Here’s what I don’t get about Linktards: why on earth do you think the price will explode anytime soon...

Here’s what I don’t get about Linktards: why on earth do you think the price will explode anytime soon? We are literally a decade away from the necessary adoption

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Here's what i don't get about OP; why on earth does he think anyone cares? He is literally a faggot

Meme magic

because theyre paid shills, all of them

none of you faggots who invested in this can explain why it’s happening anytime soon

$32 million being spent on 2 devs, a few admin staff, and little else. why did everyone give this guy
literally nothing to show for it after all this time

Mainnet and is $1000 a token soon thats why

hype/speculation is enough

unironically most undervalued in top 100 MC

they cant, linkies are deluded. It said in the whitepaper link couldnt be more than a cup of coffee. so linkies will be lucky if link hits $5 by 2030, if that

why would adoption happen ‘soon’? it will take many years
hype/speculation is not happening anytime soon. we’ve been in full bear mode for over a year. normies aren’t touching this coin for a long time

Watch your fucking mouth. We do not call people the F word here. Soap in the mouth is a last resort option.

No it wont brainlet

give a logical argument to support your premise or kindly fuck off

Adoption of any crypto platform won’t become prominent nor measurably relevant to any industry within the current decade, next even. Companies and government institutions still use fax and windows xp, acceptance in mass technological adoption isn’t an overnight thing and sure enough, if Chainlink is genuinely necessary than best believe enterprises will create their own proprietary system, not allow strangers and pedos profit off their productivity

I wont spoonfeed you
either do your own research or die poor nolinker

because they've pinned all the hope they have on it happening, and they have no other prospects.


t. retard
link will moon. not for another decade. hope you aren’t banking on making it in the next several years

>hey guys it's me the rational skeptic less wrong chainlink bag holder and i'm here to tell you all i've been involved in this project since 2014, i have over 200k link tokens, we won't see adoption until 2023 (if we're lucky), the highest price we'll see is $14, and this is all a really good thing. not trying to fud, just want to be realistic.

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just scratching the very surface..
main net first half of 2019, insurance and shipping online by eoy
suck my cock you cuck

40 cents

>main net first half of 2019, insurance and shipping online by eoy
not happening

unironically neck yourself

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also not happening faggot.
those are targets. they will very likely not be met in that timeframe. and even if they are met, you’re still not gonna see some instantaneous moonshot. adoption is going to be painfully slow. Especially if btc continues shitting the bed

Biz has already adopted it you fucking tit. Motherfucker we're all going to be running nodes.

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technology progresses exponentially while our projection of future progress tends to be linear. You're just an impatient shit-for-brains

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this will be my last bump because I'm done giving you exactly what you want. You're right bud, LINK won't ever gain any value. Don't buy. I couldn't give less of a fuck.

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i love you

running nodes for what? nonexistent smart contracts? nice catch-22

nice speculative timeline describing the future. nothing stopping the regulation phase from lasting another 5 years

We are months away from usage brainlet

Toilet > Street

Ya got me, I'm sure none of the literally 100s of teams will have any requests for data. Pack up boys. Time to go home.

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learn how to read kid. link will gain value, not anytime soon though. be prepared to wait 10 years for adoption
and never post that reddit-tier faggot gif again

He unironically thought that a middlewear shitcoin, thats been 40 cents for two years, that has no use-case, whose team presents in rank rape-dungeons, who mainnet continuously delays, whose inventor is an obese russian philosophy major, whose only use after two years is a fucking alarm clock, a json parser, a band-aid solution, a scam coin, could be no more than a cup of coffee (as said in whitepaper), would unironically make him rich

oh no no no look at these dudes...