Jack Dorsey shilling blockchain and BTC again on Joe Rogan right now. Are we early adopters...

Jack Dorsey shilling blockchain and BTC again on Joe Rogan right now. Are we early adopters? Are we going to make it boys?

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Is Joe Rogan the new CNBC fast money?

Joe Rogan had to ask "What's Ethereum?" in December 2018. No shit we're early adopters.

>tim pool

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Jack has finished accumulating, ofc it's shill time

no, you're not an early adopter because everybody already knows about crypto these days. the majority of the growth is behind us

Typical boomer cope

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most only know about bitcoin, and they think bitcoin is worthless.

some know about TRX, XVG and XRP but dont invest

few know about LINK, RLC, HOT.

we are early bro.

what is this the money channel

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aright aright this squeaky faggot makes good points

that tim pool faggot is annoying as fuck, why hasnt he been offed already

Boom harder faggot

wasn't he just on there like a couple weeks ago?

>knowing about is investing
the absolute state of you
knowing about it is the stuff before investing brainlet

you will never get your money back crypto kiddies

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>20% of US citizens own some amount of crypto
>early adopters
The delusion here is incredible...BTC sub $2k by July 4th.

i met him IRL he's a narc and will play any side for more viewers

Soft white boy detected lmfao

yeah i was watching and was thinking who the fuck is this faggot?

yep he's back again

Jack Dorsey just goes on to get exposure to the young zoomer crowd. Dude wants to be a celebrity CEO like Elon musk so badly

They needed a "challenger" personality to spice it up, Jack alone might have been redundant

>Joe Rogan had to ask "What's Ethereum?" in December 2018. No shit we're early adopters.

shut up. you're clearly a late adopter. if you weren't you'd know that Joe's been holding btc since aantonop went on in 2014 and also he knows a lot of VC's, finance guys, SV tech guys, angel investors etc. he's known what eth is for a long time.

Why are mutts so obsessed with this joe rogan guy?? Red pill me on that cuck

if youre not rich from crypto today, you're the boomer that was too stupid to get in early because you didn't understand the shift happening right infront of you.

He's one of the few shows in existence that bridges our political chasm

i went all in on link since .23 cents in 2017

ill consider selling when it reaches 20 cents.

speak for yourself. my net worth tells me i was early, not my emotional attachment to a few tokens

so many salty late adopters in biz tonight

Nothing to redpill. Hes a fucking dumbass who caters to the mildly-curious sheep of the world. Fact check as you listen to him and prepare to be horrified. Dude should face jail time for the disease of ignorance he's single-handedly spreading to millions.

What do you think a cuck means

He always encourages to fact check, and admits he knows very little himself if you listen to a couple of episodes instead of snipets or 2nd hand montages

everybody knows about space travel too

Hey joe

Theres so much money waiting to get in

Your degen boomer uncle will be sinking in cash through his brokerage account once it is possible. People would rather buy at 15k than 4k, it's how the psychology of this works

You are implying his show has that much influence
Have you ever considered alot of people just listen to it casually
Why be so angry and hateful
Dare I say it

You mad user?

I too, went all in at 23 cents, except it was req

say it like it is NATE

once fidelity drops 350 billion on this market....well. lets just say if youre a nocoiner youre going to kill yourself unironically for missing the next industrial revolution

Gay and bluepilled

Nate can only count to 5

Dorsey has a borderline trisomy 21 intellect and all twitter users are worthless sacks of cells that should have been aborted.