The other day my coin was down 10%
Then the following day (today) it was exactly 10% up again.
But now comes the weird thing:
The price is still lower than two days ago. Even though it is up the same percentage as it went down before.

And I checked the prices at the exact same time of the day (when I leave work)

I really think I might be on to something here. It seams like Coinmarketcap makes the prices lower and is the reason for the bear market.

Can we somehow sure them?
If they go on like that the prices will never increase again.

Attached: images (3).jpg (230x219, 10K)


Attached: 1513875865268.jpg (1280x859, 147K)

The absolute state of this board...

Holy fuck are you retarded?

we lower prices now we told you on Jow Forums
do you listen. you go now

Attached: 1551192148493.jpg (950x530, 361K)

Newfags detected

I can't be the only person who did notice that??


no but you're probably the only person who failed first grade math and still got into crypto

Are you kidding me?
I may be a high school dropout, but I am not a complete idiot

It's rigged by the exchanges, they exaggerate your gains slightly with a higher percentage so you feel better and don't notice losing your money.

>start with $100
>lose 10% (-10)
>gain 10%
>what is 10% of $90?
you're a fucking moron obviously if you can't even do simple math.

Attached: brainlet.png (235x214, 7K)

You sure that you calculated that right?

Can anybody else this confirm? Not sure if this idiot is trolling me

do the math yourself brainlet

Literal brainlet. We don't see those often.

Attached: brainlet01.png (621x702, 56K)

Don't call me a brainlet

I have crypto
I will be a millionair soon and just laugh at you

well done OP, made all these idiots fall for obvious bait

Don't call me a brainlet!
I own crypto coins
That means I will be a millionair soon
That is the day when I will laugh at you

Include me in the screencap lads

Pls go away

OP are you having a stroke?

He's trolling you

>start with $100
>lose 10%
>gain 10%

Meh too obvious now

my goodness
this means we're getting close to a bullrun
we have a lot of new fags/idiots on this board recently
i wanna be included in this too
fuck the kikes & Nogz

If you post your private key we can help you figure out where the price discrepancy is coming from, it might be a miscalculation by the wallet you’re using but we can’t know for sure unless we take a look at the key

This is the only right answer here he is trolling you

Because you're caring about your fiat gains, not your sats gains.

Attached: excalibait.png (1126x616, 110K)

Yall niggas taking elaborate bait

That's what I get as well.
I mean I lose 10% which is 10$
So when I gain 10% back, I will have my 10$ back

Thank you. Seems like is the only moron here

Fuck off. Every wallet is the same.
I am not an idiot!

No. My PC is somehow slow like it seems. Thanks for caring though

Kek. This the only non brainlet answer.

In what universe is 10% of 90 = 10?

You lost money. You are now taking the same percentage rate of a smaller number.

>we have a lot of new fags
I was like post 378 after old m00t made this place. I've never seen this bait before; also, I will never have and never will purchase a shit coin.

learn to math

Chainlink is stealing your money.

It isn't Chainlink what I own

I am 100% and balls deep in TurtleCoin

In the example, you lost 10% of 100 and have 90 left.

Then you gain 10% on your 90.

10% of 90 = 9

90 + 9 = 99

Price change is based on a 24h period. What can’t you comprehend?

It's obvious as fuck and anyone who didn't immediately write it off as such is a bigger brainlet than OP is pretending to be.

Stop making excuses for him. He needs to learn.

OP or everyone taking the bait?


Nice bait


He's trolling you. You should sell everything now, everyone else already sold and we just hang out here to laugh at people like you.

This is the correct answer.

Are you that fucking stupid? Its simple math jesus, run it through a calculator....if you cant use your damn head