I miss old Jow Forums
I miss old Jow Forums
Jow Forums was always shit.
what do you consider old Jow Forums, OP?
oh the old Jow Forums that barely anyone used?
before link
and we always had those nostalgia fags missing an "old Jow Forums"
2015 to late 2017
it's always been shit. Albeit different smelling, slightly more liquid and less darker than today, but still shit.
what was it like? And when?
i would consider stockmarket, business model etc. discussions an old Jow Forums
nu/biz/ is just full of cryptoshitting
>i miss old biz
>i miss the 90's
>i miss old simpsons
>i miss the old etc
Adapt user. Everything eventually goes to shit
>e used?
what did you particularly enjoy about that era? I was around then, since 2015 to 2017 and then I left and just recently came back and I enjoy it much more. back then we had no inside jokes aside from global Jow Forums memes and kneepads
i've never really been on Jow Forums before lads, what were the old days like?
I miss my penis
Just less crypto and more generals like business generals, people discussing their jobs, what degree should you get talk, dropshipping generals etc. not really that much fun imo
More non-crypto discussion, better memes, robinhood generals, more novelty.
Now it's just slow LINK shitposting, frogs wearing suits taking jabs at the janitors, softcore porn, and generic shilling
And boring robin hood threads
Lol what memes were back then? I don’t remember any
i miss the old Jow Forums
shill ico Jow Forums
chop up the code Jow Forums
fail to achieve our collective goals Jow Forums
less pepe and wojak edits
>robinhood generals
isn't /smg/ the same thing?
Remember back in jan-march how many wojaks there would be spammed here? Daily? Every move?
go to r/beermoney
It is but it isn't.
It's gone downhill. Way downhill. The /rgt/ thread were going to shit too, but the switch to /smg/ accelerated the process.
Jow Forums was pretty good in 2018 for a bit, the craziness in January and then the short squeeze rally in april.
anyone remember the GXY user, that guy made me 50k in one month.
no shilling, no bullshit, just clean straight analysis that checked out.
I miss you, too, dear brother
me miss FUN threads