My ex-boss is trying to sue me

>quit job a month ago
>didn't have any handover checklist or anything, literally drove in on my last day, dropped off work phone, laptop, keyfob and left cause no managers were there
>bosses treated me like shit in last 2 weeks
>few weeks later get a text of boss asking for Windows Hello PIN
>block his number cause I don't work there anymore and it is easy to format laptop / bypass that
>co-worker still there says they're gonna try and sue me for the value of the laptop
>got a voicemail from a different boss, deleted and blocked that number
>got an attempted recorded delivery letter from their address

How do you get Mr Shekelberg to realise you don't work there anymore? I just wrote up a letter saying I forgot the PIN and here is a link to a bootable USB, step by step how to reformat laptop, and that they need to cease and desist attempting contacting me.

Co-worker says they are leaving voicemails and letters to build up a case to sue. All because they didn't do a proper handover and are fucking useless at IT.

What do?

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Let him tuck your wife, that’s what I would do

you did nothing wrong here.
if they can't even boot from usb, fuckem.

tell them you forgot

Set their place on fire.

Can I get them for harassment if they continue to attempt contacting me after this cease and desist request?

They are starting to ask my co-workers who I still talk to outside of work to contact me. It's fucking annoying.

Kek this story is absolutely based. Good job OP.

nevermind, looks like I can't read

I haven't said that yet. I've just ignored them. But now they keep trying to threaten legal action via my co-worker friends acting as messangers.

Gonna post that letter tomorrow though saying I forgot the PIN.

looks like I REALLY can't read

One up them and get your lawyer to send a cease and desist.

Wow, you’re a cunt. Id sue your ass as well.

You need to let them know that you are not fucking around with this. Don't fucking contact them directly.

Depends how much the laptop is worth. I would say just ignore it unless you get a court summons. You can state your case in small claims court, if they bother with taking the time to do it (they won't, they would just sue instead of calling you). They have the laptop, it works. There is no way they would win the case

Counter sue for harassment. They're fucking retards and have no legal standing to sue you, they're just trying to powertrip and intimidate you.
Remember, log everything, record phonecalls with your coworkers, start gathering evidence.
you don't need to post anything. don't interact with them at all. just make it clear that you're not some pushover and are not gonna capitulate and take their bullshit and they'll fuck off.
iirc consultation with an employment lawyer should be free. there's like 7 agencies in my city, google search one and give them a call.

>Can I get them for harassment if they continue to attempt contacting me after this cease and desist request?
that's not how a legal cease and desist works

just to clarify, you really should talk to an actual lawyer instead of taking the advice of autists on an anime imageboard.

Fuck that. At my job if you get fired you are immediately escorted out by security, yet you're expected to give two weeks notice. I generally give two weeks to not burn bridges, not because I care what the bosses think.

It is a Surface laptop.

I just want them to leave me alone really. I suppose if I did post a letter saying I forgot the PIN, shouldn't that stop them in their tracks?

How can you sue someone for a PIN that they don't remember.

that could be anywhere from $100 to $1500. How much it is worth? That will effect whether they would file a small claim or something with actual lawyers involved

>quit my job as password holder
>heard they were buying a system to automate my job so I said, "Fuck this place. There are LOTS of password holder jobs"
>get a call after I left
>they want me to do more work for free!!
No way Jose I told them. Heh
>not posting this thread multiple, multiple times

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Do you think a cease and desist is a restraining order or something? tuk tuk tuk... this is all on you, moron

I'd say about $900, was about a year old

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I wouldn't send them anything!
Don't say you forgot the are saying your guilty! They will use that letter against you!
What did your employment contract say about handover/Quitting? You have to figure out what it says! The case is going to rely on that!
No matter what, if this goes to court, COUNTER CLAIM!
Also if you speak to an ambulance chaser & they don't want to counter claim, leave!

No matter what read you employment contract!

lol they cannot do anything.

fuck them and ignore them.

It says hand over company property, which I did. Does not mention passwords to own account. They are trying to say that they can't use the laptop due to not having a PIN, but a 5 min search brings up multiple ways to either reformat the drive or bypass a PIN.

So I should just keep quiet and see if they actually try to sue? The letter they sent today bounced cause I wasn't home, and is now at the post office. Should I collect and sign notifying them receipt of delivery or just let it get returned to sender?

Just ignore it. They're trying to scare you into cooperating. Suing you would be a waste of time, and they would lose. They don't have a right to your data. There have been many court cases over this. You only owe them the hardware.

tell them PIN number and move on with your life you stupid autistic zoomer

stop burning bridges you dumbfuck millennial

i've been able to get letters of rec from every one of my previous bosses

lol based

>b-but in a free market, bosses would treat workers well!

They don't have a legal case against you, OP, if your contract has been terminated. If for some reason they don't have the organizational skills to control their passwords or even the capability to format a computer, too bad for them. It would be the same as suing any passerby on the street for the same reason.


You should've just ceased all contact with them. They're fucking with you to 'build a case' yet it'd cost them more in money to have a lawyer attempt to write you a demands letter and threaten to file a suit against you than for them to even buy a new laptop. Stop talking to them and maybe email an attorney with your situation to see if there's anything you legally should do, and if there's any chance of whipping your dick out to tell them to fuck off.

abdolutely based and redpilled

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lmao why you even answering them? just ghost them. If lawyers contact you, ghost them too.

I don't blame you for what you did but check your employment contract.

If it says you owe them all employee data upon termination they may have a leg to stand on in court.

These days the dispute comes down to that employee contract

Boot-licker goy

Hahaha! What a tenacious malevolent organisation. All that effort for a shitty laptop they have in their possession. Get a lawyer and counter sue of millions viz the harassment and emotional distress you have suffered. Get the lawyer on a CFA (you only pay if they win. They will ask for circa 30% of damages, but this is the safest way of doing it). You might be able to get a nice settlement.

Don't sign for the letter! They are serving you! Let it get returned to them...
If the post man comes & your home, don't sign for it! The only issue is these guys sound cuntie so they might send a sever to your house...
See an astute lawyer would say that the PIN is company property....
Its not their job to understand IT...btw...The judge wont either most likely

I would say speak to an ambulance chaser! as each jurisdiction is different!

How I would deal with this....NOT RECOMMENDED
FYI if they put a letter in regular post its presumed delivered! so mark it RTS & post it back. part of the issue with post is...a contact is created between the sender & the UPU (Universal Postal Union)...the envelope is the contact as the stamp has been franked! I would put a stamp that has a fiat base (1 cent stamp) wright RTS over the stamp & sign. Create your own contract with the UPU...Get them involved & say that the company is using the mail system to commit fraud.

>Its not their job to understand IT...btw...The judge wont either most likely

But it is my job to solve their IT issues when I do not have an extant employment contract? Noted on the post thing - judging by the responses here seems like ghosting is the best method.

All this could have been avoided if you provided the PIN retard. Now you're wasting everyone's time all because of your retard move.

basically this, I dunno if they have a case or if what you did was illegal, but why burn bridges unnecessarily? There goes any sort of recommendation or reference you could have gotten.

Its just unbelievably petty

They burnt bridges with me. I quit because I have a new job, they told clients I got fired.

Reference was from a co-worker not a boss.

This lmao fucking sperg

All i am saying if they get some Johnnie Cochran type,He will say the PIN is actually is btw! Thats the thing with law...its all colorable law, i.e not based in reality

IF you have the PIN just give it to colleague...

sue for libel / defamation. Falsely telling clients that you got fired could seriously hinder your ability to make important industry connections etc.

Alternatively if you’re looking for a more cost effective route to revenge, why not egg their office building ? Or cold call the boss every night at 0300. Lots of options user.

Ask premium dollar to start remembering

What a shitshow of a company. I would personally sue or threaten to sue

If you sent them the information, it's on them. They should have an IT system that doesn't depend on you giving them passwords.

You have no obligation here.

Nice quads, although I think that would be blackmail type shit m8

>withholding the password, intentionally trashing the company because you're SO smart and want to school them on IT practices
lmao just text the password you sperg, only god will judge you.

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why don't you just give them the PIN though?

based thread

Why not just give them the PIN, is there porn on the laptop or something? This thread makes no fucking sense, sounds like you don’t want them to be able to use the company laptop because they were mean to you during your last 2 weeks?

How hard is it for people just to ignore shit? Employers cannot do anything and would get fucked over at a tribunal when you quit and they harass you.

t. told my last boss to hire pajeet if she thinks he can do my job better and walked out.

That company is now bankrupt

No I cleaned the laptop before handing it back of any personal files etc.

I am doing it mainly to piss off Mr Shekelberg because of being mistreated, and now them expecting me to oblige them with requests when I quit over am month ago.

not cleaning up your hdd with a nice
dd if=/dev/urandom
not gonna make it


Ah yes tucking in the ole wife, quite the charmer

Finally some sense in this wasteland of a thread.

The time you spend thinking and shitposting about this problem could have been avoided by telling them a number. Why do you love artificial drama? Get your priorities straight in life, fucking hell.

I thought you all hated Mr Shekelberg

Anybody who is telling you to hand over the pin is a faggot & they should be ashamed of themselves.
See a lawyer, make them regret overstepping their bounds. They told clients they fired you & are asking your friends to harass you.

It would be side splitting if you told your lawyer the real reason you had to quit is because of mr sheckelstien's constant sexual innuendos & long lingering stares at your crotch.
You can't lose & it will destroy the little faggot forever.

Similar thing happen to me It was a security job. Quit on the spot and walked out of my post. The boss kept blowing up my phone for about 3 weeks. They wanted me to give back the company equipment (badge, uniform gun belt etc) just ignored it until they gave up.

Just don't do anything, the amount of time and money it would take to actually sue you isn't worth the cost of a computer. They're just throwing shit to see if they can spook you into giving in.

Difference is you kept physical company property though

so to get this straight you have handed over everything that was company property over and all you think they are trying to sue you for is the password to being able to access the device? then dont give them shit if you want to make their life difficult. idk sounds like you had a pretty bad relationship working there can we get a story?

Yes they think they need the pin otherwise the laptop is rendered useless. Totally not the case - the drive isn't even encrypted.

>leave big finance firm in early 2018 to startup type small firm
>honeymoon period was ok
>hours slowly creeped up, workload creeped up
>found myself working insane hours as were all the other grunts
>no pay rise despite used as carrot on a stick
>failed self funded prof cert exams due to work pressure
>hired a bunch of roasties on higher salaries with 1/4 the amount of work
>started to push back, made myself a target
>after Christmas contacted a recruiter, got several interviews in one week
>boss micromanaged the fuck out of me - constant updates etc
>got offered better job with higher pay
>boss was mid micromanage rant and I quit
>handed in notice but they made me "work from home" for last 2 weeks

Too many narcissistic egos at management level. Unpaid overtime wageslave millenials under a bunch of boomers. Was fucking hell.

definitely don't stalk them and damage/destroy whatever or whoever is important to them in their life to send a message. that's illegal.


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Just start billing them for consulting work. Most places charge a minimum of one hour even if it is just a single 30 second phone call or text. They will leave you alone after they realize it 10+ hours each week at a $150/hr rate.

How can you get someone to pay a bill that they didn't agree with?

I just googled windows hello and what is this faggotry.
Why would you tie your hardware to a single person's body ?

>I send a letter
Stop responding to anything without going through your lawyer first. There is literally nothing to gain for you, but you might say something that can be used against you in court.

He doesn't want to give them the PIN because it will give them access to all of OP's files. OP is not telling us the full story. If I had nothing to hide I would give them the PIN. Think about it...

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Easy. Just explain that you don't work for free and any further communication will be billed at your usual consulting rate of $X/hr. Then if they continue to ask for help with running their business you type up an invoice and threaten legal action if there is failure to pay.

Sounds like you're just a pedo or something. Normal people don't think the way you do. Kill yourself.

So why doesn't he just give them the pin?

Listen, what id do if i were you, i would tell them that i will come to the office the very next day, and if they give you an hour of alone time with laptop you will sort it out. Then you have multiple options:

Either install some kind of malware so you are in control of laptop and can see whats going on on its camera, I bet they do the nastiest things infront of it, and if you film it you basicly get to extort them for cash.

Or simpler and probably a better idea since youre a pajeet for asking this here, take a shit on it, close it , leave when no one is watching.

Three words OP: "Department of Labor"

Report them right now, no warning.

They are building a case to sue you instead of hiring a new IT person? Glad you left, user. LOL

Offer to consult for them at 3x pay and hours set in stone by you.
Be the jew you always hated op

You have mental health issue? some disabilities?

Why not just quit job like normal human being? You know people normally leave on good term right? stay in touch with old colleague? go visit them once in a while?

Just fucking see an employment lawyer holy shit you fucking retard

Based Milton


Just ignore 100%. Return all physical assets then ignore. Do not accept certified mail. Hang up immediately. Do not talk to former coworkers. Do not go anywhere near the premise. Do not send any letter. Get on with your life. You morally and legally owe them nothing. Stop wasting your time worrying or even thinking about them. Make sure to get your last paycheck then move on. Ignore 1000%.

because he's doesn't want them stealing all his lolis

The laptop probably had important irreplaceable documents, software and the like on it or else they wouldn't be so persistent, and OP is demanding they format it instead of taking two seconds and simply telling them the PIN like a normal fucking person because he doesn't want them to see the browser history and "special folders" that he forgot to erase. He would rather get rightly sued for damages than have to reveal all the porn he was watching on company time while "working from home". This is 100% what's going on and the fact some people are taking OP's side just because he posts here is pathetic. Imagine if it was you:

>autistic humorless creepy retard nobody likes suddenly quits and desperately demands you delete months of data spreadsheets, software etc. because he doesn't want you to find out he's a faggot pedophile

I hope they go through with suing you OP, if the laptop weren't greater than the sum of its parts they would have backed off by now and you know it. Enjoy prison you kiddy diddling fuck

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Normalfag goy cuck

Sweaty saucer nipples-having fat greasy faggot bitch

>I cleaned the laptop before handing it over
>but I'm so desperate to avoid them accessing the computer as-is that I'd rather spend hours dealing with their requests and even make a thread on Jow Forums asking for legal advice than take less than five minutes to tell them how to unlock it
>"dis is abowt pwinciple!"

LOOOOOL you're as good as gassed, kike.

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"I deleted the files on the computer" is just as believable a yarn as "I forgot the PIN to the work computer I'd been using every day for months if not years up until the day I left". If you knew they were going to have to reformat it anyway you wouldn't have bothered to delete anything in advance. Holy shit you're lucky these boomers are probably bluffing you sick, twisted degenerate. CONFESS

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>>got an attempted recorded delivery letter from their address
Ye steb a nigger or two on the parking lot after hours. I think wageslaves need to drastically escalate their response to the corperate jew

OP here. All files were stored on a cloud drive rather than locally.

Lmao at the bootlickers upset that op isn't bending over for his dickhead ex bosses

If anyone could sue op it's you for libel, them telling your clients you were fired is pretty serious

OP if what your saying about the company telling clients you were fired...I would contact those clients, get them to tell you what they where told...get them to e-mail you!

i cant tell if this pledge is trolling

you could just give him the fucking pin and stop being autistic manchild

>company being so craptastic that they don't have in-house IT that is a global admin and can reset/wipe any passwords/PCs with 1 button
>not even having a managed services provider that you can call to do a basic password reset

Jesus. just ignore them OP. counter sue if you get summons, fuck them.