This dude is a fucking gangster. Name anyone more based

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Protip: you can't

He's an asian vitalik/elon hybrid.

and yet he's still an ugly chink manlet with weird skull shape.

Craig Wright

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that is what half of humanity will look like after he inseminates everything that moves

the chad innovator vs the virgin egomaniac

He still guaranteed has more confidence and money than anyone on Jow Forums and you only need confidence to get laid. Being a poor virgin is just a coping mechanism for broke ugly fucks with no confidence.

Crypto influencers are so fucking cringy. At least this motherfucker Jihan is dead. I wondering who is next

Sorry, I can't. All those other exchange CEOs of a top exchange cucked to government pressures and failed. Bittrex, Poloniex, Shapeshift, you name it. CZ is the one person smart and brave enough not to do this. I bought a large amount of BNB after watching an interview with him that came out about a month ago where he talks about binance not being focused on prices and just building constantly to improve the service.


the market needs you though

>not being focused on prices and just building constantly to improve the service
In the interview he explicitly says he uses his (((launchpad)) to dump on retards like you. Stay poor and chinked

Chinese scam

Don't trust them at all

They've scammed everything, this is no different.

kek. I bought BNB not some ICO. it's up over 100% since I bought a substantial amount a month ago. I probably have more unrealized profit in it than you make at your wagecuck job in a year.

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>it's up over 100% since
Enjoy while it lasts. Also
>I probably have more unrealized profit in it than you make at your wagecuck job in a year
I started in 2015 and got 300k in crypto. How much do you have, kid?

>mfw everyone who fuds BNB is just holding bags of other failed exchange; coss, coinmetro, nash etc

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he looks like he has hydrocephalus

>on Jow Forums
>calling people kids like some angsty cod teen
kek ok go jerkoff now bye

or we've just been around long enough to know that exchanges are a necessary evil and should never be trusted let alone invested in

Stay mad, coss shitter

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This 100%

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