Endless wagecucking is not how humans are supposed to live. This is another form of slavery. UBI is not communism. UBI is a requirement for prosperous society in modern times.
Endless wagecucking is not how humans are supposed to live. This is another form of slavery. UBI is not communism...
you belong in an oven you lame bitch.
idle hands are the devils playground.. The proletarians need a job, they need to have purpose in life and for someone to tell them what to do.
fuck off posting this porn cut off
literally underage
Now that is a thot I can get into.
∩( ͡° ل͟ ͡° )∩
They will find true purpose after being rescued from slavery.
She is not underage you low t incel
∩( ͡° ل͟ ͡° )∩
UBI would give you more spending money for brapristas
Try working for a Big 4 firm, lol. Anyone who complains about long hours on here hasn't seen shit.
Can we ban these neet posts? this board has gone to shit since all the crypto neets who are coincidentally normies for coming here after crypto bull ruin this board
You mean a soulless organization with billions in profits that pays no taxes? Yes, that is the epitome of the problem.
UBI is not NEET. UBI is what will bring a new renaissance, not hopeless NEETdom.
gib sauce