Biz I received the message that I can probably be a father right now
I don’t know what to do
I am in class right now
I wanna cry and I wanna smile at the same time
What the fuck
What is this feeling
I won’t sleep probably
Pleaseee need support
What I doo
Biz I received the message that I can probably be a father right now
Business and Finance
Dude I don’t know what to do if this happens
I don’t even have a job wtf help me fren recommend me anything I don’t know what to feel or say
Wtf fren
Get some meds and stop asking an anonymous forum to help you.
No I would never do that
Are you white
Is she white
If its a boy, don't let the mother run off with it
If its a girl well, just see pic
Dude I don’t know what even to say or ask I usually just talk to my mom and brother wtf dude if this really happened I don’t know what even to say dude my gf rich and I am broke her father will probably kill me when he know I am from favela
you should pay attention in class and learn something instead of shitposting about how much of a fuck up you are.
I am Arabic tier in looks, even being brown I have causcasoid traits and she too she even have dual citizenship because of her grandmother from Europe
Wtf bro I wanna hide myself in bathroom wanna cry and smile at same time
Why you morons respond to this huehuemonkey attention whore I will never understand
Dude I am not kidding or larping god and kek know it
Because I am not kidding you fucking retard
Even if it’s a girl I don’t wanna produce a broken one who will just let things worse
Oh yes one more thing, fuck off you offtopic stupid blogposting spic, you shouldn't fucking reproduce
No pic no proof you only showed timesramp
>I don’t even have a job
Aren't you a manwhore? That's probably lucrative.
You're probably in Brazilian top 1% by iq so I guess you improved the future generation, good job
Fuck you retarrd go insert a dragon dildo of gold into your pink preppie ass u fucking faggot go download Grindr and suck a cock I know u like
Go away I don’t like men I just tuck pussy I am not larpening fuck u
Arab incoherent anger confirmed
Dude I just have WhatsApp conversation i literally receive it now I am not larpening
I don’t know what to feel what to say I just wanna smile and cry the tears are almost starting to fall
I look like Aladin like a Mulan with a alladin son I am good looking even Europe girls admitted and anons from /fã/ said I am model tier of looks
I am in class mobile internet change. Ip and my id change I am not kidding I wish I was fuckkkk
The next few years are going to suck pretty bad. Good luck.
I don’t know what to say
What the fuck happened
Jesus fucking Christ
Why I cummed inside wtffff
This is how most children happen.
Loser that fucks old grandmas for money ends up reproducing.
Humanity is screwed
The saga continues.
Well it’s like to always think it just happens to others and banng it happen with yourself
not even joking bro, you need to start doing cam sex before and after she starts showing if you want to have a shot at making it
Good luck, man. Really.
Fuck u if I have a son it looks good because I am good looking fuck u retard I did what I did because I don’t have any support and had to pay shit I never said I am proud of that I have shame of that
I only check out Jow Forums occasionally, yet I always see your drama queen sob story bullshit. Typical narcissistic namefag looking for attention. You got it! Now go away and hopefully jannies will do their job.
>arabic tier in looks
lmfao this is another level of we wuz
Favelaanon, I'm gonna tell you this and I'm not kidding when I say it: I hope a crackhead stabs your eyes out and fucking kills you so that you stop posting here like an attention whore bitch. You are NOT interesting and most of us here are getting fed up with your bullshit. The only reason why I actually come to your threads is to make myself feel better, to realised I'm a white and attractive rich European who lives in a first world country and isn't afraid of walking out at night. Sometimes I get so distracted with my first world problems that I forgot that. Thanks for reminding me but seriously, now fuck off
Shut up granny fucker. Scum like you should be castrated. Instead you'll spread your shit genes and pop out 4 kids. Humanity is going down the toilet
>boohoo feel sorry for me I fucked a wrinkly stinky old lady
>goes to federal university (them blue seats)
>around 20-22
>probably stem (no girls in class)
>North, northeast or southwest at best (mostly mestizos in class)
If you are in stem on a federal school you will be fucked for a while but you have a chance of getting a half decent job
latinos look like arabs to me
aren't you studying CS? I'm not sure if I remember correctly.
Getting a H1B job offer to the US is pretty much your only chance at making it.
BRo I don’t know wha t to say Fuck u idiot piece of shit ur mom pooped u on toilet
I do two grads fren
One is state one
Chill. It's Brazil.
I do electrical engineering and computer engineering
Going home it’s rainig
U should be castrated I can be retard but I look good I bet your mom would masturbate thinking in me hot latino hmmm
But u are just a ugly fucker gross like a gremlin and toxic u like poison u piece of shit
make sure you shove that thumb up the old lady's ass next time you see her. she'll probably give you a tip
Did you not see the fucking picture. Ranjeesh and the gang taking a break from pooin in their designated loos so they can learn some new skills
>computer engineering
so programming. Are you building your github portfolio?
No fren I was going to do edx courses to get Harvard and mit certificates now idk what to doo aaa
Shit overcrowded
abandon your child now and flee to usa, i will marry you
Ye your mom paid me retard
I will never abandon my offspring really sorry but thanks anyway wish you all of best
these certificates are mostly worthless.
I can't think of any way from Brazilian poverty other becoming a developer for Western companies, so unless you have a better idea (like getting a job from connection from the girlfriend's family?) I suggest you start learning how to become a webdev fast
Eu falei buscar a igreja de Jesus cristo dos santos dos ultimos dias. E agora seu galardao sera dor e miseria. É assim como a pobreza continua, um macaco como voce nao consegue controlar seu penizinho. Voce merece ser pobre
Basically you fucked it up. Its should be a happy moment when you are ready for it but it's not your case. Are you gonna keep the kid? Be careful what you choose, both will hunt you until the rest of your life.
Oh, another begging thread disguised as a sob story. You know what really gives you off as a monkey? It's your shitty acting. You try to be a fren and at the same time act like you're tough with your "I look good ooga booga" and "FUCK U UR MOM GAY U GO FUCK U URSELF" replies. If what you're saying is true that you got a bitch pregnant, it's probably your filthy dog. Fuck you and the retards who unironically believe your shit.
What even is this thread?
Vai tomar no cu seu hipocrita não me arranjou um emprego filho da puta
Criança não é maldição se isso é ser bom prefiro Serb. Ruim mesquinho do diabo não ajuda em nada
Retard I sent videos to many anons
Seu mao de vaca. É pessoas come voce aye faça Brazil uma vergonha
ooga booga
Possible absent father and setting up to beg more.
Vai te foder te pedi emprego filho da puta
Idiot why I would larp if something like that stupid fag
He's subtly asking for "donations".