Student loans started being due in January 7th

>student loans started being due in January 7th
>haven't paid any of them yet
What happens if you don't pay your student loans? I don't exactly have a job.

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How much money did Sam make in crypto?

enough so he has to pretend to be a homeless disgusting fat fuck for the rest of his life

If federal, get on IBR. If private, forbearance then default.

This happened to me op and the school forced me to sell my BTC

Student loans don't go to collections. cringe...

I pay them off every three months, just before they reach delinquency. It dinged my credit 150 points so far.

How can they force you to sell btc? I would 'lose' that private key pretty quick.

The SEC can bar you in all first world countries. GL with money you can't spend u less you're in a shithole in which case you're an even worse situation.

How did they even know you own BTC?

call them ASAP and get a deferment or forbearance, or they will fuck your credit.

you have 270 days to pay what you have outstanding, and what you fail to pay for those 9 months. you can do 269 days and not see any problem, although after 90 days i think they ding your credit rating a little.

after 270 days you default.

if no job you may be able to get on REPAYE or similar, which is a payment plan for poor/NEETs.

i was just put on it and they gave me 12 payments of $0 as a bonus (until march 2020). it's a little box you check off, and if approved, you could get that too.

that year of $0 isnt a forbearance. there's no interest. basically like another grace period.

otherwise, apply for a general forbearance. they'll probably give it to you.

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Absolutely nothing. Just let them accumulate, in a few years that bubble's going to explode and you'll be scott free. This is what literally everyone is doing these days.

Or you could just wait for it to moon to the point it would pay off the loans and then some. Then you could 'find' the private key. Or just spend it directly without cashing out.

>this thread and peoples knowledge about defaulting student loans proofs that we are approaching peak bubble

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Thanks guys
I don't want my 750 credit score to go down

America is doomed

good luck faggots, you'll be Russia tier poverty once the collapse is finished

I'll be leaving. cya!

You'll get to meet Tyrone and friends.

Just get ahold of your servicer, tell them you don't have a job and want an income driven repayment plan. That's about it, I got $0 payments for two years

unfortunately this doesn't work for student loans

OP, after forbearance is over, IIRC if you don't pay for 3 months they start reporting it to credit agencies, after 6 months from there of not paying they'll start threatening to take you to court (that's when I started paying)
>t. sub 600 credit from the student loan jew

Lol at fags who have student loans

Deferment bro. look it up

God I hope that's true. I've had student loans due since October 2018.

It's so demotivating to have student loans man. It feels like I'm better off not working than working just to throw money at a black hole of debt.

pay back the taxpayers money you thieving faggot.

student loans are the only debt that can't be erased, can't go to collections, can't file bankruptcy for, can't avoid.

The jew has you on the hook, now work or go to jail silly goy.

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Seems like a valid excuse to leave the country and live a life of adventure.

i wanna hear his story

Sam Hyde "The art of deal"

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This. Credit is in the shitter. Unfortunately for them I give less than zero fucks about credit scores.
>there's no interest.
Oh shit. I should fill out that paperwork then, score.
>got angry phonecall 3 weeks ago from them
>told her in less than polite language I don't have a job and have no money
>emailed me some shit, didn't look at it
>fill this out as soon as possible, she said. think it was ibr
I should do that.
>hrow money at a black hole of debt.
That was my feel. I paid several thousand dollars and there's zero progress made on it. I don't see the point. Buying better food has more benefit than throwing my money down the debt repayment toilet. You can't repay 60k at 20 an hour.

>borrowing 12 grand to buy fucking BTC
>sits there and calls telling long sob stories before suggesting a super low debt payoff a "technique"
he probably bought BTC at the very top too

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My roommate refinanced their student loans in a way that they are currently paying $0 each month due to them making less than $30k per year. Even if they continue to pay $0 for the next 20 years at the end of that 20 year period all debts are written off.

Have fun being a jewish slave for 20 years in return for 4 years of partying. Was it worth it goy? Imagine how hard jews laugh at you when spending the holidays with their loved ones (who have no student debt cuz their parents love them unlike your white boomer parents)

I would like too I just don't know how to get started.

When the student loan bubble pops, how exactly would that affect the rest of the economy? I mean, if we look at OP he doesn't have a job so he's pretty much disconnected from the economy so clearly, a bunch of millennials killing themselves would not move the market. Will the banks hurt and that cause the crash?

This world is fucked

>he has the loans of a student

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there are videos where he is mining litecoin, he has been involved since at least the first big media exposure period. so he should have made a fuck ton. but who knows

>can't avoid

then he must simply enjoy making it appear like he is half broke

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