Any truckers here? I'm thinking of going into the industry.
How does one earn 6 figures driving? How many years do you need to drive? Any tips getting CDL and first job?
Any truckers here? I'm thinking of going into the industry.
How does one earn 6 figures driving? How many years do you need to drive? Any tips getting CDL and first job?
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Trucker get paid per mile which comes out to about ~$15/hr once you add up all the time fueling up/loading takes
LOL yeah fucking right
what trucking school did you go to?
truckers are the highest paid uneducated workers in the US and they are in desperate need of truckers because everyone is a pussy and doesn't want a real job, so they are paying top dollar.
a lot of places will even pay for your school and hook you up with a job. "school" is 2 weeks and you get your CDL.
job will be automated in 10 years and you'll be working at walmart
Wasn't the average age of truckers like 40-50? They pretty much are all retiring soon anyways within 10 years, well at least the ones in their 50s. Younger ones and in their 40's are probably screwed if truck driving is the only thing they have done their entire lives.
jokes on you
i already work at walmart
my dad is a trucker
fucking ignorant piece of shit.
dry van and reefer will most likely be automated. local fuel, dump truck, end dump, asphalt paving trucks, cement mixers, logging trucks. those will never be automated and all pay top dollar for experience. get fucked.
PS to the OP: head for hazardous materials or tanker. youll never get outsourced to a robot. end dump is good work too. pays very well. grind it then buy your own truck and trailer and make big bucks you should go for heavy transport or hazmat when you buy your own truck. it will take time. you will start shit pay around 40-50k but you will make 6 figures if you do what i said with O/O
The drivers will be forced to learn how to maintain these trucks (adopt) or die out.
> there are people who are unironically stoked to be truck drivers
Blows my mind
OT: Is it possible to get a Jow Forums without all those fucking crypto threads?
It was so comfy before.
>a real job
Well that's the problem with truck driving, it's more a lifestyle than a job. When you're a truck driver all you do is drive a truck. All day every day, except for the two days off you get every three weeks or so.
There once was a bizbro here who made so much money by getting payed double or tripple because he would drive trucks that were to late or where they lacked drivers so the company would pay a shitload to still get there on time
Trucker here, recently went O/O, liking it so far. Been driving about 10 years.
To make six figures, you need to put in the time to git gud. I got into it out of retail, so I didn't know shit. I absolutely sucked at backing for the first couple of years. Guys who come from farms who had tractors and towed stuff have an edge here. Other anons have it right, hazmat, heavy hauling is how you make money with big trucks.
There is also expedited running, where you have a sprinter van and run tiny amounts of stuff for decent money. Crossover with van life threads when? Taking one case of parts from Ohio to Virginia can pay $800. Medical supplies pays even better, I hear. Thing is, it's feast or famine as it's not regular work. You probably need good connections or wait for someone with a more regular gig to die or retire.
Your local community college might have a decent CDL program. That would be your first choice. There are also a couple of companies like England and I believe Swift, that work as diploma mills. They have shit tier reputations for a reason, though. I saw an England driver a few weeks ago who couldn't get enough traction in a mudhole to get into a dock. He had no idea there was a switch on his dashboard that would send power to both drive axles for just this type of situation, and England leased him a truck and put him on the road with millions of other vehicles.
If you go the owner/op route, you will need to have about 30 grand set aside for repairs before you can really relax, 10K minimum. Six figures doesn't go as far as you'd think in this business, but if you don't have alimony or child support payments, you're ahead of the pack.
The lifestyle is what you make of it. Listen to podcasts, sing along as loud as you want, but it will destroy your health and human relationships. If you stay out for extended periods of time, take a break every couple weeks and give a stripper $100 or so to talk for 15-30 minutes so you don't forget how.
You have to own your own truck and work your ass off before you’ll crack $100k. This is probably the worst way to get $100k but if you want to crack $70-80k it is doable by your 5th year in the industry.
Any automation will be overpriced auto pilot with a high failure rate and worthless on gravel, construction, or backing. Nobody will buy those systems. And the programmers would die if they saw how well trucking companies maintain their it systems.
Can I do this in ETS2?
Do you have to have one of those radar sensors that think expansion joints in a bridge are a brick wall and slam on the brakes for you? You know, the ones that can't deal with fog or rain?
Automated trucks probably are coming, but it won't be as soon as anyone thinks.
can confirm. My dads been a truck driver for well over 20 years and makes around 130k a year. He's unhealthy af though and barely sleeps. It's a taxing lifestyle
I’ve experienced them, they aren’t worth a fuck. Automation is a pipe dream at this point.
in the US just go to companies like schinder or knight and they will train you and get you your CDL. it's a shit job though. it's like a road trip that lasts forever and you don't get to see or do anything fun because the truck is too big to park it anywhere except truck stops and there's an angry cunt dispatcher that constantly calls you yelling about being behind schedule. and when you get tired the state police will bang on your door and tell you to go away because you can't park here. you get no sleep and no respect and work long hours.
>a bunch of retards honestly discussing Truck Driving as a source of income
This is proof alone of why you should never take Jow Forums investment advice seriously
I work in logistics, and deal with drivers, from my daily route drivers, OTR drivers, and hot shot guys. If you're going to do it, get a van, and run hot shots. The money+quality of life is the best balance. OTR drivers can make good money, but it's because the quality of life is fucking horrible. My daily route drivers don't make shit, I make more in ops supervision comfy at a desk. If you are going to do OTR, I'd try to find yourself 1 comfy consistent run.
This user knows whats up. For example, I'm out of Orlando. I set up vans all the time to go to North Florida/Georgia for either GE healthcare or Mitsubishi power systems. $500 to a driver to grab a 5lb box and drive it 6 hours north. It does require connections, but get in good with a few brokers and you'll easily get a run a day.
>He had no idea there was a switch on his dashboard
I had a problem similar to this. Wasn't my fault though because i was a noob at the time and didn't know shit. When the company put you in a truck they don't explain jack shit about it. They just assign you one thats sitting in their yard and expect you to know all of it's quirks.
when i got my first truck assigned it had bald tires and dry rotted air lines.
hotshot is different that OTR though. It's time sensitive shit. That means enjoy driving for like 8 hours straight. That truck cannot stop until it reaches it's destination. That's why most hotshot trucks are teams. I've had hotshot guys tell me they piss in bottles and shit in buckets. fuck that.
>tfw truck driver in the UK and make £18k ($24k)
I can see Automation becoming popular for long highway routs with depots at either end where people can pick up the load and take it to more dificult locations.
I got CDL 2 years ago and make $3000 per week after taxes in the oilfield operating one of the most dangerous pieces of equipment
I have over 100k saved up in the bank after just 15 months of work (I didn't always make as much as I am now) never made less than 1200/wk after taxes even just starting out.
CDL opens doors that go much further than just over the road driving
Oh trust me man I know them all, all too well, I've been setting up hot shots, from sprinters to trailers for about a decade. A lot are teams as longer runs require them, but you also have the complete ability to tell your broker no thanks but call me on the next one. If you can't hold your bladder for 6-8 hours, you're going to have a rough time driving no matter what. Also, I started in the industry on daily routes helping out do reaidential deliveries as a second man; Even route drivers piss in bottles on occasion. Even OTR can have a pretty tight timetable, 1 weekly run I have goes from my dock in Orlando to Ohio, and they have about 12 hours to make it depending on what time I get them loaded and out. Every runs different, but I still stand by my main point, hotshots are the best balance of money and quality of life.
Your island is like 5 hours drive top to bottom. It takes 30 hours coast coast in
I can't believe ruff necks are on this board now. This place really attracks all kinds of people lol.
that shit looks hard af though my dude.
I day trade stocks and have Masters in engineering but the real work is not sitting at a desk. These fagot computer workers know nothing and accomplish nothin in their pathetic existence. I graduated college debt free before computers were even a thing and by the time my job is automated I'll be long gone with 6 figures saved away in the bank. I would invest in crypto if i thought it wouldn't get stolen like my gox did. I was on this board when btc was 0.50 and Mt gox was a thing
Dumb trucker larp so fucking much
You guys make jack shit dude I know because I am smarter than all of you
So I can only work for ten years and then retire on my LINK+BTC stack? The horror.
30 hours? How fucking fast are you driving, jesus.
Ahhh.. the good old "i'm smarter than u because I have more money than you" argument.
Easy there gramps. I'm sure you meant 7 figures. Get a hardware wallet. There's a website called YouTube where you can even find a manual for the dang ol thing.
I'd probably have to kill myself if I had been aware of bitcoin at fifty cents and I were still posting on this board in 2019 talking about how I should invest in crypto.
shiiiiiiit i nevah had any aspirations bout my self either ways recently ive veen pseuding myself up on lit trying to agree to me that i do have 130iq but im a failure and know its only 85 and outrick myself. im 20 and dont have license though hows that for my "driving record"
honestly want to be a fisherman but want an all autismo crew not immigrant alcoholics
That's me though. I knew about and even mined it on a laptop in 09. yes you heard that right. a laptop. I mined like 2 btc but lost the wallet. I don't want to off myself though. I don' beat myself up about it because i'm not a physic and theres no way i could have known it would ever amount to anything.
>This place really attracks all kinds of people lol.
Yeah, all types of losers. NEETs, minimum wagecucks, neo nazis, rigpigs who blow their entire check on hookers and truck lifts, etc
>masters in engineering
>can't figure out how a coldwallet works
Stop fucking larping you loser.
OP here, thanks for the tips and discussion so far. Keep it coming.
I'm thinking of going with Swift as my first job. They provide paid training for the CDL, and then I hear you can make about $4000 starting after you finish the schooling. Everyone seems to say to keep the fuck away from CR England etc. Anyone know Swift or have entry level experience in general recently?
Also, I don't have a family and don't care about being an incel. I just want to work and make as much bank as possible so I can retire at 45.
UPS trucker here, make 120k a year with full benefits and pension but it's 60 hours a week. job is really easy but it's something you can't just wake up and decide to do one day (at least for UPS) you have to work your way up within the company with seniority and it can take potentially 5 years (extremely rare) all the way up to 20 years (more common) i'm 33 and started working for UPS at 19 and now i put all my shekels in the stock market and bitcoin
Automation on a mass scale won’t happen for decades, plenty of time to cash in
My brother is a trucker in Europe. Extremely stressful and responsible job plus you get treated like shit all the damn time.
Trucker prostitutes will be replaced by fembots
I work in the oilfields and I make at least 100k per year. The hours are long though. This shit is almost the equivalent of 2 full time jobs. But yes 6 figures in trucking is possible. Hauling cattle for example pays more than what I do
You make 6 figures, but you're spending like 60k on maintenance and taxes along, it breaks down to like 60k net at best, unless you're hauling really dangerous shit like aviation fuel, and I heard those gigs are hard to come by so, yeah.
Expect pure automation memes, discovered actual good advice. I wouldn't bank on doing trucking forever though, automation will most likely extend to more hazardous jobs eventually as the technology improves.
> those will never be automated and all pay top dollar for experience
Never? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you're buying yourself an extra decade or two. Tops
I'm an employee. Last year my pre-tax income was like 115k. Subtract like 30k from that to get cucked by my government
Swift has a bad rep, but as long as you aren't a complete spastic you can do fine. They do seem to take care of their equipment when Somalis aren't driving them through cornfields. $4K is probably going to be about what you gross a month, so account for tuition and taxes. Learn how to do a good pretrip inspection.
After about a year, when you start to feel comfortable, is one of the most dangerous points in your driving career. Complacent drivers have wrecks. Try to learn something every day.
Dunno where you're based out of, but when you have enough experience to apply to Epes, they have a decent lease purchase program. I would be there if my current company hadn't offered me a better deal. Best of luck, user.
This is wrong. If you have 1 year exp, you can make $0.70/mile in my area plus benefits long haul. Most long haul drivers easily average at least 60mph, so $42/hr+.
Assuming you work 40 hrs a week, you're at 84K/yr. Owner operators make more...
Yes, if you live in a hick area and don't have a clean record, it may be 60K a year but getting to 80K as a wagie or 100K as an owner operator is easy. Hitting 150K+ is the real challenge.