If you were born a relatively hot woman, would you e-thot yourself?

If you were born a relatively hot woman, would you e-thot yourself?

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Nope I would work hard


source without blur pls

>He wants source on a basic white thot with a flat ass
Just lol

I would do the same thing I do now (youtube tutorials) but get four times the visits and half the respect. Not a bad deal, but forget ever be taken seriously if you're a woman.

she takes big dumps

This. I love brappers like all classy gentlemen here, but that is a pancake ass of level 4

only if my ass was like this

Attached: qt ass.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

you both are crazy, she's cute as fuck and that ass suites her

Really you only need to be like a 6/10 WITH makeup to make it as a ewhore


yes I'd livestream myself browsing the internet and responding to chat every now and then so I could be a NEET

I'd raid insta an make a biz out of that before I hit 30

Only if you ask nicely.

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Absolutely, but I wouldn’t be eating my poop like these South American freaks.

my dear sweet lord i need it for research purposes tonight

I would get a good provider husband and have lots of children. As all women should.

Any woman that doesn’t do exactly this deserves to be slut shamed and ostracized.

Aight. NakarySp on Twitter.

>eating my poop like these South American freaks
Ironically the girl is Venezuelan kek

second that oh faggot op fulfill us

>work hard your whole day for barely anything
>or sit my thicc ass down and play vidya and watch youtube all day, occasionally showing my cleavage or butt "on accident", for 100x the money I would get wageslaving

Big think.

If I start wagecucking soon and get my own place I'll do it myself (male). Get some girl clothes and shave all my body, create a findom twitter and a patreon, and use my creativity, I won't cam because I don't like entertaining people but I could consider being a twitch thot (male) since I play games. The hardest thing would be the voice on twitch, but instead of being erotic I could try to make it funny.
But right now I can't because parents at home. If you want to profit it's either that, or pimping e-girls but I don't know how would I do that (what to offer the girls since mods and shit do it for free)

well...that's disappointing...

No homo btw, I just have no shame. I just hope I don't get recognized with a bunch of makeup on

She has pancake ass. You have to be a virgin to think this. No wonder women can sit down and stream for 5 hours while bringing in 100k a month. Embarrassing.

I'd probably do faceless masturbation on pornhub. I can't believe the views and subs those cunts get.

Typical cracka ass...all back lmao

Stop watching porn

Not going for the beta bucks would be a waste of my depreciating assets.

Smart thinking if you are lanky and yonge, would do it but too masculine and a 30 yo boomer to pull off

defending a thot. what a beta cuck

>flat ass

Attached: DxPlWmEX4AEgZvk.jpg (672x889, 66K)

Seems like the path of least resistance.

how much?

Im gonna need some syrup for those pancakes. That ass is all back.

Roastied getting roasted. High five muh nigga.

one of us got laid last night and the other didn't

Loool. Look, she's still a good looking girl, but it's a little sad now when girls like this post pictures "flaunting" their ass.

She clearly does not work on her ass, it's pretty flat and has no definition. A week in the gym and that ass would look 10x better. It's an oversaturated market now, the e-thot/instagram thot world, so ass expectations are at an all-time high.

Doesn’t disprove anything, cuck

great analysis

Wtf that ass is so flat my nigga

based and brap-pilled


God damn. Nigger culture has unironically taken over the west, hasn't it?

t. sōy guzzler

If anything we are returning to the mean. Men always liked big butts. Only mentally ill boomer degens like twigs

>gets banned for holochain thread
>mods let this go

Most developed nations prefer slender bodies and/or big tits. If you give a shit about returning to the mean and other Primal Instinct bs then you should like BBW woman as well.

if you like fat women you are literally part of the prevolved masses

I don’t give a shit about what sōy guzzling sōyboys prefer.

Evolution is a hoax you ape.

>dumb nigger who can't appreciate a white woman

Point is any ass can be nice regardless of size as long as its shaped well. Tight curvy butt can be just as hot as a huge one.

Wasn’t the narrative that negroes liked white roasties? Muh huwite genocide etc.?

No, because I could easily get a high-paying, do-nothing corporate job over an equally qualified man or an equally-qualified, less-attractive woman. Possibly even over a more qualified iteration of those.

Why not work hard at e-thotting?

fuck off stacy


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