Does anyone here work for fortune 500? what's it like?

does anyone here work for fortune 500? what's it like?

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You don't have to wear the pride shirt on pride day, but it goes on your permanent record. There's also a pop quiz

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>pride shirt
what the fuck is this?

yah, work for eBay. Its pretty fucking cool, doesnt feel like a job.

fortune 10 here
right now we are just attending blockchain conferences to appease our investors demands
but very few of us are taking it seriously right now

good goy

Working for P&G

Gillette sales are down 12% in february compared to last year. Q1 earnings will be a disaster. I would short if I was allowed to

what they get for being the best blabla trashfuck marketing queers.
This made my day. I can now rest easy.

Lot of mcdonals cahiers here mate

dominos delivery bitch here

i can clear $150-200 on a good night

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dollar shave club is pwning them

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Yeah, work for cummins. Make over average pay for my country, overtime rate us insane. Easy life, don't do much work atall. At "work" now writing this.

I used to work at UPS. The hub was like a bee hive, a lot of freaks worked there overnight. I never met real punks, goths and metal heads until I worked UPS preload. It was all the people who don't show their faces during the daytime.

based insider trading user.

worked for twentieth century fox
job got offshored end dec 2016
2017 pissed about
summer 2017 - spring 2018 part time job
spring 2018 - 2019 pissed about
2019 jan to now - half assed job hunting

i loved my job :(
fucking rupert
fucking disney


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Okay, this is epic

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Fortune 500 energy company wagie here. It sucks at times but sometimes I also get to chill and serf the net for a few hours while getting paid. Lots of rules and faggy wagie lingo getting tossed around constantly but I deal with it cause the money is good. Plenty of opportunities for overtime but I don't take many of them because 40hrs of that cuck shit is enough for me already.

Decentralized or centralized?

UPSer here.

Unless you're in a truck keeping a seat warm being an hourly wagie is shit. Mid and upper management is the shit as long as you're a team player.


Based. Thanks user.

I used to work for Pepsico. It's just like the all the Jow Forums memes but multiplied by 1000. Only niggers would win the yearly awards. This one nigger crashed a truck (which would have got anyone else fired) and ended up winning district MVP, and accepted his award in a t-shirt with giant pot leaf on it while everyone else was dressed business professional. Mandatory diversity and inclusion meetings. Celebrating women's and black history month, even though no women worked there.


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was fortune ~75. Decent pay if I wasn't in fucking debt. Cubicle farm. What else you want to know?

I work for Lucas films

top 100 here. it is fine.

Work for BP. The bennies and the pay make dealing with the many problems worth it.
What problems? This fucking company operates LEAN. I mean every department in every office in every location is understaffed and underfunded. Say there's a department that needs 10 employees to be optimum. Guaranteed there will only be 7 at most. And that's being generous. We have the highest turnover rate of any of the big oil companies because everyone is doing 2 or 3 peoples worth of work.

One of those under-staffed departments? HR. At facilities with 2,500 employees, it's not uncommon for there to only be 3 people working in HR. So complaints/grievances move slow. Consequently, managers can get away with almost anything (throwing shit at employees, acts of revenge, harassment, etc). I knew one manager that had literally 30 employees quit the company after working for her (over the course of a 15 year period). Upper-management and HR couldn't be bothered. Fuck, I can't even really blame HR - they're all overwhelmed with work too.

The big dirty secret - our culture has not changed at all after Deepwater. The same company culture that caused that event (cut corners, employees can't voice their concerns, trim HSE & process safety availability) is still alive and well across our portfolio.

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hr work for managers. their entire life depends on icing complaints about the managers and partners of firms. they do this by lying to disgruntled employees about taking action to resolve the issue or offering them "generous" severance packages so they don't go public with whatever dirt they have on their bosses