They are trying to PSYOP you into believing that there was an actual photo of Sergey's USB that contained some bullish references in order to get you to pump their bags.

Look at the picture again and ask yourself, why would Sergey have his computer set to the French language?

This is an obvious attempt again by Link Marines to try to pump their bags, it is a PSYOP but now you know the TRUTH.

Attached: 1546844338775.jpg (428x343, 23K)

Not his computer, his usb
He is in France

He plugged his usb into the conference computer to access the power point. Some user grabbed it.

How are you browsing biz with such poor computer knowledge?

Lmao you think Sergey, a man mining BTC since 2011, just goes and plugs his USB into random computers?

Wiped off twitter as well. Chainlinkbull deleted his tweets. He’s in on it.

It is in effect a beach of nda showing the Facebook pres

You can stick an encrypted FIPS 140-2 Level 3 USB in any PC without worrying

Can I get a rundown?

>thinks Sergey of Nazarov trusts a centralized hardware dealer with 350 million LINK tokens

Goverments, finance and health care companies must be dumb too then, right

yes fucking obviously. what kind of question is that?

t. you

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 48K)

Some autist took a screenshot of what was Sergey’s USB that he put into the ETHCC laptop to load up his presentation. Inside the USB were 2 files called something like
>Facebook 2018
>Facebook 2018 2
Won’t post the pic because every thread that has done that has been wiped. Don’t think we were meant to see this lads.

Lmao cool story bro. You sure you don't want a trip so you can go LARP some more?

Sergey doesn't even speak French how would he even understand how to use a computer in another language. Besides philosophers don't interact with the material world. Probably Rory's usb.

Attached: 1551869541883.jpg (1122x688, 539K)

There was better stuff on that usb than facebook

Like what? Havent been able to find the picture

Holy shit what kind of shit larp is this

There’s screenshots on twitter
Traction is interesting, I’d recommend starting there. Google traction tech.

>Sirgay has 2 folders of Facebook thot pics he uses to post on /b/ in his spare time

Literally, who cares?

someone post it