Live in third world

>live in third world
>dad needs 4000$ for colon cancer surgery
>my LINK is worth 5000$
>hes been an absent father and an alcoholic
Do I sell?

Attached: 354.jpg (680x684, 42K)

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No he's made his choice. Fuck him.

just send him to mexico and use the tunnel to get to canada. they have good healthcare there

My father is alcoholic too and he doesnt know about my stack. Living in eastern Europe.

Wouldn't sell because of him. I grew up without him alone. Dont let weak people control your life user.

where was your father when it was time to save and invest
fuck him

Your mom might have been a huge bitch

It’s up to you

I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer, if your father was truly absent as you say. I mean he really should have health insurance or SOMETHING. But if he was a good dad, as in he did the things a father should do for you, personally I would sell my LINK stack and then slowly reaccumulate. It’s not mooning anytime soon

Checked. OPs mom confirmed bitch and probable village slut.

>absent father and an alcoholic
I wouldn't even call him a father. Also even in the 3rd world you should have insurance.

Basically, while he might continue to screw up his body and not be involved with your life as much as you would lole, and as much as he should as a father, you have to consider regret.

1 million dollars in a third world country when you are young vs. 5million dollars in a third world country but you’d live with knowing that you could still have had 1 million and saved a person from colon cancer.

Also, link could fail and you’d have $72 dollars and a dead father.

She isn't a bitch but she is dumb. She had stroke last august but never was clever. Nowadays I'm helping her every day. In the mornings I check the blood pressure and afternoons we are reading and speaking.

I cashed out half of my stack (400k) at ATH and I had a weak moment when I nearly talked about it to my mother. I remember the laugh because she didnt believe me.

This is my short story.

cringe and bluepilled

Drug your father, harvest and sell his organs and then use that money to increase your crypto stack.

No, I repeat. Do NOT sell. Faggots like him will never appreciate what you did for him.

lmao, that's a long fuckin' tunnel

>he is selling HIS crypto to pay for the healthcare of his boomer dad who abandoned him and did not save money of his own. He is going to give up his crypto, a once in a lifetime opportunity, to transfer wealth from young to old
Sir this is the definition of not going to make it. May god have mercy on your pathetic soul

So you cashed out 200k or 400k during the ath of 2 years ago. What happened to all that money that you don't have 4k spare?

just buy him some booze. that should cheer him up

He's not OP.

Cashed out 400k, whole was 800k.

I have a house near to my parents, a car but not a lambo. I have 4 other real estates in a different city. Didnt quit my main job, I'm still a production planner in a factory. (vehicle industry) I like this role but it doesnt have any challenge nowadays. I'm accumulating for the next bullrun and I have a great accountant who helped me paying my taxes. He is an old man who loves conspiracy theories like me.

The bad part: Earlier, before the last bullrun I talked about my stack to my friends. I lost them all in 2016-2017 because of this. Even my girlfriend wanted to manipulate me because of my money so I'm alone. I have dates but it's a really weird situation and sometimes I cant deal with it.

If you father was truly absent, then no.

However I suspect that you are just a retarded autist who just wants an excuse not to sell his LINK. He probably did everything for you and you weren't there for him. In which case I hope you end the same way.

Personally it would largely depent on how """absent""" he really was. If with "absent" you mean "breadwinner" and was the one who put food in the table, then you are collosal shit.

If with absent, you mean on benefits and then drinking those benefits away whilst betting on horses. Then fine.

Attached: father-5.jpg (188x216, 4K)

you're going to hell lol


t. Haven't seen father in 12 years and can't wait till he comes begging when I make it

The sad truth is that sons always pay for the sins of their fathers.
Alcohol is a known carcinogen.
On a less brutal note, colon surgery is just one medical expense.
Over time you will easily spend more than 4000 for appointments, medications, etc.
His quality of life (and yours) will be dramatically reduced.

What specific procedure was recommended?