So what did he mean by this?

So this is interesting news. Sergey's presentation folder. You know what this means right?

Attached: 1551890273747.jpg (800x453, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sergey absolutely, unequivocally, indubitably had a meeting where he explained LINK to Facebook. That happened.

Chainlink will be included in Facebook's blockchain plans.


>Not realizing Mark Zuckerberg told him to wear the same shirt everyday because it will help give him credibility when they both present this to government officials

Mods are banning people for posting this picture for 2 weeks. Enjoy your vacation lol

This clearly isn't his computer. It's in French. Last time I checked Sergey was a Russian scammer.


Doubtful. It's a fucking graveyard in here anymore. Evan Cheng could do an AMA with Sergey and the thread won't even get 50 replies.

It's the ETHCC presentation laptop, brainlet. The files are in english on a thumbdrive.

what the fuck you mong delete this immediately

It's his drive being accessed. Just face it. Don't fight it. The singularity is near.

If you are not by now all in in chainlink you are stupider than aboriginal niggers.

Good enough explanation. I'm a retarded faggot that doesn't use an iToddler laptop.

I've got over 100k user. Sorry you aren't a first pager like me. This shit is going to be everywhere by summer anyway. You better keep spending your Mickey D's checks on more LINKies. Your time is running out.

What is an external drive

stop struggling.....let it happen

It happened twice by the looks of it

some1 aware me what's going on here

Look at the file names


any idea when Facebook will release it's blockchain plan?

grow up faggots, no one wants your bags or a free a shirt

Attached: Screenshot_20190304-120255_Chrome.jpg (1440x771, 490K)

Attached: You-will-not-see-your-childhood-characters-with-the-same-eyes-after-seeing-the-art-of-Miguel-Vasques (700x874, 93K)

kek. Sergey is getting despaired in his attempts to pump the price

Attached: images (2).jpg (250x202, 8K)

Kek is toying with us

It means he made a presentation for Facebook. It doesn't mean they are going to use Chainlink.

It means he downloaded all of Perianne's and Blythe's pictures before they blocked him

Please do the needful and take the poo to the loo pajeet.

>Traction June 2018
>Traction Tec...June 2018 2

Alright autists, let's work our magic:

looks like he made a 2nd presentation too. Yes, no interests right there.

Monitoring this thread. I love autists

Attached: FDAE64AA-F7AA-4865-B4D7-CDAB5DD1AEA7.jpg (1079x1079, 124K)

you should consider a career as a special ed teacher

god I love dua. why cant she be my gf? I will trade 10k link for her

Attached: 955iagdjx9f01.jpg (1242x1925, 181K)

Anyone who believe the singularity is a meme, will unironically kill them selves.

keep dreaming, late adopter.

This is the good old fashioned autism I've been missing

Haters are trying too hard. She’s lovely.
Would only trade about 300 LINK for her though.

Attached: 263EF41E-8D94-4170-AA27-290414200066.jpg (564x314, 26K)

Monitoring this picture. I love Camel Toes

wtf is this real? Fucking Facebook...there it is jesus

alright fine you chodes, i'll do my own digging. traction technology partners was founded by erick schonfeld in 2015. prior to that erick organized the DEMO Fall 2104 event, which sergey presented at in front of a panel which included early coinbase investors:

that's all i've got for now

facebook is old news amigo. with evan cheng as an advisor it's no surprise, but it is reassuring to see what appears to be proof of a presentation delivered by big man serg

Kek. He has a partnership drive called NONAME because they are all literally who's?

Wtf... the old thread is gone. The image was a zoom of the filename. Are mods really deleting this?? Why?

Sweet summer child

My frens. We are about to cross on the daily. it happens tonight.

You say that every night Rebecca!

Can anyone tell what the part that looks like "SVIA_Insurance...mit_2019_V3" means? Maybe we can verify if there's a conference he'll be attending in 2019 with that name to prove that the rest of the folder is real?

This maybe?


Attached: c00790b9e6d8481682db0f5630c9566c.jpg (1083x704, 447K)