Mother saves 10,000 in a year by giving up toothpaste and toilet paper
the true brown pill is cutting out the redundant toilet step, and just shitting straight in the cloth
Toilet paper is pretty archiac and is in need of an upgrade. Surely there's a better way of cleaning your anus than a piece of paper.
that's like 1000 a month on bathroom supplies... std? she is over estimating the savings to cope with using shit rags and losing teeth.
Sir, I respect this woman for doing the needful. I do the same. Toilet paper and toilets are a waste of money.
how did wtf get changed to std? fuck my phone
>14566 USD a year for shampoo, toothpaste and toilet paper.
Something doesn't add up here.
Save even more on your water bill by shitting on the street and wiping with your hand
> Not using a bidet.
>He doesn't know about the three seashells
DAMNIT I wanted to post this one...
Biz should follow the Indian model
How can I find a thrifty wife like that?
Marry a homeless woman
I swear to God when I become Galactic Overlord any media shill who puts just one word in a headline in all uppercase letters is being flayed alive.
just trim your hairy ass and dampen toilet paper.
faster cleanup 1/4 tp usage
hm is she /our girl? Sound similar to some of the neets here.
>saved so much she no longer needed to work
so her husband pays for all her shit? classic
Imagine the smell lmao
thats the nicest pen shitter ive ever seen
Bitch juss go to Costco, ull get to use this shit still n save half that if u buy a buncha overprice necessities in small quantities all the time from t
Overpriced grocers
The absolute of poorfags
since we are talking about toilets. Do ameritards just have tiny dicks or do you like it to have your balls and tip of your dick touch the fucking toilet water. Seriously, build proper Wc's
left pic-> your toilet
right pic-> superior german toilet
forgot the fucking pic
Based user
wow I love smelling my shit because it didnt go in the water. What a great idea
thats why we invented flushes.
And how do you likeit to have the water splash in your anus after you drop your shit?
>g*rman toilet
>no poo shelf
Who do you think you're fooling you subhuman kraut?
Frugal people are mentally ill
wipes and water. The only way to actually clean the poo poo off your butt and butthole.
>Zoomer """humour"""
this is the exact face I make when I'm wiping
You put a piece of toilet paper in the water before you go, retard.
That's the serving tray. Germans don't want to have to fish for their dinner.
wtf is that fucking thing?
Germans are a very fecal people. They like to dip their fingers in their feces after they shit to make sure it's good and stinky. Stinky feces are good luck to the German people. That's why they have food like sauerkraut and bratwurst. It's to make their assholes and shit smell more. Also why shizer videos emerged from Germany. In Germany pooping in your loved one's mouth is considered more romantic than kissing them.
That movie is from the 80s you overgrown spermatazoa. Tell your mom to take you to planned parenthood for an extremely late term abortion.
>Americans actually fill the entire bowl with water
LMFAO! Imagine the splash every time you go to the toilet it would be like going to the water park.
This is the real reason Americans get circumcised is so their foreskins don't hang in the toilet.
seashells, wtf? What do you do with those things, scrape of the shit?
am kraut. can confirm.
Sounds like bullshit, who spends 11k on toothpaste, toiletpaper and shampoo combined in a year?
11.000 / 365 = 30,14 / 3 thats just 10,04 per person per day user. you have to remember Brits have very large teeth
>who spends 11k on toothpaste, toiletpaper and shampoo combined in a year?
Woman you dummy. You think it is a meme but capitalism has women by the balls.
you don't know do you ? ooooh you are so0o0o 2008
How the fuck do you spend 10k a year on that shit ?
I'm not insulting here, i'm genuinely puzzled, how is it physically possible ?
i mean, she's still a stupid cunt, but how ?
German toilets AND American toilets are retarded. This is what a toilet is supposed to look like. No gross poo tray, no water touching your dick.
>Demolition man
Just tell us how the fucking shells are used
heh good joke. we all know how to use them so thats why its funny. nobody would actually not know this stuff so we can have fun making jokes about it. i am autistic.
holy fucking shit I almost forgot about this americans truly are retarded
best kind of toilet desu, no back splash and never had issues with flushing
>the impoverished """""people""""" at the forsaken end of the financial spectrum have to give up every comfort known to them in order to save an amount that a professional could make in a month
truly the proles are damned
Wtf lool
Cool, I spend this amount every year on drinks at the beach
How do I get into writing retardation for internet gossip rags? Jow Forums posts have a higher average quality.
>it took TWO thots to write 3 paragraphs and they were still off by at least two magnitudes of order on the dollar amount
Germans are super into scat, so they need this kind of toilet to pick the poo and "play" with it.
everybody should smell their shit
not like water stops your farts from stinking up the place
I had one of those at my old student house. thing was a 60s model, at least thats what the plumber said while hands were in deep shit. those models get clogged all the time.
I've had the displeasure of using these a couple of times in peoples homes. This is the absolute most retarded toilet design yet, once I shit so much it molded into a pile and I had to stand up and flush because there was no more room for shit to leave my ass
Fun fact, if your flush tank is not configured well, and it sends water to strong, it will send the piss from the tray right out of the bowl and spray anyone who's in front of it
t. guy who bought a house with this kind of toilet and replaced it immediately
On the advice of frugal bizraelis, I switched to this setup a year ago
Cut up cotton towel rags on right, bucket for dirty rags on left, roll of toilet paper for occasional use and/or girls who come over.
a $0.99 gallon jug of bleach supplies a teaspoon to a gallon of water when the bucket is full. The rags soak and get agitated with a wooden dowel. This rinsate is poured out and the rags are added to a load of cotton towels in the washing machine with another capful of bleach.
The rags are cut up 6x6 inch squares of a old cotton towels. The cost savings on toilet paper, at $1/roll is probably about $30-40.
But the real treat is a clean, wet wiped asshole that doesn't stink and feels comfy. I can't believe I was brainwashed my whole life into thinking that smearing shit around my crack was productive or even sanitary.
You keep rags full of shit in your bathroom?
That bucket looked like that goddamn sad cat from the thumbnail. A-are those rags smeared with your shit?
This is called OCD and I feel bad for her kids.
Good idea. Toothpaste is absolutely useless. The "brush twice a day" meme was made by dentists literally because they assume that people are too lazy to brush properly. Use a cloth to get the shit off your teeth and rinse with alcohol mouthwash once a day, you'll be fine, probably better.
That's fine if you don't care about oily hair or have an alternative that works just as well.
>Toilet paper
Absolutely barbaric, wipe your ass.
>The cost savings on toilet paper, at $1/roll is probably about $30-40.
>roll of toilet paper for occasional use and/or girls who come over.
Nope. The absolute state.
This is how you save water and precious time. Pic related is a white, opaque gallon jug (from almond milk, which is a ripoff).
Anyway, this is what I piss in. With the cap on there is no smell. It doesn't look conspicuous. Whenever I feel the need I can just stick my dick in this and piss. I don't waste time walking to the bathroom, aiming an uncontrollable stream of piss at a bowl 2 feet away or sit down, or whatever. I can be stumbling drunk in the dark and can't miss with this thing.
Because, lets face it, control is impossible, and there is all the time you have to spend cleaning the toilet because you are peeing/splashing piss all over the toilet when you stand and piss. Toilets are designed for sitting and shitting, not standing and pissing.
I can fill the jug and need to flush the toilet maybe once a day. How much time is saved? How much water? It takes about 20 seconds walking to and from the bathroom, lets add 10 seconds for all the other crap, washing hands, etc. So that is 2 minutes per day and 3.5 gallons x 4 or 14 gallons of water per day. Lets say I flush the jug once per day. So I save 1:30 per day and 11.5 gallons of water. That adds up to over nine hours of time and almost 4,200 gallons of water over the course of a year. Doesn't sound worth it? Maybe not to you- but I value my time and money. The only time I want to be in the bathroom is taking a shower, taking a shit, shaving or brushing my teeth. And to be honest, all that shit needs to be lifehacked too.
The bathroom is ripe for disruption but modern consumer product companies are successful at selling a variety of consumables for this special room they want you to spend extra time in. Its all a big fucking scam and a ripoff.
alcohol mouthwash once a day
>people who use alcohol mouthwash have high incidence of mouth cancer, research this up. the use of fluriode rebuilds your enamel. just goes to show bunch of you idiots know nothing.
Girls are easy. They're like mushrooms. Keep em in the dark and feed them shit. For example, when girls are over, I act normal. Yeah, of course you can't tell them the truth. They're 100% in the Matrix
Piss bottles are absolutely based, specially if you have a garden and can reuse the pee as fertilizer
There's literally no reason to not pee in bottles
Lets keep this thread alive.
Even though I've been at it for a year, I'm just getting started on my frugal life-hacking lifestyle and I know there are frugal bizraelis out there doing radically productive work hacking the consumer treadmill that is stealing our hard-earned capital every day.
How do you guys save irreplacable time and valuable, investible capital? I want to hear it.
Wait... If she quit her job, where does she get money from?
>especially if you have a garden and can reuse the pee as fertilizer
No, this is not advised. The salts and urea in piss is way too concentrated and I guarantee your garden will start smelling like piss rapidly. I know its technically possible, but you have to treat this process carefully.
People turning shit and piss into composted fertilizer are investing in a whole different scale of technology and effort and I admire it, however, there is additional investment involved and expertise that is beyond the average city dweller, in fact I'm pretty sure its illegal. Amateur attempts will eventually create an unmistakable smell and attract unwanted attention, perhaps from recent immigrants nostalgic for the aromas of the homeland, but more likely, concerned neighbors or officials from the public health authorities.