How long will it take for you anons to realize that silver is the future??

How long will it take for you anons to realize that silver is the future??

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Future of what precisely. I mean you'll make gains in silver sure but you'll make much more in bitcoin and cryptos in general because Cryptos are superior to gold and silver in every way imaginable.

Gold and silver fags just can't compete but they sure will try to sell you their bags and fail.

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Fuck off. I'm not falling for your bitcoin scam, faggot.


eternally btfo

guna miss 10 moon missions i guess

Stay poor then faggot. sure hope nobody takes your advice. Jow Forums will be rich as fuck someday while you salty silverfags will stay salty.

silver is for poors only. why bother? youre never going to get rich with silver, and its terrible for storing anything more than a poverty level of wealth.

lol fucking faggots that bought the top, bitcoin is tulips go back to one of your 100 shitty crypto thread poorfags, you retards really think you’re going to make it with

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how long will it take for china to make particle colliders and mass produce silver making your silver worthless

My my we got a Salty boy. Be sure to screencap this so you can cry yourself to sleep in a few months when cryptos are hitting new ATH's again. Those of us in the market right now are buying cryptos at rock bottom prices. I bet you'll FOMO in soon enough,

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Stop dreaming nigger

The hilarious thing about your pic related, is that silver and gold is what everyone will FOMO into when dollar deflates or hyperinflates.

You would think after thousands of years of the same exact thing happening, you idiots would actually learn. I bet most of you late adopting cryptofags actually think BTC would skyrocket in a FIAR collapse. Fuck no, it’ll go straight into gold/silver like it has done countless times, for thousands of years.

Also you pic just outright lies.

>Bitcoin is decentralized
LMFAO. 95% of bitcoin is owned by bitcoin is highly secure
LMFAO, these newfags dont even know what a 51% is. China can 51% on a whim.
Yes, GOOD GOY! The richest investment banks and hedge funds DO NOT EVER buy OR OWN physical silver! Silver is only for POORFAGS!

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Silverfags will be BTFO yet again soon enough

if you can't even afford to buy gold, let alone bitcoin, you just dont have enough money to get rich off of metals.


Fucking nigger, you’re buying the top again!

>not stacking adamantium

Not an argument nigger
Not an argument again, the only copers here are you retards that bought the ABSOLUTE top

so you think you can play the banks game now too? you probably dont even have 6 figures in it.

This is how Silverfags coop knowing Bitcoin and Cryptos are superior to their shiny metals.

It's ok not all of us can drive around in Lambo's

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Let's see your Silver stack then user tell us how much you got. I bet your not the richest faggot in this thread. Put up or shut up faggot

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So i BTFO your shit tier srgument of
>only poor people buy silver!
By showing you the richest of the rich buy and hoard silver, now you say
>you dont even have anything in it!!
What in the actual fuck? Just rope yourself already retard

>he really believes he’ll be able to buy a lambo off his

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>tfw missed out on the palladium ultra-bull

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Show me your bags faggot I showed you mine Let's see your fat stacks of silver. Put up or shut up faggot. I bet you don't own a single silver coin. You just some fucking loser poorfag troll aren't you.

Just came in today, need to add this to the safe, i got 4x your ponzi coins in just one pic LMFAO

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You late adopters crack me up.

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Based, this should be poster in every neet crypto thread until these poorfags go back to r9k

That's cool you owned me there bro. Totally jelly about your shiny coins bro.

Now tell me where can you spend all those shiny coins. will Starbucks ever accept your shiny coins as payment. What do you plan on HODLing all those bags for hmmm.

Yah dats right enjoy being a fucking bagholding silverfag. I'm not at all impressed by your shiny rocks screencap this post and let's see who makes the most amount of gains within a years time.

lmao. this n!ggers ancestors thought salt was priceless.

Agreed. In fact was that pasta because I think I'll save it for tomorrow and the next day and the next.

if you can't understand english don't post here shitskin.
>youre never going to get rich with silver
what about that don't you understand?

EXCUSE ME EVERYONE, I have an nnouncement to make.

1. I won’t stop buying silver until it hits $500/oz at which point I will begin to start unloading some of my bags to buy crypto

2. Central banking jews and cucks can suck my cock

3. So can all crypto Zoomers who don’t realize silver is gonna explode


>MFW you'd be better off just buying crypto now instead of holding onto your shiny coins

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Lol you plebs have no vision of future prospects. REM holders will be the oil barons of the future, when this fiat ponzi scheme inevitably collapses.

You’ll never be able to buy coffee with scamcoin, but ill buy an entire coffee shop with a few capsules of silver
Tell that to the guy in germany after the hyperinflation peaked, he bought an entire block of a city for a few ounces of gold. Crypto will drop off a cliff when the fiat ponzi collapses. Precious metals will skyrocket.

Money isnt money retard. Gold/silver are money, silver can only go up from here. Imagine shilling against money itself, gold/silver have retained value for thousands of years, scamcoins are just a fad and a blip. Why are you shilling against holding money shill? You have to be some jewish kike shilling against it just to accumulate more.


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silver and crypto go hand-in-hand
im much more on the crypto side but i got some boomer rocks last week and i want to get some more

banks aren't buying shit like gold and silver to make money, they're buying them as a hedge. if you don't have a very large amount of money that it makes sense to hedge, why would you ever buy silver? do you understand now i've spoonfed you esl?

again, you're not going to get rich buying gold, let alone the poor mans version of it. whatever you have to do to cope with missing out on a whole decades worth of bitcoin i guess.

No you have no vision of future prospects

Gold are silver are consider money in so far as a superior alternative has never been created. Cryptos are that superior alternative and the fact that you are blind to this fact must mean your some oldfag boomer. You will FOMO in eventually. Screencap this post and check back in a years time I bet my 6l in crypto is worth more than all the silver you own.

>selling real tangible assets for a thin air volatile scam, in hopes of buying a lambo off of 1.5 said imaginary currency.

You’re playing right into (((their))) hands. Who the fuck do you think created bitcoin? Its PEAK globalism. Owning BTC makes you a globalist pawn.

Its still not too late for you, sell your worthlesd BTC, when this collapse happens it’ll drop to zero.

Buy an ounce of gold and a couple hundred ounces of silver to make it. All you have to do is sell half of your imaginary wealth for REAL, PHYSICAL, TANGIBLE, HIGH USE CASE WEALTH

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Fuck off kike I ain't giving you my bags Stay poor

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>its a hedge to LOSE money.
You contradict yourself in your own post kike.
>spoonfed you esl
Fuck off you projecting shitskin kike you’ve merely choked on your own wordplay and have been utterly BTFO multiple times in a single thread

Fuck off silver fags no-one wants to buy shiny boomer rocks.

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>he doesnt know he bought a kike created scamcoin
>he now shills said scam for FREE
hahahah fucking goys

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>bought 30k worth of silver in 2015
>didn't put money in crypto till may 2017
>went all in req at 22 cents

You’ll still make it


If cryptocurrencies are tulips that makes precious metals beanie babies

Precious metals are literally globalism. Almost every country has gold and silver in some capacity. It's literally globalism.

>Remember, anyone still shilling BTC and coincidedly other trashcoins, in 2019, is just a late adopting newfag, hopelessly praying, frivolously shilling and constantly shitposting, in hopes that he’ll be able to sell his bags TO BREAK EVEN.
What does it feel like to lose 85% of your investment?

>asteroid mining

i lost 60% and i don't really mind it

Silver and gold are rare. Any economy that can attempt profitable asteroid mining will have massive demand for these precious metals.

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pic related is abundance in the solar system. Ignoring the fact that most of the heavy elements are buried in the cores of planets.


So if a burglar came into your home and took 60% of everything you own you “wouldnt mind it”

And you guys are calling ME the coper >asteroid mining
When we are both 6ft under there still wont be asteroid miners

We're arguing the same point. brought up asteroid mining to say don't buy.

Gold is better though. The top 10% owns 85% of the worlds wealth. Imagine trying to store that with silver. Huge pain in the ass.

The irony is that I brought it up as an equally absurd example to using particle accelerators and fission to make precious metals, but whatever. I like pms.

Hah, I’m used to people unironically arguing asteroid mining will render scarcity obsolete.

Yeah but they’re generally retarded. Not to say that I’m not, per se, but asteroid mining won’t be a thing for quite some time.

The biggest issue with crypto for normies is safe storage, being able to store gold and silver in vaults and knowing your not going to fuck up and lose it somehow is a huge advantage

Or a safe deposit box, or a hole in the wall somewhere, etc. Personally I like the anonymity angle of pms as well: I can pay cash without ID as long as I don’t exceed whatever amount is set to trigger reporting. I know there are cameras everywhere but I still prefer that to the kyc implemented at just about any entry or exit from the cryptospace.

>1.5 BTC
this has to be bait right, that’s embarrassing

Welp OP cant say that market is heavily manipulated. COMEX should be called the CorrupMEX.

Ur kidding urself if you dont think the biggest Banks on Wall St have all the skin in the game.

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