The one argument that btfo all btc fanboys and they can not refute

Btc is a Ponzi scam. It doesn’t produce any added value it’s just an escalating game of musical chairs to see who will be the greatest fool left holding a flaming trash bag. Btc fanboys know this is true deep down but they pretend it’s not because they have no counter argument and it exposes their entire system as a Ponzi scam.

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2010 tier fud.

Because it was true then and it’s true now and it will always be true. You literally can not refute this so you posted a meme to cope.

BTC coiners should honestly go back to r/bitcoin where they belong
let them circlejerk about their store of value there

It’s actually currency and a store of value. But whatever.

>>doesn't know what a meme is
Oh man, you're obviously one of us, carry on sir. lol

Idiot. It’s not a currency because a good currency must be stable and it’s not a store of value because it just dropped 85% in one years time.

Of course it wasn’t a stable store of value during the bubble. But it is now. And I fully believe that it will grow in value and utility.

Coiners don't give a shit about crypto "technology", all they want is to make fiat (real) money as soon as some dumbass is willing to pay high enough for their useless numbers in a spreadsheet

Is this some weird fetish where you act as your own straw-man in an argument no one is having with you?

Technically a Ponzi scheme is centralised whereas BTC isn't. No one controls BTC 100% and will run away with your money. It's also useful as a dark web currency and casino token, some legit stores and businesses accept it as well.

I think people will always trade currency for what they desire. Whether it’s btc for fiat or fiat for an xbox or new car. People want what they want. But many of the people invested in crypto just want to see where this burgeoning technology goes.

OP btfo

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>It doesn’t produce any added value
except being uncofiscateable immune to censorship and inflation?
how about it's the only trustless permissionless public ledger that is secure to date?
that is the inherent value of bitcoin more real than any other physical asset of which there is always more.

Fiat is a Ponzi scam. It doesn’t produce any added value it’s just an escalating game of musical chairs to see who will be the greatest fool left holding a worthless paper bills. Fiat fanboys know this is true deep down but they pretend it’s not because they have no counter argument and it exposes their entire system as a Ponzi scam.

Right, the problem here is coiners praise this new currency/money yet will happily ditch it all for "real" money, like what happened during the bubble peak.
Every single coiner is a hypocrite

try any 3 year period! btc is the best store of value long term (not that 3 years are long term).

I bought $100 000 worth of BTC at 10k per coin a year ago and now my investment is only worth $38 000

Why do you say it's a good store of value?

>any 3 year period
>100k invested 1 year ago

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Who cares if that's true?

I am going to buy when it hits 2k then sell when its 50k+. These things WILL happen. I dont care if its all a ponzi scheme.

Well in a few months I will reach half of that of that 3 years period and I'm pretty sure my 100k will still be worth 30-50k. When does it get better exactly, in the last year of that 3 years period?

no one knows but considering we still haven't even hit the bottom of this bear market and cycles are taking longer to complete you will probably still be slightly under break even in another 1 1/2 years.

There are quite a few that have large bags of bitcoin and they're never selling. Same goes for people sitting on 1 btc. They're waiting for bitcoin to be usable everywhere

Yeah, so what. People use the currency that works for them. When crypto becomes more everyday usable, more people will use it. I use crypto almost everyday.

Imagine not understanding what a ponzi scheme is

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The USA printing trillions of dollars is a fucking ponzi. Fiat is the biggest ponzi out there.

> t. doesn't understand basic economic theory about pricing
Here's a simple question for you. Why aren't gold and non-synthetic gemstones ponzis?
Because it's still at the highly speculative stage. BTC isn't a good store of value/currency yet, but it has the potential to become a great store of value/hedge against the financial markets/currency. That's what gives BTC value today. Arguing that BTC has no value because it isn't a good store of value yet is like arguing that a company that doesn't pay any dividends yet has no value. The current value of an asset is a function of it's current utility AND it's expected future utility.

The US dollar is a Ponzi scam. It doesn’t produce any added value it’s just an escalating game of musical chairs to see who will be the greatest fool left holding a flaming trash bag. US dollar fanboys know this is true deep down but they pretend it’s not because they have no counter argument and it exposes their entire system as a Ponzi scam.

Tether is fiat and it’s artificially pumping btc

On what?

everything is a Ponzi scam, if you are looking from that perspective. Housing,stocks, money, "precious" metals...

Btc is just offering things other means of exchanges lacking; no centralized control, fast transactions and less middle man to take your money.

Btw pls don't buy, we need laggards to sell our bags when this thing bubbles up to stupid heights.

And that's why it's a ponzi scheme.

OP buy atleast a few btc for suicide insurance.
If you are dirt poor get 1 btc atleast.

That's all well and good, but in practice a few whales control most of the BTC supply.