the greater its profit margin, attracting more competitors that are essentially the same thing, like generic drugs flooding the market after the name-brand version loses its patent.
The higher Bitcoin gets, the lower its potential return, and the greater that of altcoins, fueling further divestment into the latter until the point at which it becomes clear what’s happening. Bitcoin cannot continue to rise without moving the risk-adjusted return differential further in favor of alternatives.
good thread user
Actually wish I didn't read. Bobo posting.
>crypto trades like forex
>one doesn’t invest and hodle currency, one trades it
>the thread
The bear market is definitely not over but Crypto is still a vehicle for volatility and will have a few more years of crazy gains for competent traders who long and short.
So I agree, and suicide stacks aside, hodlers gambling on the next low cap shitcoin or on BTC mooning soon may as well buy lottery tickets.
Assuming what all you said is correct. Why would you believe that BTC has had its day? That 2017 was the peak bubble. Surely there is more profit to be had yet, more pumps higher prices. Your fundamental analysis may be correct, but your timing is off.
People like this are hypocritical ito the max,It's "Bobo" to forecast downside but not greed, hype, & ponzi-like to call for 10x, 20x+ moves to ATHs. If you fear what you HODL is constantly susceptible to declines/collapse bc of ideas or rumor, it cannot reliably store value over time
I disagree. The higher BTC goes the more it proves its legitimacy. Thus will keep going higher. Altcoins also prove the cryptocurrency model works as long as you understand alts are for PnD to gain more BTC and ETH. Bulls will continue to win long term. Other bubbles have burst and come back, and there's no good reason to think 2017 was somehow different.
I agree with you on the drop to $2k, but this is not right overall, sorry. You need to read up more on BTC before you post jumbled thoughts like this, it shows how little you truly know
You are so stupid it's not even worth arguing. Kill yourself.
if institutions don't come in & the retail public already came in in 2017 & got destroyed, WHO IS SUPPOSED TO COME IN NOW? The retail public, again? To get dumped on, AGAIN? The retail public always gets dumped on, butNOT TWO TIMES WITHIN THE SAME MARKET CYCLE OF THE SAME MARKET. No more than they jumped back into dotcoms after the 2000 crash. No bull market is an eternal well, & that this well has dried up will not be apparent to most people until they've HODLed their way to almost nothing.
in the same logic, the lower it goes the more it proves its disability to be a reliable tool for all that it was intended to do upon creation. Price goes both ways.
Double dubs confirm.
You're way too smart to be posting on Jow Forums.
In terms of a long-term bottom in Bitcoin, while I am looking for the hundreds or $1,000s (less likely) for a bottom that holds for a while, I do not think BTC will ever reach new highs. More likely to range at a declining angle until the low hundreds & settle there over time.
People forget that in most secular bear markets (covering the 2009-2018 bull), it's common for most companies/assets to go to 0 (ie dotcom), to be replaced by non-BS, leaner, more efficient ones. Lack of perspective to think most of the top 30 (incl. $BTC $ETH) won't be replaced.
What a stupid thread BTC will never go below $3500 ever again
Good post, this is exactly how I'm feeling about BTC.
One thing I would add is that the alleged cap in supply, which is the holy grail for BTC investors can't be retained in the future without either destroying the alleged POW security or allowing very high transaction fees.
At the moment, the majority of my holdings in crypto are invested into microcaps with strong upside potential. While it's high risk, there is low correlation to BTC movements and so for the most part, I havent lost money today. I do have money on some midcaps, which got destroyed, but short term I believe BTC will rally from this point.
From a TA standpoint, BTC daily looks amazing, at least until now. There's an enormous adam/eve painted that someone is trying to shut down. Shorts/longs are both low af relative to previous positions. There was strong upward momentum before this manipulated dump.
Makes me wonder how much steam the bull has left, because the market clearly wants upward price action.
Get ready to miss the boat, for the THIRD time in a row.. Understand BTC's value proposition or be left behind.
>implying the retail public entered
2017 was nothing more than wafting the tinder, prepping for the actual fire.
Look who entered, not who shilled, who entered. People who already habe some knowledge of crypto, not your average man. They were made aware this time round, it petered out too quick for them to take action. The next bubble will see some of the more risk assured take entry.
except you have a better chance at winning the lottery with a shit coin than the actual lottery faggot.
I'm puzzled it's a controversial opinion that the crypto meme is dead and while punctual gains can be achieved, you're going to lose in the long run.
It can't go any more fucking mainstream than this.
just a reminder to y'all that OP posts are a copypasta from the beartard @jcho710
This. If you think boomers had time to react in 2017, to actually BUY you're fucking retarded.
That's awareness, not the same thing as actually buying.
>Bitcoin has no intrinsic value
How can you say BTC has no intrinsic value when it cannot be seized, is decentralized and accessible to anyone in the world with a shitty smart phone? There is value to that. Also, are you arguing that you think some crypto will eventually win out, just not BTC?
This is called marketing. They just talk to be noticed.
Reading comprehension, do you posses it?
Is this the distribution of a globally adopted asset?
Eventually, a new bull market on sounder ground in crypto/distributed ledger technology.Bitcoin will remain as a 2-3 digits collectable/hobby coin.
all of OP posts are copypasta. Jcho is a shill invested in gold and other altcoins.
IF? What do you mean "if"? Bakkt, Goldman, Fidelity, etc are already on the way. Discounts at Starbucks for paying with BTC are possible.
The market is too immature to make some of your claims, although I agree that there is still pain to come until we get massive positive news/adoption going.
BTC price prediction by 2023?
You didn't even read my post nigger. I'm bullish.
110 dollars
between 100 and 500k
Also this.
The majority of Boomers are not gonna be able to figure out how to buy BTC. It's only when broker/dealers are able to facilitate the transaction is when they'll be able to call in, place the order, and have someone else do it for them, that we'll see them drop their golden bull nest egg in the fray.
t. stock broker
You have already exhibited yourself to be a complete moron whose predictions have no credibility.
Is that $100 or $100k?
But XLM will flip BTC
OP sorry but you need more knowledge and education before you publically speak on BTC
I don't know what longs and shorts are. I am still up.
you cannot be serious, why would you even make this thread if you have no clue what you're talking about? i really hope this is bait
You must be purely speaking about speculative securities because this is not how the stock market operates.
No, bobo posting is where you are emotionally invested in a bear market so you write big long angsty essays based on not-quite-accurate assumptions
hai jon cho
OP is obviously spamming copy pasta from Jon Cho
larp or not. jcho maybe right?
>The majority must lose for you to win
>The majority of people who bought $BTC are underwater now--that is going to increase significantly.
I'm not underwater.
I'm not selling soon.
You do the math.
See you in 2022, stop masturbating about market physiology, it's always the same and the market is cyclical. It doesn't matter if the bottom is at 3.2k or 1.8k.
BTC is gonna go lateral for one full year and then...
What is your BTC price prediction for 2023? What about ETH?
BTC: somewhere between 60k (end of 2020) and 100k (beginning of 2022).
ETH: they have the smartest and most careful team out there, they are not doing any major mistake despite being pioneer of cryptocurrency innovation. I expect ETH somewhere in the 2k area for 2020-2022.
I think next bull run will be a 20/25x.
Many shitcoins will go to zero, few shitcoin will moon, but you need to have a lot of money to waste and to gamble...
the only people who care about alts are pajeets looking to swing trade their way into more BTC. Institutions don't care for alts, there is no value proposition in them.
Checked. Is ETH an alt?
Honestly, I think it is. I remember when people shilled the shit out of it in 2017, saying it was garbage. There is a hilarious thread on Bitcointalk where this guy named Sputnik said people were retarded for buying ETH above 50 cents. I'm sure he an hero'd long ago.
However, ETH seems to be considered blue chi since it spiked in the last bullrun, but in my eyes, BTC is the only real digital currency. Ether will only be real if it actually pulls off smart contracts and scaling.
Bitcoin will always have the edge over Ether because Bitcoin is trustless, immutable, and decentralized, Ethereum is not.
Thanks user. You seem to know your shit. So do you think I will be ok if I accumulate BTC in 2019 and hold for a few years?
no your the idjiot.
You don't understand that crypto is a competing organisational system of wealth and productivity to fiat.
The fiat can just be printed endless and is open to gov abuse.
Crypto has known supply curves and rules.
Your mixing up stocks etc, with an adoption curve and a fundamental change in the way we organise society.
Like email did to the post office.
Letter writing was a thing for 100's of years now no. Not so much.
Physics is contingent.
Behavior is thus contingent.
Market is thus contingent.
Crypto is thus ontologically unpredictable.
The absolute absence of crypto proper analogs and thus, parameters, give birth to a truly new game theory.
Buy BTC.
sure it has intrinsic value, it can organise all other markets without a central actor.
other alts is true a quasi form of inflation but crypto as a thing. No, Thats here to stay, becuase there is no off switch.
retail public, what about 0.001% or less own any crypto or anything more that and of that they put in a f ew buck each.
You seem like another user who knows his shit. What are your predictions for BTC and ETH price in the next few years?
I'm afraid that user cannot form a coherent sentence, let alone explain intrinsically imponderables of the tradecraft.
it blows my mind someone is ultra bear on BTC and bull on some random alt crap at the same time, it is almost moronic
Ok then what do you think?
Competitive dissolution has been around since ethereum. Gold actually has not been resilient to debasement if you are only looking at dollar value as your judgement call.
Indeed, gold dollar price is far from its value because of paper and swaps. It's like fractal reserve banking. If everyone rushed to swap their gold contracts for bullion, they're going to be out of luck. The GLD fund, for instance, only has a nominal amount of physical gold to back up its market cap.
The paper trading market has done this to Bitcoin. Everyone warned about it. But I think it's short sighted to fixate only on dollar value, which has probably been perverted until there's a real systemic shock in the global economy.
Crypto is the digital fiat and akin to its analog counterparts will need an unpredictable duration of scrutinizing prior to an acceptable assessment on the nature and scope of its behavior so a compatible method may arise to afford qualified predictions.
ive been in BTC since 2013. made a bit of money, but dont think i will be able to again. if something seems too good to be true, it usually is
That's why you make bits and not truckloads of money.
>downs are just steps upwards