You MUST post ITT if you're waging right now


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Is there any other way?

Medical billing guy reporting

Wagey Wagey stuck in his cagey
Wants to play but then he's lazy
Making schlomo super rich
He larps online as his only kicks

Wagey wagey dont you see?
You bare the brunt of society
Without you it will all collapse
So take your minimum wage and a pat on the back

Wagey wagey dont pull that trigger!
Dont you want boomers bags to get bigger?
Wagey wagey stop tying that noose!
Moshe Sheckleburg wants a gold caboose
Wagey Wagey put down those pills!
That's a joke, just pay your bills

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Bear the brunt.


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Kill me.

It's an oxycodone you dent

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i work in mortgage and were getting audited. one of the managers is making me do the entire audit by myself. should I kill him?

Ross is a kike

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Sort of. Working from home. Feel unproductive but at the end of the day it's not so different than when I'm in the office. There's just a bit more guilt not being there physically.

i know this feel

> guilt
Uncuck yourself goy.

It's not that I'm on thin ice, but I'm disposable like any other office pleb in the corporate world and happen to really like my boss. But I agree with that sentiment in general. Desu I've wondered if being laid off in the traditional sense would lead to better things.

>happen to really like my boss


Who else /oil/?

Hopefully, I'll start waging next week after being a NEET for the past two years. $28hr not bad.

still waging

Waging in my own company, does that count?

Yezzir. Making that money for my weekly BTC/ETH DCA

paid to stand
paid to sit
paid to work
paid to shit

>mfw I actually prefer to be in my job rather than in house or any bar binge-drinking.

I really don't know how to feel.

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Paid to develop. Blockchain dev for life.

freedom (temporary)