Universal Basic Income will benefit the workforce since there will be less competition...

Universal Basic Income will benefit the workforce since there will be less competition. Forcing people to cuck every day is no different than forcing young women into being sex slaves. It is the exact same thing, and it is wrong. We need to stop shilling worthless crypto and mount a full scale effort to implement UBI world wide.

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>forcing young women into being sex slaves

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No one will want to work if there is UBI because then taxes will need to be really high

gib latina milkies

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>No one will want to work if there is UBI
What about muh human nature and muh wanting to live better than another person?

40% of which ubi will es you a natural exempt will make it work

ubi will probably take us from 50% employmen to 20% but wages will rise high enough for the remaining job to see competition. thos alll hinges on automation and productivity

Learn English you fucking nigger.

typing from phone you pajeet dont fret!

What phone doesn’t have spell check/autocorrect nowadays faggot

some old galaxy a5 apparently

Yeah cos hordes of lower class people hanging around on the dole with nothing to do worked great when the romans tried it.

romans had close to zero automation and abysmal productivity. today losing all tjos consumers that are becoming unemployable would hurt the economy more. i didnt belive in ubi still dont knlw if it will not fuck us in 2 venerations time but its definitely doable and we may not jave a choice soon.

>zero automation
They had absolute legions of slaves. That was their automation. By the end, all production was in the hands of super-rich elites who owned hundreds of thousands of slaves. The regular poorer citizens had virtually no work.

Full automation is almost here. We need to implement UBI now!


They had slavery dumb fuck

that's not automation at all, not to mention slaves were not like you think in rome. they were more like indentured servants with pay (well depends on the period and other things). only like 30-40% of workers were slaves and not the most skilled ones usually. i think ancient rome actually had higher emplyoment than today is normal among citizens but i would need to do some digging.

>A variety of evidence indicates that
Rome had a functioning labor market and a united labor force. Wage dispersion in the early Roman empire, to the extent that we know it, is indistinguishable from that in pre-industrial Europe. Roman labor contracts have a distinctly modern allocation of risks and rewards. In addition, Roman slavery was so different from
modern slavery that it did not indicate the presence of non-market, traditional actions. Instead, ancient Roman slavery was an integral part of a labor force that shares many characteristics with labor forces in other advanced agricultural societies.

why should i give away my money to worthless poor people, so they can turn right around and give me my own money back to pay for my services/products?

just cut out the middleman and don't make those products in the first place.

you don't seem to understand modern economy, if you do that if you leave 60% soon 80% of the people out of the economy you will see a depression to dwarf all depressions. the modern economy needs consumers more than producers. and productivity is radically increasing especially in manufacture and agriculture in the modern era. this leaves the vast majority of workers do either intellectual jobs (not for everyone really) or provide services for each other. that will be about 80% of the gdp. just services rendered and bought. what the fuck do you do with the rest of the people?

Name of this cow?

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you can also see it this way, if you cut the non productive out of the economy 60-80% of the people living from the service industry become jobless, and 60-80% of the production remains unpurchased. form the production line straight to the garbage dumps this would be catastrophic.

>World wide.

Good luck with that! I will be dust before my backwards eastern europe coutry even start thinking like that.

You amaricans and the good part of Europe maybe even Japan have a chance!

>How are you keeping the gibs niggers and sand roaches out from the promissed land?!

Can you guys stop talking about this shit topic and can we start focusing our collective autism on finding the source of that milk truck?

Watch your fucking language. Using the N word on Jow Forums is strictly prohibited. We're an inclusive board and thus we welcome all races here.

how is there no source

Nigger is not a race, you nigger.


30-40% of workers being slaves means 30-40% of the native population is out of a job
>not the most skilled ones usually
So you're saying that unskilled work was simply unavaiable to roman citizens. If you're an unskilled pleb you have zero options other than bread and circuses.
>ancient Roman slavery was an integral part of a labor force
Precisely, just like automation is set to become an integral part of the workforce and ruin everything for minimum wage types.

all races except niggers, chinks and pajeets

Less competition and increasing the strain on those already competing destroys the workforce.


Basic bitch 1k a month or thereabouts UBI is plausible. Free 12k to put towards rent, education, paying your debts, ectera. You'd be destitute as fuck at 12k a year if you didn't work or supplement it. But 21k a year salary plus 12k and now you're 32k, still low but entirely suitable entry level salary outside of crazy places like SF/NYC. UBI that lets you live lower-middle class for no work is not plausible.

Personally I'd just make welfare a gradient rather than zero-sum and make it so you pay zero taxes until you make around 40k or so, and the taxes increase gradually so that if you make 41k a year you aren't taxed so much that you bring home 38k while someone making 39k isn't taxed at all.

wow there bucko, we can't destroy everything everywhere, the goal of UBI is to transfer wealth from the retarded masses to me.

In 1000 years 99.99% of jobs will be automated so everyone criticising ubi will eventually want ubi.

damn, that was horrible.

>he doesn't like elmo blowjobs
normie out

>complete automation will take a millenium
Yeah sure, whatever helps you sleep, wagie.

Sauce on the titmonster. Now.

C'mon guys, neanderthals know how to reverse search.

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We already have a huge tax deficit and you greedy niggers want even more gibs. Kill yourself.

put a little too much fentanyl in the heroin every once in a while?

You actually make a good point but how would it be funded and what to do we do with the immigrants looking for those juicy gibs (not that any of their retarded middle age tier countries would ever do UBI)? I'm glad the left is finally advocating for the wall.

they die? who cares. inequality is everywhere. what do poor non-tax paying people in first world countries have that deserves them the right of better living conditions than some random person in africa or some other shithole?

stealing money from the rich to give it to the poor, who then give it back to different rich people, doesn't help anybody. the entire point of automation is that you can produce exactly what the demand is, on-demand. the point is definitely not, continue producing as much disposable shit as before, to pollute the world to benefit some net-negative humans.

yeah and I didn't get a fucking name from it


my god

>The workforce will benefit if they have to additionally pay thousands of dollars to people who don't work.
lol no

Hey, I'm actually cool with UBI if it also means ZERO additional gibs for ANY reason so niggers can't just have another of many revenue streams.
You want to live on some ridiculously low poverty-level income stream? Go for it. But no welfar, no free housing, no food stamps, no additional money for every little Jamal Jr. you shit out (unless, of course, you can collect on it from Jamal's UBI.)
I'm also totally cool with making shit like fines, court costs, child support, civil judgments, whatever come right out of your UBI check before you get it.
Without these things, UBI is fucked up and worthless and will be a complete downfall. With them, it's not a bad idea.

You realize it would probably be like, under 1k a month. You really think that's enough for people to never want to work again?

Andrew Yang is a based democratic candidate who wants universal basic income. Listen to him on the Rogan podcast


andrew yang wants to give $1000/mo to everyone in USA
>if you already get like $800/mo in welfare, you only get $200 -- the difference
>poor people would have some money to actually put back into the economy instead of just soaking it up from govt
>ppl are less likely to be homeless, go to jail for committing stupid petty crimes, healthier, saving us money

Who is she assholes, answer the goddamn question or i will dump millions of qnt/chx and req.

fucking incels its been answered before its Niley Hott

You do realize that we spend more $ on welfare programs and bureaucrats to implement those welfare programs right? Get rid of all welfare and bureaucracy and give people a clean cut 1k a month. It’s really not that outlandish.

Not only will it "not be enough for people to live off of", it won't even be enough to buy a loaf of store-brand white bread within two years of its implementation.

AY want to increase sales taxes by 300% on the low end (20% VAT plus 7-12% state sales tax) through a VAT system, what he's proposing will lead to a "bull run" of both inflation and price gouging

See: It's already bullshit. It won't keep poor scum, a large percentage who're already receiving an amount close to this arbitrary number through other channels, from making bad decisions. You really want to give Shaqueefa $5,000 a month for her and her four kids? Good fucking luck.

Say goodbye to your savings accounts, delusional faggots.

It's not meant for people to live off of. Very few people are going to quit their job for $12,000 a year. It's meant for people who are going to lose their jobs from Amazon soaking up retail jobs/other AI taking up cashier positions, trucker jobs, etc to have a soft landing and help bridge the gap.

Also, inflation is mostly caused by a change in the money supply (printing money). He is not doing that. Some companies may raise prices because people will have an extra $12k per year, but the inflation would be minuscule. US printed $4 trillion 10 years ago and we're in a bull market right now.


>Fake tits


If everyone made an extra $1000/month wouldn’t the average cost of living just increase by $1000/month as well? Because of basic economic concepts like supply and demand?

It's "niley hott"

>30-40% of workers being slaves means 30-40% of the native population is out of a job
you forget the legions

This reminds me how AI will generate your dream girl and create a bunch of slutty photos of her.

Attached: AI.gif (615x346, 3.28M)

ubi is for poverty niggers but i would suck the milk out dem titties and wouldnt leave none for the kids

Who will pay for UBI?
The people who "want" to work?
You are advocating stealing from other people to pay the lazy, and that is also wrong.

I'll only say this once, UBI is a con game by those who have control over the consumer market.
An example is what we see in college students who receive federal grants and easy student loans.
They spend this money on music festivals, iphones, beer, and new shoes.
Most people literally don't know how to manage most of their life, even if they know how to produce a good or service that benefits the economy.
If UBI is implemented, they still wouldn't spend the money on insurance or a reliable car to get to work.
Apple, Nike, and Cadillac stocks would go through the roof. Just go watch the dave chapelle reparations epsiode for an example of what this would look like.
They would in turn, even after spending all this government money, still have a precarious life.

However, if we saw Universal Basic Services, with each recipient receiving a sort of credit that they can shuffle around these services to choose the ones that are best for them, we might be getting somewhere. Maybe these credits are also convertible to straight cash at a deep penalty.
But unless things like a basic food budget, healthcare budget, education budget, and even internet and a simple cell phone aren't provided, these people will never have a chance to claim a life without desperation.

prove me wrong, i dare you.

>Pic related
This slut without make up

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taxation is not theft.
the money was never yours to begin with.
It's a "pay-to-play" in the stable markets operating under a governments ruling. Just like when you go to the arcade, pay for tokens and passes, and then use your tickets to buy prizes.
The money literally says property of the treasury on it because they control it and it's value.
social solidarity taxes are an insurance to keep the country safe.
Without this insurance, those with capital are incentivized to keep reaming the lower class for their money in anyway possible. The lower class is then at risk to being influenced to commit violent acts or at risk to believing charlatan scammers, in politics, religion, or otherwise.
This ultimately destroys a society and country.

>and it is wrong
You lost me.

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Also eventually we will FINALLY be able to decensor all Japanese porn, both drawn and real.

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>Who will pay for UBI?
who has to pay for anything? Our money isn't real dude. No ones is. it's all just made up nonsense from central banks.

free money doesn't mean much when it gets inflated to be worth nothing

You are right, it's not simple theft. It's armed robbery, because taxation carries with it the implicit threat of force if the taxed citizen does not pay up.

Your argument relies upon the premise that the participant consented to join the system which he is paying-to-play in, and this is not the case. The system was forced upon the captives, and they have no choice.

>he still believes in the inflation boogeyman
do you believe that countries with high exchange rates to USD necessarily can't afford their groceries?

A meal in japan costs 10000 JPY, they must have high inflation.
A meal in Switzerland costs 21 CHF. They must have shit economy too.

>t. freshmen who just took his first econ class
You've got it all figured out, don't you?
We will stand by while you fix the world. Go on.

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>le pedantic change-my-terms-of-engagement meme
>it's super funny huhhu

No, faggot, but you did decide to work in exchange for money and no one forced you to do that.

If you didn't take the time to learn the rules of the game, and you don't want to play by the rules, and you have no interest in playing the game in a way that contributes to the continued playing of the game, by all means you should be rounded up and isolated until you want to play the game correctly or go play a different game somewhere else.

>no one forced you to do that
lmfao you're an idiot dude
Income tax is not the only tax, and you are far less clever than you think you are.

>le underage meme
>le the-system's-broken-but-i-have-no-interest-in-fixing-it meme

oh thanks, you're really doing a good job at adding to the conversation.
you'd have been the type of fool who argued that the catholic church is right and that science is a trick of the devil, because you know, it seems to work

>i can't understand what you're saying
>you must be more dumber than me

great deduction their, charlie
please, keep going.

>will benefit the workforce
>will be subsidized by taxpayers, also known as the workforce

Pick one

how to spot the so yim by his word choices
>angst towards christfags out of nowhere(???)
yep, nailed it
>double replies
and now he's visibly upset

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Tax brackets already work this way. Only the money over xxx is taxed at the higher rate. So in your math, the first 40k would be tax free but anything you made over 40k is taxed at X percent.

Also taxation is theft.

Well, the last 21 trillion in "debt" didn't seem to matter much, so whats another 21 trillion?

false equivalency, faggot
not all tax payers are in the work force and not all of the work force does, or will, pay the same amount in taxes.

>can't actually refute any points
>insists he's right anyhow
>can't understand an analogy about the validity of the enlightenment
>implies religion shouldn't be condemend
>zoomer memes

okay, thanks for the lulz

It’s a trash idea that doesn’t incentivize people to work. We want people working and getting that discipline. If anything give them a job with training.

If you want to wage cuck no one will stop you. If you want to develop your skills independently you will have the opportunity. UBI is the best situation for everyone.

>and just like that, adequate quantities of goods and services will appear out of the air

>Fake tits

>ubi is for poverty niggers

So I guess you're on board, huh?


i have ran some arguments for ubi past a few co-workers today. they had some of the usual counters which i dismantles easily. but you could see their revulsion like if i pulled my dick out and dribbled on the floor. it was fucking hilarious.

It's impossible to implement like that, not a single provision would survive the first salvo of THAS RACIST. Like all government systems once it's implemented all it can do is expand which is why commies like the idea so much, it's just to get their foot in the door. Buy crypto and don't keep yourself tied to the fates of these people.

>it is wrong to force people to provide for themselves
your kind are responsible for the downfall of all civilizations. you are a waste of flesh and deserve nothing and if there is a hell, you will burn there forever.

ironic since she's nearly hot

Doesn’t matter to me as long as we start in the USA

I’ve given up on responding to the “who dat?” Idiots. They ask even if the thot’s name is in the file name or the image itself.