Boss won't allow me to quit

>boss won't allow me to quit

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idk man sounds a bit slavey

you a nigger?


>the absolute state of wageSLAVES
I'm living off my chainlink money right now.

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>Try to quit
>Boss says I can't
>Say I quit anyways and stop going
>Next day, cops show up and arrest me, but instead of jail they take me to work

Based and dystopiapilled

>be boss
>employee wants to quit
>let him
>he was kind of a prick so put him on the blacklist
>few months later hear stories of him groveling for a McJob
>let a few months pass
>tell him I'll rehire him for half the pay cleaning toilets
>mfw he accepts

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Sure, user, that happened.

>he doesnt know about the blacklist

>one of my business partners was visiting
>he makes a passing remark about how service was slow
>normally I'd let it slide but was trying to impress my partner
>make a big show of laying off the waiter and blacklisting him
>blacklist reason: theft
business deal went though, made a couple hundred g's from the arrangement

you didn't really fire him though right?

in the same boat.

Tried to quit one day and the polis showed up at my door

>ask for a small 2% raise to at least keep up with inflation
>boss refuses and say they might have to let me go if i had that attitude
>beg him to let me stay and say i wont think of asking for a raise ever again
>he generously lets me stay
wew dodged a bullet on that one boys.

good job user

Goddamn that is fucking ruthless.

El Larpon

Stop being a faggot nigga

i think there was a news story about someone being arrested for not going to work, they came to the house and slapped cuffs on them.

It was probably in the uk

look at all dem 1111s

>tfw it's your bosses night with the wife and he forgets to give you the key to the cuckshed


Sure buddy, and then everyone stood up and clapped, right?

Hahaha fucking pathetic