Warning for Bears - Bull Run is imminent

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or another bear leg

No man sub $2k prices are coming, that's where my buys are.

all of you are wrong. we keep grinding between 3.3-4k

who gives a fuck? Ponzi has dried up, just wash trading a slow grind downwards left now

Doesn't increasing volume when the price is decreasing, indicate an imminent drop ?


I like how you circled the second weekly RSI low instead of the first one in 2014. We are about to capitulate.


No sight of another bull starting here. One can hope that Facebookcoin and JPMorgan coin can instill some curiosity/confidence about crypto in new investors, but probably not.

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we've done the same thing since the ATH.... mini bull run.... flatten out for a while.... drop down to new levels and repeat. Each time has threads like bull run is starting.

This does signal hope for it being the bottom though. Volume could mean accumulation.

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God damn english people are ugly.

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No bullmarket, there is no new money coming.
Just recycled tether.
Every green pump so far has been the result of shorts covering their position, liquidiations, forced market buys.

Bobo has no fucking clue what is about to happen to them.

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The $2000 bobos deserve the financial raping they're about to get.

Missing the bottom by 30% or so because you're a greedy fuck and watching Bitcoin go above $100k without you has got to be so much worse than losing everything.

who ever controls btc will drive the price to the lowest possible... which is... around 2k. that's where the wiseguys accumulate.

Bull run won't start until july-august

>Square cash sold 52 million worth of bitcoin in Q4 2019 alone
>Dried up
Sure user, its all over.

yes bullrun imminent. Time go get fully invested.

bull run won't happen this year.

we bottom when volume is complete flat and dead

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>Implying bears have any stake anyway

They were smart enough to get out already and not dumb enough to short with leverage. Bears are literally only here to troll people who hodl.

I doubt that degenerate gamblers were smart.

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>unironically looking at RSI after a manipulated ATH of 20k

it will be a fakeout to $5k then it will not sustain and drop. start selling at $5k to $6k you can buy back sub $3k in 70% likelihood.

correction it's the bottom when the volume is flat and dead but the price holds.

the fakeout to 5k I was expecting already happened and it fell way short of my targets. imo we are in a stretched out version of the sept 14 - jan 15 capitulation cycle.

Ever notice how these bull posts suddenly pop up on this board before a major downturn, makes you wonder


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>Q4 2019
So btc isn’t dried up, AND there’s time travelers. Nice

looks to me like were actually here

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here is the missing volume from FAGGOT OP's image. as you can see, OP is indeed a faggot

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Usually we have bearish divergence when we approach that line. This time it's bullish divergence.

so another 6 months of bear at least?

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Oh fuck. SELL

John Titor has been posting here for a while. That itself should tell you were btc is going.

That's good you want to accumulate as much as you can through DCA

talk to me when a cucumber breaks the fucking shit out of that line.

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thanks, will buy in september

buy often and equal user, don't want to miss out on a 10x because you wanted 1x more gains by buying in at once

It was fun meme'ing with you gentlemen

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Sorry but for some magical but certain reason bitcoin has to test 2k
We have the best wizards here at biz litterly CRYING
That's right big baby bear tears that btc HAS to drop

Wrong retard

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You're comparing different parts of the vyvle because you're too stupid to understand it

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I just realized I am arguing with the same window licker in two different threads. I'll see you at the 300 MA faggot. dont @ me

>thinks many of us didn't take most profits in January
>still thinks this is the bottom
no need to sound so butthurt anons, but even if you DO think this is the bottom, I don't know why you think we'll make any significant moves upwards from here for another 1-2 years.

Anyway, its fun watching you guys get excited over short-term gains only to have it drop again. Jow Forums wouldn't be the same without you

You're the same stupid fuck that was making those retarded threads yesterday. You checked LiteCoins chart lately tard? You're about to get destroyed.


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Unironically surprisingly good TA

It'll go to zero

Hey queers, you're shorts are losing value

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