I can’t get over how hot they are

Also buy LINK

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dubs of truth.

I just left my white girlfriend so I can racemix with pretty, petite Japanese bitches. I am known as the Donald Trump here in Osaka.

white guys have awful taste in yellow women

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Aww roastie tears

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asian chicks can be cute, but i have to close my eyes to their extremely short legs (generally) and the fucking flat faces. good that they keep bangs in front so they can hide the latter.
otherwise lots of cuties, inferior to eastern european bitches and superior to murrican and english whales

yeah im asian and white guys either like fat asians or fucked up looking asians like this one holy whats wrong with op

I need Link to moon to afford my Asian gf. They will bleed you dry bros be careful out there

they go for the weirdest gookiest looking ones because they dont have an organic attraction its all just a fetish for them. the more """asian""" they look the better. or to put it another way, the less "white" the better. thats my hypothesis at least.

Attached: B281nrdCIAA8qRA.jpg (640x360, 23K)

>beta Asian loving dudes cope with being called out for being weak betas by calling others "roasties"
>implying any "roastie" would touch /polbiz/ with a 10 foot pole
>implying you don't already know this
>implying you're not coping
>implying other white men aren't making fun of you for being a beta asian loving loser

Attached: 1517099947896.png (593x635, 260K)

I just wanna cum on a chinks face

she ugly bruh, look at her wacked out teeth

does anyone have any pictures of a WMAF couple where both people are attractive? It's very often one or the other or both are ugly

Attached: 1542875722658.jpg (570x850, 89K)

her face is too square and wide. next

>does anyone have any pictures of a WMAF couple where both people are attractive?
>posts this

I don't know whether to laugh or to cry

Attached: god dammit.png (496x384, 223K)


Attached: 1542960065450.jpg (2250x1500, 2.79M)

guy is literally the 30 year old boomer meme, girl is ok. Jaw shave plastic surgeon did a good job

I need evidence that these couples exist because I have severe, advanced yellow fever user. I need to visualize what I can accomplish

You can literally smell that kid's IQ.

this was the moment you knew you fucked up

Attached: 234234.webm (450x800, 2.89M)

Did you know you can get a divorced hot chinese women for a dime a dozen? They are literally just giving them out over there.


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don't i know it user

Attached: 1 (2).webm (608x1080, 3M)

somi is natty. i only have these pics because i am a koreaboo. i dont collect pics of amwf couples like some sort of weirdo.

Attached: 8a201fedc66abf4776fb8429a4dafe92.jpg (1080x1080, 140K)

im a dude

Attached: based.jpg (535x434, 65K)

I take it back

good looking couple, cute kid

shes like 16 you fucking creep


Attached: 23668426_300910540312852_5878744827226488832_n.jpg (791x1053, 249K)

Literally the best age to get her married.


Shut up you fucking worthless beta shit.

sorry. ill post wony instead.

Attached: 1548933204115.webm (978x1080, 2.98M)

when did biz become r/kpopfap

Wrong mindset user. It’s the men that should be worshipped by women.

Attached: 1550312252579.webm (632x1080, 2.99M)

Its literally one neckbeard that spams disgusting asians 24/7 and occasionally switches proxies multiple times in a single thread

Fuck asian mongs

What is Sergey doing there?

Attached: shirtlink.png (875x1010, 390K)

biz has always been about making money and asian waifus
btfo reddit spacing newfag

Attached: first_ChaewonFullBody350x600(1).png (350x600, 41K)

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>plebbit spacing
Fuck off retard ive been on Jow Forums before you dropped your first nut. Racemixing is peak degeneracy.

Pic related, it just BTFO’d you noobs that fell for the tight asf meme

Attached: B13C6693-5233-4A2F-B623-293C886E744D.jpg (1242x1209, 515K)

>"i like white girls"
>"stop liking what i dont like"
>"you are BTFO"

Attached: 1534717357610.jpg (1400x1920, 1.46M)

>posts girl that fucks niggers
>btfoing anyone

Attached: mpvshot0003.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

> that thousand cock stare

Go watch some make up videos on YouTube and say that again. Asians are fucking ugly.

since forever faggot

mfw shes gonna look like shes 60 when she only hits 40 after taking in thousands of dicks throughout her life

>tfw asian gf

I really like how she tries to immerse herself with the materials I'm interested in.

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japan, china and thailand have one of the highest cheating rates in the world. especially in japan women cheat like hell
poor user fell for the 'muh purity' meme

dont put any roastie on a pedestal, be it western or asian you faggot
never gonna make it otherwise

She looks like shit user

Gross. Basically niggers.

lol you fag you think women come here
youre just a gross cuck

I‘m gonna get Japanese gf when Link moons and I make it

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i like white women too user but she looks likes shes partied too hard


So this is what it feels like to be non-white.

Japanese Woman > Wh*toid Roaster

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>he cant get avg noodle azn gf

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Out with it ladies, what would you like to say?

roasties are here. someone post this guy the pic w the timestamped Jow Forums roasties. where tehre is money there is roastie. well they might not come in the bearmarket, but some sure stayed over from the bull

Look up I.O.I Jeon Somi and how she grew up!

>i like white women too


Motherfucker stop calling Chinese people the C word. It's a nasty derogatory term and it needs to be abolished.

you mean breed

I can't call Chinese people Chinese anymore. Mainland Gooks a better term?

shut up zipperhead. Is that better?


Everyone knows white dudes with asian girls are SETTLERS. They settle because it's easy and harder to pull a hot white girl.

AMWF on the other hand takes fucking BALLS from the asian dude so that gets my respect


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This should be illegal

They all still look ugly after, dumb bait

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you mean as in colonisers right? alpha as fuck


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