When the Chainlink network goes live, everything changes...

When the Chainlink network goes live, everything changes. No more token trading and waiting on promises from every project. It becomes real. It's a business. Your node, if you stake, will be delivering imported data, to smart contracts, for real life customers, businesses, enterprise.

We will be part of it. A new paradigm of data, digital agreements, and secure distributed ledger delivery. The first real connection to reality from blockchain to business, and an enabler for any other blockchain project, large or small.

Enjoy the ride anons. It becomes real very soon.

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Even though I have high hopes for Chainlink in the future, it is probably going to dump hard when the network goes live.

linktards continue to amaze (in a bad way)

how 'soon' is soon?

Even though I have high hopes for toilets, I'm probably going to dump hard when the street goes designated.

Checked. I have been reading this for years. Mainnet can be soon but real smart contract adoption will happen in 15-20 years. Expect the price to stay under a dollar for more than a decade.

what if im too dumb to run a node?

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not before the speculation bubble to 70$.

Wont the real winners be giant chinese farms?
What sort of home setup could ever work?

Thing is that if Chainlink(once it's out aka mainnet) does make smart contracts completely end to end decentralised/trustless, then there are massive business opportunities. Just research which businesses can gain the most from smartcontracts and see if businesses are actually upgrading to smartcontracts. If they are, then you made it since you held LINK. If they aren't, then go start the business since you'll have an edge over the competition.

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it's not about hash power u mong

did we just become best friends?

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I'd make fun of you but really just lurk moar.


whats its about then

staking LINK and providing lots of good data and uptime. No need to operate out of a chinese pool

get out of my head

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I agree with this. Where’s the adoption? No serious company is going to be using smart contracts until eth scales and until after the financial crisis when they realize they have to to survive

I have a bunch of cash waiting for this.

derivative traders will absolutely switch over if it means they can save money. Insurance companies too. Any place where margins are very important will make the step. that's why serg said those 2 industries will be using smart contracts by the end of the year

End of the year?

OP thank you for the hopium. im just scared that due to the teams radio silence and anti hype behavior is going to have a lasting impact on the token value. i almost feel like swiftt can tweet that they are using link but nothing will happen except a pump and slow bleed back to out average of 30-50 cents. i feel like we will never get out of this range. why do i feel like the token value wont rise due to announcements but only network usage which could take years. think about it, to complete FULL mainnet its still going to take anywhere from 1-2 years. im not trying to be negative but there have been major breakthroughs that would have sky rocketed any other coin but here we are still at 40c despite all the positive news. im sorry bros im running out of enery and time. I literally gave it my all to find the most promising token and i feel like i found the best but it doesnt even fucking matter. What the fuck was the point of me finding out about link when people can just buy it as the same price i did. They didnt wait years, they didnt go through the breadcrumbs and insanity of biz, i could of just bought now and stayed sane. Im getting so tired bros please

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and that's a good thing


I feel you brother. I am irritated that others can basically buy in now at relatively the same price as me and Ive been in since 2017. It has afforded me the opportunity to acquire more, but I'm ready to see a reward for my diligence and patience.

This is why it’s important to FUD link as much as possible before adoption. I don’t want any of these reddit faggots buying in, the time for spoon feeding ended in early 2018

>we're all in because we're here
The look on Tom's face. He knows. And he knows we know. We're all going to make it.

Can someone post the decentralised orgy pasta from Sergey's trip to burning Man?

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Kek that's an excerpt from The Hunter by William Luther Pierce (psuedo Andrew MacDonald) really good book even for the non racist.

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>real smart contract adoption

fucking lol, just like facebook/google/twitter etc all took 15 years for mainstream adoption. you know nothing and should shut your fucking mouth.

>if you stake
Anyone not staking is a brainlet. Oil tycoons of the fourth industrial revolution. Gonna fund a network of "gated communities" with strict "HOA" regulations that sum up to "Whites Only", form a decentralised ethnostate & use Chainlink Oracles to determine who gets entry using DNA sniffers. They can run the wall mounted drone cannons too once the retarded trannies & mongrels outside the walls start torching everything.

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Checked but link isnt needed to run a node with full functionality???

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Did you like buy 2k a year ago and feel’pissed? Real question?
If the moon mission is in 1-5 years we just all the more lucky since we can accumulate. Im not like other anons who bought from 2017 gains, Ican buy bit by bit and am currenlty at 20k. Aiming for 100k before the moon mission

this will never happen

ffor the people who dont know this is a meme its completely worthless dont invest in it op is most likely lying about all this shit you get the simple to buy