Thinks his 2000$ crypto portfolio will make him rich someday

>thinks his 2000$ crypto portfolio will make him rich someday

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this is me except my crypto portfolio is worth $40k. will I make it?

>dead inside, can't cry


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Stay strong fren

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ive never washed my 1yr old car that i bought new
i think the $30k i invested will make me rich someday
i only drink water
dont drink alcohol or smoke weed

will i make it?

Do you listen to music from your teens? If so, no

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>$2k in LINK
>grew out of Jow Forums (still "alt-right", just dont browse anymore)
>addicted to Jow Forums and youtube
Describes me to a T except for the lonely virgin no friends stuff. We're all going to make it frens

pretty much me
grew out of weed too tho

kek, this was me 2 years ago. with the exception of my portfolio being ~40k at that time

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