Calling it now. Blythe Masters will be advisor to ChainLink and will serve as it's point man into derivatives.
Calling it now. Blythe Masters will be advisor to ChainLink and will serve as it's point man into derivatives
This would be a best case scenario.
please be true
and then she disappeared.
Gonser has appeared on stage with Sergey twice, of which was basically just a chat with bros, and he has multiple times retweeted the twitter brainlets. What the fuck has blasters done? Nothing you idiots. Warren fucking buffet is as likely to join as she is.
after this got posted here.
they removed her.
They're targeting insurance and derivatives. Tom stepped down from DocuSign board last September. he has contacts in insurance, law, mortgage, and construction from DocuSign. Who's going to spearhead derivatives? What other big name in finance do know about when talking about chainlink? Who also stepped down last year, December? One month apart. That can't be a coincidence.
Absolutely based. Anyone involved with shitlink deserves to get the boot
Delete this nephew...
>without realizing the irony
I do realize the irony. Outjew the jew and all. Also, LINK is a way of providing tamper proof information preventing any jew tricks like the first sentence from happening.
0/10 meme
nah dude, that's too much.
Sorry guys got a little excited there. September and December aren't one month apart. Digital assets was also founded 2014, masters became CEO 2015. They would have definitely run into the oracle problem back then.
Ass Blaster = Blythe Masters
Please delete. Seriously
Has there ever been any contact between Masters and chainlink? Even them speaking at the same conference or her liking a CL tweet would suffice.
yes dipshit, ari jules was massaging blythe masters feet nigger!
>warren buffet
lmao no
it's all real, the partnerships, assblaster is blythe masters, everything...
Blythe Masters is under active investigation, a discredited fraudster employed by (((deep state))).
There's also this, don't know if it's related or not. I wonder what she's been doing since she stepped down last year?
isda cdm + daml = ???
Sergey, Tom and Blythe - together they will start the 4th industrial revolution. That's how it will be.
If I remember correctly AssBlaster even said something about how its nickname was related to its company, but I need some autismo fren to retrive that post
gib milkers
Blythe mASterS
BLythe mASTERs
Based dream team
It was Dan, and he wasn't massaging them - he was using sonestry to read the future from the lines in her feet. That's the key to all of this - Blythe Masters' feet.
Yes congrats you almost understood the post
Dan. Not Ari
Brainlet here. Is it possible that chainlink is waiting on mainnet to see what happens post ETH upgrade and will have to audit vs upgrade? If this is the case then no chance for mainnet in Paris.
She is so fucking hot and powerful. I wish I could be her sugar baby instead of these other woman.
ahAHAHA she got fired just like gosner. the chainlink team truly is of high quality
lol, be ho my boi ID.
>Masters joined the blockchain company as CEO in 2015, bringing credibility to what at the time was an almost unheard of emerging technology. She is stepping down for person reasons, the company said in a statement, but will remain involved as a board member, strategic advisor and shareholder.
>The bitcoin mania of 2017 also brought attention to its underlying technology, blockchain. Masters and other Wall Street executives have praised the technology and its disruptive potential, and companies from Amazon to J. P. Morgan are exploring how to use it in their own lines of business. But most have stayed away from embracing cryptocurrencies.
>In moving to blockchain, she was also a pioneer
THINK ABOUT IT BROS. She leaves right as chainlink starts ramping up. She knows of the oracle dilemma. She is now on team #chainlink
>The biz lore of assblaster for one. Digital Asset partner with IC3. Blythe Masters was a speaker at Sibos 2017 along with Sergey.
Ever wish you can go back in time and just marry a woman and love and support the shit out of her making sure every comfort of her is met at home emotionally, physically, sexually and mentally. Then be a house husband that plays games, reads, goes to the gym and takes care of the children while she works and makes money.
I certainly don't.
Top kek
who cares, someone from the team was sucking on her feet. blythe masters feet were involved. point blank.
and the holo team thought they were the shit with ugly boomer feet, we got motherfucking assblaster feet!!! quick!! someone find a picture!!!
alright, delete this
what kind of story do you honestly need? the picture is a master piece that will go down in the history books, just observe.
What's the source on this? Without seeing her face and knowing where the picture was taken we can't know it's Blythe. Too many try and connect things without solid proof.
This is why Dan is there. Not to give speeches. He's there to make powerful women happy.
god i wish that were me
imagine the smell
bruh if she didn't cover her face it would be all over. covering her face completes the genius of this photo and makes it perfect. for the exact reason you describe.
B-Blythe? MOMMY wat are you doin mono noDELET
The day Blythe announced she was leaving Digital Asset I started reaching out to people who know her to try and figure out what her next move is.
It's been almost 3 months and no one has a clue. I'm talking high finance guys in NYC, investigative reporters that know her, even a guy that lives in her building on the same floor. Nothing.
I have a hunch she is in some way connected to us but there is nothing concrete to tie that back to.....yet.
Back to the waiting game.
Wherever she goes next, Chainlink or not, you'll want to pay attention to as it will be the next 1000x investment if you can structure a trade around it.
Where is the picture from online?
right, the autism coming from this board if her face were to be seen in a photo like that would cause the 2nd coming of christ.
to be precise he said that his nickname would relate to his boss
I ain't saying it's right. But you're saying a foot massage don't mean nothing, and I'm saying it does. Now look, I've given a million ladies a million foot massages, and they all meant something. We act like they don't, but they do, and that's what's so fucking cool about them. There's a sensuous thing going on where you don't talk about it, but you know it, she knows it, fucking Sergey knew it, and Daniel should have fucking better known better. I mean, that's his fucking wife, man, he can't be expected to have a sense of humor about that shit. You know what I'm saying?
idk I'm not the one who posted it. also stop asking questions and DELETE THIS JANNIES
look at the shape of her head thats def blythe
So did you guys commission someone to draw this or what
Does he look like a bitch?
wew, i understood perfectly fine. buffet has been nothing but dismissive of bitcoin and blockchain in general. he has said nothing in public to indicate that he understands the value proposition of blockchain, or that he is even open to the idea that it has value. In contrast, masters has given multiple public talks where she describes, even shills, blockchain's value proposition. she also worked with asx through digital asset to make a blockchain solution for asx's next generation settlement infrastructure. To say that buffet and masters have an equal chance of doing anything regarding blockchain requires a few more chromosomes than normal. please euthanize yourself.
she's also getting her feet rubbed by dan kochis at some kind of eyes wide shut mansion in the photo posted in this thread, but let's just ignore that
Fukn based. Good point user. Watching
>The day Blythe announced she was leaving Digital Asset I started reaching out to people who know her to try and figure out what her next move is.
>It's been almost 3 months and no one has a clue. I'm talking high finance guys in NYC, investigative reporters that know her, even a guy that lives in her building on the same floor. Nothing.
>I have a hunch she is in some way connected to us but there is nothing concrete to tie that back to.....yet.
>Back to the waiting game.
>Wherever she goes next, Chainlink or not, you'll want to pay attention to as it will be the next 1000x investment if you can structure a trade around it.
Pic related it's me
I can't decide if it's her in that photo. The profile is close, but I doubt that slender brunette roasties are rare in settings like that. I hope it's true though, what a story if so.
>she was at a crypto conference once
>chainlink confirmed
I should be thankful that brainlets like you keep the normies thinking this is a brainlet scam. Gives me more time to accumulate
If the collect and aggregate task is done should we be eating this one now?
>I was interested but all these children talking about it and energy beverages is offputting.
Ever degenerate trenchbrain on Twitter that spam replies to anything Chainlink related ensures that.
It's not her. If you look up youtube videos of her she's always wearing a ring on her left ring finger. Not only is it not present in this pic, she has a ring in her right middle finger as well.
shes just gotta wait so she doesn't get hit with inside trading
troll harder numbnuts
Photo was mirrored to throw you off the scent. Kek is having a go at us, bud
she always wears bracelet + fat ring on right hand and a watch on left
ring and watch.
Aging like milk.
Like all wh*te roasties.
why would she leave as CEO of a DLT company to be an 'advisor' for a crypto project lol.
PS - Perrianne Boring is way hotter than Masters
Well shit
Alright cool I was just looking up photos. It looks like she tends to wear a watch, bracelet, and prominent ring as a jeweler combo. Also she’s into earnings. She seems not to be very particular about the configuration so watch changes hands sometimes, other jewelry changes.
One thing I haven’t found is her wearing a circular watch. All the photos I’ve seen are square or rectangular
Man id fuck the shit out of her
Fpbp and mommypilled
Hello, please have a look at this.
Listen I love shitting on the street as much as the rest of New Delhi but this is just silly.
Me too!
it is her
the legs match, the rings, bracelets, hair color. Too much coincidences. Not to mention there were subtle connections between cl and da
Yikes, is this Prague?
Lol this is gold, thanks user, saved.
holy guacamole
look at those hands. that's a young lady. blythe is pretty but she's old and her hands are likely veiny af. go look at your mom's hands right now and tell me if they look anything like that. I'm rubbing my mom's right now.
I unironically think it’s her bros. Same forehead, same bracelet/ring/watch combo, same color hair parted same way over ears, similar earrings...