May is when it starts

Grandpa BTC begins getting the next halving priced in. Get your ducks in a row for 2020.

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Post calming graphs and good feels in this thread. There are less than 500 souls who visit here now.

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Time in the market vs timing the market right?

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I cant do it. All my years of fapping and searching the deepes darkes most filthy parts of internet and I cant find this.


if you help me, I will tell you where to long btc

Mods mods !!!

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Sometimes I wonder if this is what it all boils down to in the end. Am I grinding away, investing smartly, generating as much money as possible, just so I can obtain one of these, only for her to end up taking half once everything is said and done.

Probably such is life.

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is that rhetorical?

That's a sex doll, dude.

It's a sad realization.

Pls be real
Where do I buy her

post more cuties like this
with nice scenery too

> Literally a sewer
> Scenery
The state of americucks

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it's a riverbank near a bridge
not everyone has sewers by the bridge

Yu Jia ni

Imagine the smell

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Where are my Asian posters I thought biz was all about Asian women

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I'm waging. Please continue.

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I'm mirin that diva cosplayer in the background. Why don't I ever get invited to parties like this?

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We're only perpetually cucked for a limited time only user. Buy buy buy

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Positive thoughts user

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These are some S tier pics. How big is your folder.

Only the best for biz. Not that big. Phone posting ATM too lazy to save pics these days

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Trying to find non nude pics so mods don't lose their shit.

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See you at the beach

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or don't and see how long you can get away with it

I like a bit of mystery

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Do you have a preference. Can you rank them in terms of ethnicity

Just be sure to keep your money in actual money (Bitcoin) and not funny money (fiats)

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Nah some girls do have an ethnic look but some are difficult to tell. Face body combos are good. Travel around Asia abit and you will see. Not a huge fan of Thais usually but she's alright.

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why do i want to know what her milk tastes like?

>that ass

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I mean do you have a preference jap/krn/chinese/viet etc

That said tall thin Chinese are really fun especially if you're taller than them in heels

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Depends on the girl I like variety. Plastic surgery changes everything as does makeup. Look beyond the illusion

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Neatness is awesome

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You probably want a girl you like looking at in the morning or without makeup

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Generally paler girls are more fashionable in Asia. You will never see tanning products in Asia instead they prefer whitening products

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The bias for pale Asians is silly

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Best biz thread in a while

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Good Lord.

What Asia countries have you been to? And for how long?

The browner ones are harder to find decent pic of because of the bias.

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Spent at bit of time in Vietnam Cambodia Thailand China and Japan. Haven't made it yet though. Can't wait for the next adventure but I think now is the time to accumulate

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Thots and Qts can wait

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Meta market trends don't lie. Knitwear is gorgeous

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Would you marry one.

The I want to get married thing is probably useful if you don't have much of a moral compass but if you say nothing about commitment fun times can be had.

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Sure good values and cooking. Traditional is double edged because of the emphasis on family. Not a big deal when you've made it and can move around. Good English is a necessity though. You want someone to talk with

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Western girls are boring and predictable. Eastern euro girls look alright but I haven't had any experience. There's always a barrier with western girls too much perfume or makeup it feels like they are ashamed of their natural state or they overemphasize it

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Who is this.

How many asians have you fucked in your lifetime.

Future me is living in a log house on plenty of land. Invitation only with plenty of travel

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Maybe ten or so I'm a lightweight. It's really easy to meet them too. I'm white and tall not really into lifting weights so slightly heavy and always get approached. District 1 in Vietnam is a great place to walk around find a fancy looking coffee shop and hang out. Day time girls want to practice their English night time girls you have to pay most of the time. Even nightclubbing is good because you're different. I don't even dance and fucking hate those places in the west.

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At the airport you see these well dress girls and they're probably going to work overseas massage and so forth. They stand out a mile away.

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thinking of going to Cuba after seeing her in Blade Runner 2049. You have to make plans for when you make it now so the dreams translate into reality slowly. The sudden jarring will probably make you do something stupid.

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Being polite with these girls is a must. Be quite and polite and you will go far.

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Most of the time they initiate the conversation. But feel free to ask for help or advice. Some girls like to be tour girls to get to know you more. Make your intentions clear or leave them blank. Don't say you want to be friends because she will take it seriously.

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Based chinese girls are great though.

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>take it seriously

Is that a bad thing.

Chinese girls sure have stepped it up over the years. Really into Koreans but man they're style and looks sure are comparable now.

Actually keep your intentions blank; let her imagine.

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checked. if you want a friend you don't get sex.

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hell yes can't wait until they open their media up

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David Foster Wallace in the End of the Tour talks about masturbation being like a movie running through your mind. Courtship is similar as both people are fantasizing and making something concrete too early is a bad move. Leave yourself opinions and be nice and polite.

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Cringe. Roasties should be aware that they’re only good for their vaginas, otherwise they’re dumb as shit.

sure roasties kek. Roasties are easy game.

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why bother with roasties. Purity is important not superficial nonsense.

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May is the only important thing not thots

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It's sad though because most of the girls you meet in Asia come from very poor families. Money goes a long way in Asia.

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Do you feel bad leveraging money and the American dream for sex

>space heater on carpet

enjoy your house fire

The whole world is about leverage user. The American dream is what you want it to be . You really think that making it means fitting in? It's more than sex.

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Asians have a different understanding of danger. Kek

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>Plastic surgery changes everything

Don't care about that at all. I'm sterile anyway so if we go down the path of well what if you get married and want to have kids aren't you concerned about bad genetics, etc.

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I'd trade body parts to get to be a trophy husband, so no.

But if you want to find a pale cutie with huge boobs, I imagine your money doesn't help much?

If I'm wrong, tell me where to go and I'll be on my way when link hits 1k eoy

bear ends may 2020

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Money can help you find a girl to expand her chest. if you want a huge boobs asian girl you might have to go somewhere affluent where the girls are eating more fatty foods.

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Friend's friend is a Asian and was working for a hotel. Rich dude comes in all the time. they get together and he pays for her fake tits. not sure if he sees her anymore. was worth it for him and their relationship is casual I guess.

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She's a teacher in Hong Kong I think.

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Or maybe it's Taiwan? Not sure

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These are some gorgeous women

taking the yellow pill

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When did you come to the realization that Asian girls are superior

after several failed relationships with western harlots.

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