Congratulations! Your bags have mooned 1000x and you are now a wealthy man
How many days of shitposting, vidya and lambo rides does it take before you become incurably bored?
Congratulations! Your bags have mooned 1000x and you are now a wealthy man
I think I'd last about six months
i'm incurably bored trapped at a place i can't escape from for more than 2 weeks per year
im a brainlet and ive spent time in hell so i dont think id ever get bored of it. id be thankful
I have so much traveling I want to do, and hobbies I want to pursue at a high level. I don't see myself getting bored, and if I do I'll just start a business.
thousands of years
I could sit on my NEET ass and just vape weed and grow weed
Being rich with no projects is like getting to the end of GTA when you have all the cars/guns/properties, have done all the missions and have nothing left to do. Incurable boredom. You have to start the game over at that point. That's what happens when you "make it"
pee pee poo poo
but 1000x is just what I need to break even...
this desu.. i already do it and im broke and its all i would care to do if i was rich
>Implying I'm not going to use the money to buy a business.
this is why (((they))) are into satanic shit like worshipping moloch and doing those blood sacrafices of raped children and shit.
i don't need to work at a company to work on project
I am already a neet and don't get bored, ever. With money I'll just have more freedom as I'll leave my mommy's house.
Keep coping wagie
im ok financially and retired and have absolutely no projects going on for years
i own vehicles. waiting for real estate to go down before i get a mortgage. i browse Jow Forums, cook food, and walk in nature with my dog. i might start playing vidya but probably not
i know how bad life can be, because ive been there. im happy with what ive got
Bitch. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be a poorfag with no money for food or how you will pay for your electricity bill. If my bags moon 1000x I will be grateful as fuck for the rest of my life. I will never get bored of knowing i can afford to eat tomorrow.
I never said you did
im already bored, i want to make it to avoid stress, anxiety and depression.
i will worry about existential emptiness when i have to, but not yet.
I could quite my job and solve the oracle problem if i was rich.
I have plenty of interests that require money. Travel to Normandy beach, astronomy, photography, drones, programming games
>not being able to afford food but internet
you have to check your priority i fear
i would get into yoga and all that shit, get better at coding, and work on stuff that may or may not make me even more money
hey boomer, zoomer here, if you do take up vidya you should play Rust on PC, hardcore survival game and super fun, play with me :)
I'd start an Asian harem.
That'll keep me entertained for the rest of my life
This. I'm poor as well and having fuck you amounts of money would just entertain myself for life. I would find joy and thrill each day just by checking my bank accounts. Don't even make me start on actually spending it.
Sad/bored/unfulfilled rich people need to kill themselves and give the money to people who actually should be rich.
ive never played PC games and the whole keyboard mouse thing seems uncomfortable compared to a controller
the xbox one s and ps4 have crossed my mind. it just seems like a big waste of time. lord knows i wasted a lot of time playing sega genesis
I'll make shit up on the spot for entertainment.
For example: I'll hire 2 nerds from graigslist and force them to do a Yu-gi-oh battle. They have to make sounds like they're getting hit everytime they lose lifepoints
>Sad/bored/unfulfilled rich people need to kill themselves and give the money to people who actually should be rich.
and when they get bored they kill themselves and give the money to even poorer people and so on.
My dream is just to stay away from normalfags as much as possible and be a NEET or something like that, you don't need much. I wouldn't be opposed to work though and I don't think I would even get bored of that since I'm doing it now
Not having to worry about money means I could spend all my time doing things I enjoy. I could also take up additional hobbies
Finally buy my own place, nothing fancy but not shit hole tier. Literally wake up when I want to unless I have necessary appointments that are during wageslave hours, have enough energy to do literally whatever I feel like. More passion and drive then ever before.
Pursue some passions since I have the freedom to not worry about making sure the next job I take I will get paid (acting, youtube, streaming, cooking, things that are shit tier to make a career out of unless you have a foundation or launchpad).
Work on my portfolio on the side so I don't get too lazy unless a passion works out properly. Fluctuate between that and playing games with m8s whenever.
Other than that, learn languages, instruments, cooking skills, practical plumbing/ maintenance for upkeep on future house by myself. Woodwork, fitness, programming, just learn anything properly, maybe get qualifications in a few too if I find I'm great at some and can get paid more for them too. Pay for teachers when necessary.
Make life easier for the wifey, the eventual kids and myself at the end of the day. Important thing is to live moderately so I can ride another 1000x train in the future and leave money for future family once I'm deed. Maybe try and reunite some missed family connections due to unfortunate events. Leave a legacy somewhere along my path, fine if that doesn't happen though because future is taken care of literally no matter what I do.
Unfortunately because I am a fucking idiot I will still care what others think of me no matter what I do from the list above, and no matter how much I make it. If I could pay for a surgery that would remove that part of my brain and allow me to still function normally I would do it too.
Fuck that degenerate shit. I am getting a 17 year old white European waifu and we are going to live on a big farm and have a big family.
please be real
I only shitpost and barely play vidya because I'm poor. If my investment increased by 1000x then sure as hell would quit this place and start "living" life.
>If my investment increased by 1000x then sure as hell would quit this place and start "living" life.
how? if your skill set is shitposting and buying cheap internet money how do you think you would fit in with normies/other successful people? At best they would ostracize you and at worst steal from you
i am real. one of my favorite games was kid chameleon. i beat it many times and you could beat it differently each time. i beat all the sonic the hedgehog games. i remember dr robotnics mean bean machine, it was kind of similar to tetris. also remember street fighter.
i also had a game genie, which is what life would be like if your bags mooned 1000x. And game genie was fun
I think he means he'd have more opportunity to try new things because of financial security. Shitposting online is relatively cheap
i know about game genie, i've watched avgn back before
here, i'll throw you a bone, old geezer, you seem nice
if you get a decently powerful computer, not only can you play modern PC games on the PC using a PS4/xbone/whichever controller you want, you could also use the PC to play(emulate) pretty much any game on any game console prior to the ps3 era
>kid chameleon
That shit was hard. The levels where the left side is chasing you along? Fuck that
never, I'm already on year 4
I will never be bored.
well. considering i've been doing that my whole life. meh. the money will go to good use to progress the species, and increase my wealth further more through trading and stuff.
I'd probably finally have time to finish my songs. I have almost a thousand of them, most of them semi-recorded, waiting to be mixed and mastered... But I don't have time. If I wouldn't have to spend 8+ hours a day working, maybe I could actually leave something of value after I die.
If I had weed I could probably do it forever.
I like playing golf. Something you can play forever, all over the world. Gets you out, drink and smoke if you want to, play at your own rate, continuous improvement. Golf is the ultimate patrician game
Gaming is waste of time even if you have made it. And to zoomers who haven’t made it stop gaming asap.
This but I would make sure they're hookers
5 days
the rest of my life or until I can 2-all every shmup... so the rest of my life
Give me $1k worth of legos and I'll be long in the grave before I get bored
You need a hobby and volunteer
I was unemployed for 6 months about 7 years ago.
I was still playing football and going to the gym and sometimes it was dull because I had no money but other times it was extremely comfortable and for the first time in my life I could understand people who were long term unemployed. But doing nothing and having no money is crap.
If I was really wealthy I would take up kart racing before progressing into actual cars. I'd have all week to practice in my simulator do I'd get better quickly.
I'd ski in the winter and surf in the summer.
I'm excited to live that life, but I need a lot of luck (link) for it to become a reality while I'm still young and beautiful.
That was never the goal.
This is when my quest begins.
>I would find joy and thrill each day just by checking my bank accounts.
no, you wouldn't.
You're just poor and that's why you think that, but once you get an enormous amount of money, you get used to it and then see it as the new normal.