IDEX pump warning

this is your only notice that QNT/CHX/LTO/UBT whales & early buyers are moving into MITX
these are just a few, I haven't had time to comb through each possible one

also, BlockchainBrad did an interview with their CEO yesterday and has been pushing it hard on twitter:
get in before the rest of Jow Forums, only gonna tell you once

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one bump before I let this thread die

thx fren

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Shoo shoo pajeet

Shuuuut the fuck up. Why would you even bother using block explorer to follow pump and dump players to knoe what they will pump before "selling" it to their signal groups.

>making bank this easy shouldbe illegal. Btw not buying your shitcoin, grow up.

But honestly biz doesnt deserve to know how to play the market. Yes TA is a fucking joke just use block explorer and identify pnd groups *wizard*

If you didnt figure this out early 2018 you deserve to be poor

lmao. Raised 24m and hit 650K MC before the recent shilling started. Easy 3x thanks a lot for buying my heavy bags fags

guys please sage this thread if you choose to reply, I just realized my buddy is still buying
gonna sage as well

Lmao first wallet is unironically me

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Going to double down on MITX this week when I get my tax return

a-user, are we gonna make it?

nothing in this world is guaranteed but this is a great bet.

Look through my trade history.
I bought QNT in sept at 30 cents, sold at a $3
I pushed the money into CHX at 7 cents, still holding majority.
Almost went into LTO at 700k marketcap but liquidity was too low - big regret so now yesterday when I was in the same position of seeing the beginning of the next big pump I decided fuck the liquidity and bought on idex even tho I pushed it way above market value.

This has potential to 2-5x in a short timeframe.

/comfy/ af

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Thanks user. Here's a braapper

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bump for interest

still time to get in early, this could double by tomorrow easily

or half

stay poor bitchboy


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obvious weak ass pump n dump attempt on an old dead shitcoin, coin burn already happened now it’s heading straight back down plebs. brad is an ugly paid shill

Hello Ranjeesh, aka Relex/Blockmesh/Nyzo faggot. You don't have enough heavy bags?

lmao look at the bids and asks, only 138eth worth of bids. This would literally shed 50% of its value in the blink of an eye. Stop conning low iq anons to buy your bags you fucking jew

thx just market sold 4k CHX 500 QNT 2000 LTO and 1000 UBT CHX to buy in

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this, the shits heading straight back to #20 for volume on idex

QNT whales still buying, literally look at transfers on etherscan, stay poor retard

no they aren't, look at the order history. That sell wall at 0.00007499 went from 23 eth to 30 eth over the past half hour. No one is buying your shitcoin and i recommend you sell asap before someone else does before you and sends it to 0.00005 in one single sell.


this comment sure didn't age well lol

>l at 0.00007499 went from
huh, now it's gone, who could have guessed you fucking brainlet
this is primed for a big pump now, look at the thin sell book.
buy book is already builiding up too - looks like LTO did a few weeks ago.

why are you even watching it if you don't own it / aren't trying to get in? hmm faggot?

team own 80% of the supply kek

wtf is going on in the orderbook? some whale really doesn't want this to pump yet

Fuck off pajeet. Team own 80% of these shitcoins this is scammy as fuck

Shitcoins you can pump or dump with one weeks salary if not pajeet..

Sir this 2 year doctors wages in New Delhi

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I’m thinking of buying out of boredom will I get pajeeted?

yeh its shit