
How do I profit from basedboynization of society? Are the onions stocks for sale?

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100 years of letting Jews infiltrate and buttfuck your country, this is the result.

>implying that the 2017 pic is a representation of anywhere not in cuckifornia

Soi-lent truck

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buy disney and starbucks stock i guess

The guy on the left was gay

youd actually expect to see weird shit on the right in the 40s-50s too

and the guy on the right isn't?

Rock Hudson isn't that old ffs

No, why
Because he wears wacky clothes? That’s not how it works boomer

probably unironically downing in pussy. incels on Jow Forums just dont understand what shit women actually care about

Sell left wing bumper stickers for $10 and say that 20% of profits will go to oppressed minorities (make sure you use pics of brown woman/kids for this page). Then donate that 20% to groups that help white south africans

hes a fag

because the guy on the right is me....

im gay.

1917 my ass. That's mother fucking Cary Grant in the late 1940s.

Back when even the fags were based men

>then donate
why even bother at that poinr

>degeneracy is fine goy, you’re closed minded and old. A homophobe to boot, you’re the problem kekeke

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What happened to class? Pic related, it's me and my classy 50s inspired style. Men should be men.

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Based af

It’s never been proven that Cary Grant was gay, just highly suspected because he lived with a man who was a “friend” for many years.

He was also an incredible businessman and if I’m not mistaken, became one of the wealthiest people in Hollywood.

monsatan going down, too many cancer lawsuits

is it true?

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both of these pictures are extremes that don't exist en masse in any meaningful number

Well, they do say that all women are bi. Wouldn't surprise me if she would still drop her girlfriend for a good guy down the road.

>implying you yourself are not a sad reject of society, valuing your time so pathetically that you waste it on making a garbage thread to feel better about yourself by looking down on others.

So true. Few men like me are still keeping that old school cool and masculinity alive.

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Yikes. If you look like Chad, sure. But we know you look like a fat rat.

You realize it's a picture of two NPCs right? Both just doing and being what is trendy and expected in their time.

>unironically downing in pussy.
probably at most 5/10 pussy, and no one wants to drown in that kind of pussy

People talk about the decline of the West but what they fail to realize is we are witnessing a Generational shift. It happens with every generation, the boomers had their era and now you're watching it die slowly and painfully. Goldman sachs already removed dress code and that was a big deal and they did it because 75% of their staff was Gen Z/Millenial and clients are also the same and no open wants to deal with some yuppie in a suit.
Have fun in 5 years boomers the GREAT DIE OFF OF 2024 WILL BE GLORIOUS :)

underrated post

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Is there a list of cool 50s actors who weren't fags?
>Gregory Peck
>Humphrey Bogart
>Ernest Borgnine (? too early probably)
>Lee Marvin

Cary Grant was the mid-century Hugh Jackman.

Based, upvoted

U look good bro.

Humphrey Bogart was probably gay. He was scared to come out of the closet, and almost killed himself over it.

Marlin Brando and Richard Pryor were secret
lovers. Not even joking a little bit.

How else are you going to guilt trip normies to buy your overpriced $1 product


>implying you faggots aren't the original basedboys

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this has got to be shopped, right

I had to inspect it too, they all seem to have deformities

Have you seen Florida and Oregon as of late?