Imagine not holding eth

I know the average bizraeli is smart enough to recognize the true dominance eth will have coming up. Pic related says it all

You can keep your shitty ass LTO’s and CHX’s and whatever else you idiots are trying to shill. Dumbasses don’t realize it’s 2019, year of serious coins. Get rekt ranjeets

Attached: 48A73C20-B947-4031-8EE0-F3BB4D312F75.jpg (1767x648, 220K)

TA only works if most markets agents believe in TA.


> tfw just bought another $500 of ETH

I’ll get to 32 soon enough

Pls crash by Friday so I can buy cheap thx

Why is 32 your goal?

i tried to tell these cocksuckers to empty their link into eth

This chart is a little too bullish for reality. Try again with a later end date in mind or retry with exponential time and value instead of just value.

Allegedly 32 is the staking requirement

I have 118 ETH but the I think this is too optimistic.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet

Attached: 1550053619408.png (620x620, 332K)


>This chart is a little too bullish for reality.

Its going lower confirmed lol

Then governments intervene and make their own blockchains. Eth dies, bitcoin dies, and normies commit suicide over their bags.


>serious coins

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-05_16-13-30.png (1452x897, 157K)

normies are not in crypto, sorry. Blockchain conferences I've gone to are all neckbeards.

ETH follows BTC and BTC isn't done capitulating.

Idk how to stake so it’s 40 for me

Literal shit clone

>Governments making blockchains
Holy fuck spotted the dumbass boys

clone of what?? are you thinking of Tron?

A literal pedo coin, buddy.